Topic: aliens?
mightymoe's photo
Thu 04/16/15 12:09 PM

yeah right, those alien life-forms who have mastered interstellar space travel, want to remain secret from earthlings, and spend their time here diddling some farmers azz in idaho....i'm sure that would #1 on their agenda upon arrival....
aliens ? not yet.......more likely, secret military ops.witnessed by very few....jmo

i'm sure some are, anyway... but that doesn't explain anything before the secret military existed...

i look at that ancient stuff as word-of-mouth or carved-in-stone mythology....
as civilazation advances we put away, little by little, of the ideas that cannot be substantiated...if we were visited in the ancient times, don't you think aliens traveling at light-speed way back then would have returned by now ?

who said they ever left?

i can agree with that idea IF ALL humankind is the progeny of some type of alien life form...but not the idea, that aliens are dropping off a few of their own, every millenium or so just to observe things....

it's a theory by some alien investigators, not much proof of it as yet...

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 04/16/15 09:20 PM
Edited by Ladywind7 on Thu 04/16/15 09:22 PM
V .....

Oriental314's photo
Fri 04/17/15 01:46 AM
Okay,If aliens existed and some has believed that they came to earth to help us,human,by giving us advanced technology and knowledge...and if this the case,then why are they so elusive and want to remain secret from the ppl? Why are they only be contacted by our government? They're higher intelligence species than us so they gotta know about all ours form of government,which corrupted in all ages,and what's the point of helping earthlings when dealing with corrupted ppl..

Ladywind7's photo
Fri 04/17/15 02:14 AM
You are asking questions, noone has the answers to. :smile: All we can do is guess.

.... Intergalactic space traveler.
Comes to earth to make crop circles and steal a cow

It defies common sense.

Spike1964's photo
Fri 04/17/15 02:26 AM
Love aliens got the boxset on blu-ray lol.

Ladywind7's photo
Fri 04/17/15 05:12 AM

Love aliens got the boxset on blu-ray lol.

Are you sure they are not habitating the box set and observing you? Lol

christain1996's photo
Fri 04/17/15 05:26 AM
Well of course they may not be called that on there planet but there is plenty more planets in the galaxy just like us

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/17/15 09:16 AM

Okay,If aliens existed and some has believed that they came to earth to help us,human,by giving us advanced technology and knowledge...and if this the case,then why are they so elusive and want to remain secret from the ppl? Why are they only be contacted by our government? They're higher intelligence species than us so they gotta know about all ours form of government,which corrupted in all ages,and what's the point of helping earthlings when dealing with corrupted ppl..

helping us? why would they help us? my guess would be there was something, a mineral or element, on earth they want and needed workers to dig it out...

or just an expieriment, the same way a scientist creates a habitat for an animal or bacteria...

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/17/15 09:18 AM

Okay,If aliens existed and some has believed that they came to earth to help us,human,by giving us advanced technology and knowledge...and if this the case,then why are they so elusive and want to remain secret from the ppl? Why are they only be contacted by our government? They're higher intelligence species than us so they gotta know about all ours form of government,which corrupted in all ages,and what's the point of helping earthlings when dealing with corrupted ppl..

religious zealots would be the reason for non-discloser... if all the religions on earth suddenly found out the aliens were the gods, what do you think would happen?

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 04/17/15 09:22 AM

Okay,If aliens existed and some has believed that they came to earth to help us,human,by giving us advanced technology and knowledge...and if this the case,then why are they so elusive and want to remain secret from the ppl? Why are they only be contacted by our government? They're higher intelligence species than us so they gotta know about all ours form of government,which corrupted in all ages,and what's the point of helping earthlings when dealing with corrupted ppl..

Star Treck-Style?

no photo
Fri 04/17/15 09:28 AM
Conrad is right...

It would go against the Prim Directive. spock

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/17/15 09:34 AM

Conrad is right...

It would go against the Prim Directive. spock

i hate those prim directives...ohwell

no photo
Fri 04/17/15 09:44 AM
Well, it's better than being assimilated by the Borg ! smile2

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/17/15 09:59 AM

Well, it's better than being assimilated by the Borg ! smile2

i like the borg... a colony of space ants...laugh

no photo
Fri 04/17/15 10:18 AM
tears If You love the Borg... You'd probably love Castration, too ! sad

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 04/17/15 10:22 AM

no photo
Fri 04/17/15 10:26 AM
Yes, Seven Of Nine can blow my mind ! biggrin

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/17/15 10:28 AM

Yes, Seven Of Nine can blow my mind ! biggrin

among other things...drool

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/17/15 10:30 AM

tears If You love the Borg... You'd probably love Castration, too ! sad

i wouldn't say love it, but i don't need them anymore anyway...ohwell

no photo
Fri 04/17/15 10:37 AM
slaphead What You 'NEED' is a question of relativity, too, Moe !