Topic: Spring in Ohio
justme659's photo
Fri 04/03/15 10:01 PM
I am trying to think positive. Warmer weather, sunshine, and getting outside to enjoy it.

What is your favorite Ohio activity during the warmer months?

Mine is going to Lake Erie and just watching the waves crash on the beach.

justme659's photo
Fri 04/10/15 03:25 PM
The sun is shining, the grass is getting green, things can only be looking up from here.

no photo
Sat 04/11/15 08:34 AM
love lake erie. I was there 2-3 weekends ago and prob will go back next weekend

where is the lighthouse in your picture? I photographed marblehead last time I was up there

I go up mainly to go bird watching on the reserves. Marble head had some of the best open (not frozen ) water:thumbsup: :thumbsup: waving

justme659's photo
Sat 04/11/15 11:55 AM
Edited by justme659 on Sat 04/11/15 11:57 AM
If I remember correctly, that is the Toledo lighthouse.

Next time you take a drive to the lake, give me a shout out. I would love to be invited to go with you. LOL Nothing like inviting myself on an outing. LOL

I will show you around Geneva on the Lake. Some nice wineries up there.

honestyflow's photo
Thu 04/16/15 10:09 PM
Mine is fishing and kayaking on the rivers.glasses

no photo
Fri 04/17/15 06:12 AM

If I remember correctly, that is the Toledo lighthouse.

Next time you take a drive to the lake, give me a shout out. I would love to be invited to go with you. LOL Nothing like inviting myself on an outing. LOL

I will show you around Geneva on the Lake. Some nice wineries up there.

I usually go to Port Clinton. How far is Geneva on Lake from there? I can look it up on a map later toowaving

justme659's photo
Fri 04/17/15 01:05 PM

I usually go to Port Clinton. How far is Geneva on Lake from there? I can look it up on a map later toowaving

Port Clinton is in the West, Geneva on the Lake is in the East. Opposite corners. slaphead waving