A few years ago I was living in a mobile home that got hot in the summers and having no air conditioner, I often cleaned house in my swim suit, as I am wearing it even in my profile picture on here. Well, A car pulled up and govt. man comes out to nag me about all the recruitment army things I ignored, thinking it a mistake and refusing to register for the draft, being a female. The guy comes to my door and I threw on a jogging suit over my swimsuit and happened to have my hair in a pony tail. The guy lectures me about refusingt o register and keeps calling me TOMMY BROOKS. I told him, first off, my name is not TOMMY BROOKS and second, I am a girl. "Computers don't make mistakes," he says, so I said I would PROVE I was a girl and started to pull my shirt up to show the swim suit. Not knowing" I had anyhting underneath the guy takes off saying, No, that's ok! and I was not bothered again about it.
OMG...That would have been priceless to see the look on his face...No conputers don't lie,the Idiot entering data does or is not with it enough to realize what they are typing...
thanks. I did not think I was THAT scary under my shirt...
![]() I have a similar one. In high school I was forced (yes forced to take a test for the military). For almost two years, I received letters from two military branches, saying " There comes a time in every young mans life---- blah blah blah ". No matter who I called or wrote too it wouldn't stop... Because of course THEY know better. So I put on my best dress & heels, grabbed all my ID, birth certificate & every letter they ever sent me & walked into the recquiters office, laid it on his desk & said ' do I look like a man to you?' He apologized, and said I would never receive another & asked why I ever agreed to take the test. ![]() |
I wonder if Venus Williams has ever had this problem
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I graduated during the Viet Nam war. IRL my first name is unusual and frequently mistaken as a male name. I got a letter from the Marines saying they were looking for a few good men and a postcard to send back for more information. I wrote "So am I", returned it, never heard from anyone again :-)
I graduated during the Viet Nam war. IRL my first name is unusual and frequently mistaken as a male name. I got a letter from the Marines saying they were looking for a few good men and a postcard to send back for more information. I wrote "So am I", returned it, never heard from anyone again :-) That's a good one! ![]() |
Sad to say it was not the computer making the mistake. It was the person who they hired to input information into their database. Many times these things go unnoticed until they meet the actual person, and find out for themselves.
I worked for a data entry place where we had to enter checks from people into the system. The checks are put into a machine that takes a picture of the check. These pictures are then put into a data file that is displayed on the computer screen. There were about 20 of us all entering data from the pictures we saw on screen into the system to be stored. There were a few in each section. Some entered the persons name, some entered the check amount, some entered the account number. This way no one person had all the info. In the 2 months time I was there, I had 1 error. It was a check with red ink. This red does not show correctly when the check goes through the picture process, and some parts can be hard to read, if they show up at all. The amount was for $300, but I did not see the 2nd "0" and entered $30. Yes, people that enter the data make the mistakes. |