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Topic: birth control for a 16 yr old
rayne70's photo
Mon 10/08/07 08:49 PM
i have a 16 yr old daughter who is getting serious with her boyfriend.but she lives with her dad and is afraid to ask him to put her on birthcontrol or buy comdoms for her.and she ask me to take her and get her some.but do i need his permision to take her. any advice would help. thanks

heatherrae's photo
Mon 10/08/07 08:51 PM
hmm. if he has residential custody u might want to call a family physician and ask them, they probably deal with that sort of stuff all the time. which parent has the right to take medical responsibility of the child. the dr.s office would know

heatherrae's photo
Mon 10/08/07 08:52 PM
whatever u do just make sure she is well prepared to be with her boyfriend. dont let legal issues get in the way of her being safe.

andreajayne's photo
Mon 10/08/07 08:56 PM
I thought clinics didnt need parental permission for those kinds of things. I know when I was in school, alls you had to do was go to the school nurse, and she would make an appointment for you and take you during school hours, and the parents were non the wiser.

Robm248's photo
Mon 10/08/07 08:57 PM
First... ask the physician and check online for state and federal laws or statutes regarding birth control. Most states have started programs to help prevent teenage pregnancy, and you are probably fine. Just check, it won't hurt as much as being wrong!
Hey, if she doesn't feel comfortable with talking to him about it make sure she is safe. Personally I'd make sure of that first, then ask her to consider slowing down. She can be serious about the relationship, but she's still only 16! Call me old fashioned if you want, but people change so much at that age! Just offer to talk it over with her, and make sure she's not just giving in to pressure or being afraid to lose him. Oh, and remember, make sure she's safe first!
Best wishes on it all!

Queene123's photo
Mon 10/08/07 09:05 PM
you cant watch your kids 24/7 but she should think more of her education and not boys, besides how old is he...... my daughter is now 24 and she had her oldest at 14 her 2nd at 17 and her 3rd almost 2rs ago

adj4u's photo
Mon 10/08/07 10:19 PM
depending on the area

she may just need a ride

call the health department and ask them

she may just need to go somewhere

to get them herself

not saying she should have to

but if that is the case

just go with her and co not sin anything

just a thought

but hey what do i know

adj4u's photo
Mon 10/08/07 10:22 PM
here you go

Prenatal and pregnancy-related health care: Minors may consent to prenatal and pregnancy-related care regardless of their marital status. A minor may also consent to the health care of his/her child (MCLA 333.9132).

michigan planned parenthood site

adj4u's photo
Mon 10/08/07 10:26 PM
Family planning devices and birth control information:
Minors may purchase contraceptive devices and receive family planning information (Carey v. Population Services International). Additionally, in Doe v. Irwin (U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Circuit, 1980) the court held that the distribution of family planning devices to minors without notice to parents was valid.

hotandspicey's photo
Mon 10/08/07 10:36 PM
Boy you are lucky she is asking!! go get that gal an IUD pronto!

adj4u's photo
Mon 10/08/07 10:40 PM
and condoms

iud is not effective for std

hotandspicey's photo
Mon 10/08/07 10:46 PM
yep that's right condoms too!!

Darn you know, it's been awhile for me! hehe!

TheCaptain's photo
Tue 10/09/07 04:03 PM
Is anyone going to say that maybe a 16 year old should wait to have sex? Okay, bash away.

AllSmilesInTulsa's photo
Tue 10/09/07 04:11 PM
Captain, I'm afraid it is unrealistic to think a 16 year old will not have sex. Kudos to the child that has come to her mother to get birth control!! If more children did that there would be far fewer unplanned teenage pregnancies.

TheCaptain's photo
Tue 10/09/07 04:15 PM
How young is too young to have sex. Maybe I am just out of the loop on this one.

no photo
Tue 10/09/07 04:16 PM
As far as I know, she can walk into any clinic, even herself and they will give her a free sample to get her going.

no photo
Tue 10/09/07 04:17 PM
But I am in canada where they have free-drop in clinics available, don't know if you have that in the states, if that is where you are.

Twitch's photo
Tue 10/09/07 04:18 PM
Rayne - that's a tough one. But your daughter came to you. In this day and age they grow fast. When I was 16 our biggest fear was getting pregnant -- today it's a nightmare. I don't know what kind of relationship you have with her dad -- but I'm sure even though he won't like it, I'm sure he'd want her safe. You can't watch kids 24/7 -- maybe you can try talking her out of it; but I'd get her protection and condoms, Good luck with your decison; it's not an easy one.

adj4u's photo
Tue 10/09/07 04:43 PM
if she is asking

she will be doing

why lecture

not our place to say

what she should or should not do

she asked about how to get help to birth control

not on what our opinion is

just a thought

but hey what do i know

unsure's photo
Tue 10/09/07 06:01 PM
You should be glad that your daughter feels that she can come to you! I do think you should talk to her about waiting..I know she won't because at that age they THINK they are truly in love and they think they know everything.
My question old is her boyfriend? So many times the younger girls go for the older boys. Just make sure there isn't an age problem to where he is 18. If he is 18 then that could become a legal issue.
The other question is...are you going to talk to her father? If he finds out that you that going to be a problem for you two? If you are anything like me...I hate drama with the ex, so I was wondering how you were going to handle him?

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