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Sun 10/29/06 01:54 PM
What does it take??
What do you need to see in these words??
Even the warmest eyes grow cold these days..
I feel mine icing over as the tears cink to the floor.
A thousand hooks pulling from all directions and
I am the fish out of water..
Who are you??
Where are you??
What does it take to move you?
How does your heart break and what song does it sing when it is alone???
I am full of questions these days among other things..
Where are we headed and why do i feel like I can't go??
They say babies grow 70 per cent less if they are not touched
I think we can all relate...
Have you read this??.....
Do your eyes linger over the periods?>> Or do you just skip ahead to the
I read the great writers on this page>> CCP SCG JT JIMI And so on..I
must confess I have not been moved to words..
Something in the genome
Something inside us..
Survival of the coldest maybe...
Maybe this doesn't belong iin this section at all..
Voicing my thoughts
Are they original??
How many of you have thought how many of these things..
How many of you feel alone even when surrounded by people??
How many of you have missed someone while they sit beside you talking??
As I sit here listening to Beth Hart I wonder??
Like the song says" I only wanted to be 16 and free.. WILL

no photo
Sun 10/29/06 02:06 PM
Will that was fu*king cool man

no photo
Sun 10/29/06 02:33 PM
If I had any answers they would call me a genius and I wouldn't be
asking the same questions and sitting in my little house alone like I
always am.Questions seem to make the world go round and e there are
never any real answers just more questions on top of questions on top of

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Sun 10/29/06 03:37 PM
Love, Need, Greed,
Sadness, Gladness
A new baby just being born
looking through new eyes at this world
and seeing YOU
You're never alone, I am with you
The sky is the limit
just don't quit it
This road is never ending
the paths just twist and turn
Steps, baby steps slowly
moving forward
See me, Love me, Touch me, Feed me
Don't hide in the shadows
Let's bask in the morning sun
The world keeps turning, yes it's true
why do you feel they don't see You?
Scream, Shout, Whisper softly
Sometimes you just need to be still to hear
the wind blowing across the plains
bringing yet again
the seeds of a new harvest
reaping & molding a new heart...

Ontario's photo
Sun 10/29/06 03:38 PM
Lovely... full of flavor...!