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Topic: The Democrats who enable Bush
Barbiesbigsister's photo
Mon 10/08/07 09:27 PM
Davinci i apologize for this delay. Being an american the one thing that makes me PROUD are the men AND women in this country who have allowed me and my boy to wake up FREE today. Too many died, some are home and some are still serving right NOW in iraq. I can walk down the street as an american without fear of being beaten, raped or DECAPATATED. I can CHOOSE where i live, work and PLAY. THANKS TO ALL THE AMERICAN VETERANS AND THOSE SERVING NOW. flowerforyou flowerforyou

America might NOT be a place for some but for ME this IS MY HOME and i wonder if you were president on 9/11 what you would have done? THE SAME DAM THING BUSH DID. 9/11 wasnt caused by US. I recall 2 planes taking the WTC down murdering too many AMERICANS. Then the PENTAGON was hit...how many MORE MURDERED?? and lets NOT forget the FIELD in PA where AMERICANS DIED trying to SAVE the white house. Then throw in HUSSEIN who was NOT letting the UN INSPECTORS in and played and played and played and MURDERED and on and on and on. Sooo???? what happens?? HUSSEIN got what HUSSEIN wanted. WAR. BUSH didnt declare WAR...HUSSEIN and HIS CONDUCT did. I recall when HUSSEIN was captured and tried....WHO HUNG HIM?? HIS OWN PEOPLE.
Like i said I dont LIKE seeing the WAR and i have friends IRL serving RIGHT NOW in Iraq. This has NOT just been CLINTON/BUSHCO this goes WAAAAAAAY BACK...WAAY BACK. And NOW Iran wants us there....well as a PROUD AMERICAN i can say i SURE AM PROUD AMERICA has been supportive of ANY foreign coutry dealing with a MAD MAN WANNA BE HITLER...drumroll....GODDAMSADDAM. I am PROUD that we could help with the JEWS being murdered by the millions. Yeah i am sure glad and PROUD of that one. drinker drinker flowerforyou Vietnam I wont comment on as we all know that....brokenheart
Any country who has come to america asking for HELP has gotten AID. GOD DAM I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN.drinker drinker
Now the Iraq people are no longer being gassed, murdered by villages, and its time we come home but this is not going to happen overnight and lets face it davinci....9/11 changed The world. Like Hussein stated..."the mother of all wars".
You know my opinion may be different from others but i stand
and SALUTE EVERY SOLDIER who is defending my country against all enemys
foreign and domestic. People may not agree with the orders these soldiers
are given but I DO. Terrorism isnt just a threat to america but to other innocent
people around the world. What kind of country would we be if all
the brave men and women serving everywhere didnt defend the rights and
freedom of others, not because they are americans but because they
are human beings? Maybe all i can do is have the courage to stand up and SPEAK
for the deep appreciation I hold for these brave soldiers and SUPPORT
them for what they are doing. Defending our country and the life
of ALL. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves of what this country
stands for; life, liberty and justice for all and to maintain those
rights by putting a stop to terrorism not only in our back yard but
our neighbors back yard too. I will continue to support every man AND woman
serving in this war because i know for now i am safe as an American. I
love my family, my friends and my country. God bless every single
soldier out there.flowerforyou

adj4u's photo
Mon 10/08/07 09:39 PM
i can agree that wtc pent and the downed flight on 9-11
had nothing to do with iraq


iraq did not live up to their end of the siece fire agreement

and should have been handled as was agreed they would be handled by the united nations

but as normal th u n has the balls the size of microns if
they have any at all

adj4u's photo
Mon 10/08/07 09:40 PM
but i must say the invasion of iraq

should have been done to do it

and get it over with

war is hell so do what ya gotta do and get out

davinci1952's photo
Tue 10/09/07 06:47 AM

Barbie ....I'm sure you appreciate my service in the Marines(1970-73)..Might be hard for you
to imagine myself as a Marine Sgt...meritoriously promoted twice...I am also a proud american...and will defend our land against all enemies...domestic & foreign....My support of our soldiers is without question (probably not in your eyes)...and the best support I can offer for them is to fight for an end to this corporate war Now...and return our soldiers home...
and also to fight to return our government to it's constitutional roots....all but lost in this time.

I believe the bible quotes the lord saying "vengeance is mine" ....now that well over a million on all sides have died in the "war on terror" ...has our eye for an eye obsession been met?...What will it take for people that support this war to be satisfied?...will mushroom clouds over Iran & Iraq make us feel more safe?....or are we facing vengeance from our own god..in the form of 20 yr old policemen killing whole families in an afternoon (recently in Wis).....What will it take for us to be satisfied in this?....the death of a culture until not one is left standing?...I just dont get it...never will....if we are just performing genocide on a culture and its belief system then the terrorists are us....you reap what you sow....I pity our children for the future we are creating...

adj4u's photo
Tue 10/09/07 07:12 AM
they could of handled sadaam with a sniper if

all they wanted was him out of power

but they want a satalite nation

like they tried to do in the philippines

seems like if yer gonna do something

you would check the history books

and see if it ever worked and what

had to be done to accomplish the objective

and as bad as it sounds

you need to do what it takes to win

or stay out of it

do you think any conquering force ever

cared how they interrogated there prisoners

or would care if a -p o w- was

deprived of things and interrogated

till they gave up there info

and that is just not supposed to happen

so what is one to do to the defiant dictator

that thumbs their nose at the world

and understands what war is

and does what needs to be done to win

how many heads have to roll (literally)

before the war should be a war


lizardking19's photo
Tue 10/09/07 07:18 AM
hey dem constituents didnt mess up and let the fascits run wild the people they voted 4 and expected not 2 did

adj4u's photo
Tue 10/09/07 07:34 AM
what could you explain plz

not sure what you mean lk

lizardking19's photo
Tue 10/09/07 10:28 AM
i mean the fascists r in control of the government and the people the american people voted 4 to stop them haven't

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