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Topic: Too BIG to Fall
Dodo_David's photo
Fri 04/17/15 09:09 PM

Which is worse, pork bellies or mushroom stamps?what

Pecker Tracks !

Chickens or turkeys?

no photo
Fri 04/17/15 09:31 PM
I'm going to let RockGnome answer that one.

Rock's photo
Fri 04/17/15 09:42 PM

I'm going to let RockGnome answer that one.

I've already given my word to Sassy.
No more urban dictionary comments from me.
... In this thread.

no photo
Fri 04/17/15 09:45 PM

I'm going to let RockGnome answer that one.

I've already given my word to Sassy.
No more urban dictionary comments from me.
... In this thread.


no photo
Fri 04/17/15 09:48 PM
surprised But RockGnome...

How will Virgin Ears ever get to know what that means ?

no photo
Fri 04/17/15 09:51 PM
I'm going to learn real fast... smokin

no photo
Fri 04/17/15 10:00 PM
It's Dodo David that's wet behind the ears ! slaphead

Rock's photo
Fri 04/17/15 10:04 PM

surprised But RockGnome...

How will Virgin Ears ever get to know what that means ?

You can 'splain it to them.

no photo
Fri 04/17/15 10:10 PM
************ Well, Good Night Everybody *************

(Lovequeen123 Can't Get Enough Of Me) spock smitten

uche9aa's photo
Fri 04/17/15 10:30 PM
Remember,Obama had a dream.When he is through with you yankees,you would be careful next time about sweet mouthed presidential candidates

no photo
Sat 04/18/15 12:07 AM
6 Big American banks to fall...soon.

I've been hearing/reading that for nearly a decade now.

Apparently they have been even MORE reckless than in 2008.

If you're basing it on the words, and amount of, "derivative exposure" from the collapse blog then I don't think you understand what derivatives are.

It would be MORE reckless to not have derivative exposure.
I mean mortgage backed securities are a derivative.
That's just a portfolio of a bunch of mortgages.
Are there any banks that don't offer home mortgages?
CDS are (at least can be and are used for) insurance against mortgage default.

If no one pays their mortgage, the MBS becomes worthless.
That's when the CDS kick in offsetting the failure of the MBS.
But they have "derivative exposure" for both.

The way the blog is using "derivative exposure" as a means to generate some sort of panic is like saying you've become reckless in your exposure because you not only have a car to get to work but you bought insurance for it too! They're both costs for things that could fail!

Other than that, the way the market is anymore, with company value based on who the hell knows what and p/e's for every single damn company (it seems) at least 20, hft's, dark pools, gold and oilercoaster ride, etc. I think "reckless" is the new norm.

Now what?

Good question! I think I'm going to go to bed soon. I'm tired and not thinking clearly anymore. I stupidly drank some milkshake later than I should have and all that sugar gives me nightmares unless I stay up long enough to work it out of my system.

What is the best & worst case scenario?

Best case is all the printed money starts working down the obamanomics trickle down QE slide creating lots of jobs, the psychological feeling of financial security and wealth, and stable prices, gdp magically rises, inflation stabilizes, and China is so happy that it forgives all debts, doesn't start its own international central bank, unpegs its currency, unionizes its factories, ends corruption, and adopts similar government agencies to the epa and the fda, and then demands all other BRIC and PIIG countries do the same, and they do, and everyone parties with free iPhones (and service) that are secured from the NSA.

Everyone becomes so happy that all weapons of any kind of destruction are rendered obsolete and the greatest competition running, in the new enlightened globalization based on cooperation, is Japans sexbots popularity vs. Sweden's genetically manipulated clone Ewok fck slaves.

Worst case scenario people continue to panic because they don't know how to critically read, someone releases super avian flu creating a bunch of big bird zombies that cover the streets in an offal mess due to rampant **** bleeding giving rise to mega parasite overlords that live in your ears called Scabes.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 04/18/15 12:59 AM

Remember,Obama had a dream.When he is through with you yankees,you would be careful next time about sweet mouthed presidential candidates

actually that Quote belongs to Martin Luther King,not to Obama!
Obama at best had a Nightmare!

