Topic: welcome in india
happyrajput77's photo
Fri 04/03/15 06:46 PM

Joined Sat 01/24/15
Posts: 1
India is a great place to be visited.
Forts,Festivals like
Diwali,Holi,Ancient Hindu
Culture,Temples are the key words to
define it.
Except all this,
a healthy & peaceful
environment,bonds & love in the
hearts...Come on...This is it what
everyone wants from life
The spark missing everywhere...Yes
it is in India.
Come & feel the calmness,relief and
Anyone who feels screwed off by
life...Just visit & get reborn.

no photo
Sat 04/04/15 04:54 AM
Edited by WonderWoman48 on Sat 04/04/15 05:02 AM
You must be kidding.
India is the rape capital of the world.
Rape and violence on women have now reached an epidemic proportion in India.

prithvii1989's photo
Sat 04/04/15 05:40 AM

You must be kidding.
India is the rape capital of the world.
Rape and violence on women have now reached an epidemic proportion in India.

there are bad and good people everywhere. when any such things happen in our country our heads get down with shame.
i still remember one case and whenever i think of it my heart bleeds.
not everyone is rapist here its our land, we live here so we will never let it be a place of bad people. one day i will also be a father of a baby girl and i will never ever wish such thing to happen with her. so i will continuously try to make my motherland a beautiful place to live. and i'm not the only one who thinks the same and they have taken steps also to prevent anything to happen.

rape cases occurs everywhere throughout the world. i even searched for it in oslo also and there were cases of rape too.(not blaiming you or your country)

thank you for criticising us. one day i hope your views will change about my country.