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Topic: Start a scandalous rumour about the person above you. - part 63
no photo
Thu 08/04/16 10:16 AM
He is wanting to be vice Dictator in Peggy's NWO... So he can rub her feet every day...

no photo
Thu 08/04/16 03:07 PM
2 em has hired an instructor to teach him how to twerk.

gbaie1234's photo
Thu 08/04/16 03:23 PM
Peggy is the instructor

no photo
Thu 08/04/16 03:33 PM
gbaie1234 is really miley cyrus!!

gbaie1234's photo
Thu 08/04/16 03:38 PM
2 email is robin thick

adivorcedone's photo
Thu 08/04/16 07:08 PM
She is a potential model who is vying to get status in the Playboy Mansion, but has to wait three more years....right now...she is jail bait....lol...

no photo
Thu 08/04/16 07:55 PM
DD owns the studio, where all these X-rated shootings take place

adivorcedone's photo
Thu 08/04/16 08:03 PM
Edited by adivorcedone on Thu 08/04/16 08:04 PM
Not all...just the one in my basement....

He was invited to the nudie beach for the photo shooot...he said he was not....up.....for it!!!

no photo
Thu 08/04/16 08:26 PM
He's really Hugh Hefner!

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Fri 08/05/16 11:13 AM
2em sleeps in a hot pink onezy

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Fri 08/05/16 11:16 AM
breaks into movie theaters and steals the left-over popcorn

no photo
Fri 08/05/16 11:19 AM
Stale popcorn. Yum yum!!!

While searching for his red wine , he drank two much beer and passed out in a drain

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Fri 08/05/16 11:22 AM
Thats not a rumor...its all truelaugh

While climbing Mt Everest she relized it was really a kids sand castle

no photo
Fri 08/05/16 11:32 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 08/05/16 11:34 AM
The event has been immortalised on youtube ohwell

After mooning a Stewardess on a plane, his flying privileges have been suspended till the year 2020

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Fri 08/05/16 11:36 AM
Ouch..that will make it hard to fly over and see youlaugh

She was late getting the dinner ready for her guests because the label said "bake at 425"

no photo
Fri 08/05/16 11:44 AM
He places vaseline on his teeth everyday in the hopes that his smile will glitter in the sun

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Fri 08/05/16 11:57 AM
Was seen using the transgender bathroom at a drag queen show

no photo
Fri 08/05/16 12:08 PM
He only drinks white wine...

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Fri 08/05/16 12:15 PM
Really doesn't know how to drive just likes to take selfies in cars

SitkaRains's photo
Fri 08/05/16 12:21 PM

Really is a secret agent stealing all the great written works of art and making a fortune

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