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 04/18/15 01:01 AM
No worries,they will use 15% of the Monies in your Accounts to bail out the Banks this time!:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no photo
Sat 04/18/15 06:14 AM

6 Big American banks to fall...soon.

I've been hearing/reading that for nearly a decade now.

Apparently they have been even MORE reckless than in 2008.

If you're basing it on the words, and amount of, "derivative exposure" from the collapse blog then I don't think you understand what derivatives are.

It would be MORE reckless to not have derivative exposure.
I mean mortgage backed securities are a derivative.
That's just a portfolio of a bunch of mortgages.
Are there any banks that don't offer home mortgages?
CDS are (at least can be and are used for) insurance against mortgage default.

If no one pays their mortgage, the MBS becomes worthless.
That's when the CDS kick in offsetting the failure of the MBS.
But they have "derivative exposure" for both.

The way the blog is using "derivative exposure" as a means to generate some sort of panic is like saying you've become reckless in your exposure because you not only have a car to get to work but you bought insurance for it too! They're both costs for things that could fail!

Other than that, the way the market is anymore, with company value based on who the hell knows what and p/e's for every single damn company (it seems) at least 20, hft's, dark pools, gold and oilercoaster ride, etc. I think "reckless" is the new norm.

Now what?

Good question! I think I'm going to go to bed soon. I'm tired and not thinking clearly anymore. I stupidly drank some milkshake later than I should have and all that sugar gives me nightmares unless I stay up long enough to work it out of my system.

What is the best & worst case scenario?

Best case is all the printed money starts working down the obamanomics trickle down QE slide creating lots of jobs, the psychological feeling of financial security and wealth, and stable prices, gdp magically rises, inflation stabilizes, and China is so happy that it forgives all debts, doesn't start its own international central bank, unpegs its currency, unionizes its factories, ends corruption, and adopts similar government agencies to the epa and the fda, and then demands all other BRIC and PIIG countries do the same, and they do, and everyone parties with free iPhones (and service) that are secured from the NSA.

Everyone becomes so happy that all weapons of any kind of destruction are rendered obsolete and the greatest competition running, in the new enlightened globalization based on cooperation, is Japans sexbots popularity vs. Sweden's genetically manipulated clone Ewok fck slaves.

Worst case scenario people continue to panic because they don't know how to critically read, someone releases super avian flu creating a bunch of big bird zombies that cover the streets in an offal mess due to rampant **** bleeding giving rise to mega parasite overlords that live in your ears called Scabes.

Hhhaaaa.. love the way you think & process data with humor... & a bit of horror

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 04/18/15 07:49 AM
Remember,Obama had a dream.

huh Perhaps you should Google "I have a dream" before you say anything else that is blatantly wrong.

no photo
Sat 04/18/15 07:58 AM

No worries,they will use 15% of the Monies in your Accounts to bail out the Banks this time!:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

A flash back/ nightmare headache..
* I don't think there will be any 'March on Wall St protests this time. The media successfully squashed & discredited those protesters*

no photo
Sat 04/18/15 08:02 AM

Remember,Obama had a dream.

huh Perhaps you should Google "I have a dream" before you say anything else that is blatantly wrong.

I didn't get the impression he was referring to the famous, MLK Jr " I had a dream ". From his previous postings I assume he meant Obama's Dream for this country is actually a nightmare for it's citizens.

uche9aa's photo
Sat 04/18/15 09:29 AM

Remember,Obama had a dream.

huh Perhaps you should Google "I have a dream" before you say anything else that is blatantly wrong.

I didn't get the impression he was referring to the famous, MLK Jr " I had a dream ". From his previous postings I assume he meant Obama's Dream for this country is actually a nightmare for it's citizens.
Sure.You decoded the parable

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