Topic: Any Suggestions?
Glass_eyes's photo
Wed 10/10/07 12:27 PM
I'm sorry, didn't mean to double post. My computer took a dump.

KeepingTheFaith's photo
Wed 10/10/07 12:28 PM
How about materia, the midgar zolom, and maybe the ultima weapon as options...

Glass_eyes's photo
Wed 10/10/07 12:31 PM
Yeah, but I want to stay away from that if I can, since you really can't "hide" materia or other things like that in a FFVII picture.

Glass_eyes's photo
Wed 10/10/07 01:01 PM
hand cuffs

Glass_eyes's photo
Wed 10/10/07 01:02 PM
a lock

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 10/10/07 03:05 PM
Why not yourself? :tongue:

Glass_eyes's photo
Wed 10/10/07 03:51 PM
It's apart of the requirements. Besides, we JUST did a self portrait last week.

Glass_eyes's photo
Wed 10/10/07 04:35 PM
so...we're really not supposed to draw ourselves in it. maybe I can draw a corset...

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 10/10/07 04:44 PM
I know....draw the flying spaghetti monster with his noodly appendage reaching out! laugh

Glass_eyes's photo
Wed 10/10/07 04:48 PM
lol a flying toaster :tongue:

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 10/10/07 04:56 PM
I loved the flying toasters! I miss them so sad

Glass_eyes's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:04 PM
or anime boobs...LOL jk

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:07 PM
Or real boobs...wait I can't miss em if I never seen em lol laugh

Glass_eyes's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:10 PM
XDDD ha ha. i've probably seen more boobs that you! :tongue:

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:12 PM
Well you do have them on yourself so thats an advantage :tongue:

Glass_eyes's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:20 PM
i meant besides my own, silly face

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:24 PM
Well if you see them that much...than I'm hanging out at your house laugh

Glass_eyes's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:28 PM's kind of an everyday thing for me...not too out of the ordinary.

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:31 PM
So they come around and just flash you? Lets trade bodies for a few hours than! :tongue:

Glass_eyes's photo
Thu 10/11/07 03:50 AM
well they don't just flash me...(sometimes they do) lol. My one firend likes to show off her nipple piercings, and she just shows her boobs at random times...