I see it; it stares back. Pitch black eyes under the sun. it's strange majestic bareness; dull, blur, as it slowly sharpens. This thing, a stone so close to life; My nightmare of my nightmares: standing steel-still on an invisible throne, empty but whole. A most peculiar view; infinite yet zero expectations. Inside its fears, a comfort he always craved warm, cozy, scary; indifferent! those eyes again, no longer so vague a hardly visible spark of pride, a flicker of ego a shadow of a little scared boy too afraid to live because he loves to live it's posture shifts, a slight limp radiant but less exquisite; exposed! no longer the confident being he appeared to be they don't barge; those striking eyes ever so telling broken by belief; broken by life's ideas; those human things hanging on optimism; the little grain that never fades ideas of more! Slowly being swallowed up by pointlessness beat & devoured I see it; spiked, horned, decaying there's a beauty in it's ugly monstrous face Yes! I see it; strong but weaker. Decorticated & shaved to it's truest bare self? never wicked; misunderstood. peeled of disguises? sparkling innocent eyes blind in societal ways blind to Mans repugnant primal complexion it's unblemished essence, no longer man something more |