“Make Things Happen!” TUESDAY, Jan 20th.... -PASTOR CHRIS I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13) The Lord once said to me, “I don’t want something good to happen to you, and I don’t want something bad to happen either.” He said, “If you’re still living at that realm where you still think something good is going to happen to you, then you’re not living a mature Christian life.” So I asked, “What then is going to happen, since I should expect neither good things nor bad things to happen to me?” Then He said, “Make things happen”; “You happen!” Think about it: Could anything good or bad ever happen to God? Did you ever read in the Scriptures that God was happy because something good “happened” to Him? Or that He was sad because something bad happened to Him? He doesn’t function in such a realm. He makes things happen. In the same way, you’re a child of God, made in His image, born after His kind; you belong in His class. So, you shouldn’t have anything “happening” to you; instead, you. should be the one happening. Satan, the adversary, may come around and try to make things “happen” to you but the Bible says you should resist the devil and he’ll flee (James4:7). He can try all he wants to, but he’s no match for you; you’re superior to him; therefore, he can’t make anything “happen” to you. It doesn’t matter how many demons are roaming around, trying to stir your nest; they’re not a factor; you have authority over them all in the Name of Jesus. Being born again, you have the ability of Christ in you to determine what you want in your life. Therefore, never allow yourself to be a victim of circumstances. Keep reigning in life. Apply faith in God’s Word to deal with situations and challenges. Subdue, tame, and rule your world for Jesus Christ. Keep making things happen in the Kingdom of God. CONFESSION: The ability of God is at work in me; I’m sufficient in His sufficiency. I make great and glorious things happen in my life, in God’s kingdom, and in the lives of others, to the glory of Jesus Christ. I’m alive to God, fruitful and productive by the power of the Holy Spirit! Halleluiah! FURTHER STUDY: *2 Corinthians 3:5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; *Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. DAILY SCRIPTURE READING: 1 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Matt. 13:44-14:12 Gen. 46-48 2 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Matthew 8:1-11 Genesis 20. Good Morning beloved... FAITH IT! HIGHLY FAVOURED, ABUNDANTLY BLESSED AND DEEPLY LOVED: KNOW THIS DAY THAT FATHER GOD IS WELL PLEASED WITH YOU.....BECAUSE WHEN HE LOOKS AT YOU HE SEES JESUS; "YOU ARE ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED.." (Eph1:6 NKJV).... HAVE FAITH IN HIS FINISHED WORK AND YOU WILL SEE HIS GOODNESS and ABUNDANCE MANIFEST IN YOUR LIFE AS NEVER BEFORE......JOY, BLESSINGS AS YOU WALK IN FAVOUR TODAY TRIUMPANTLY. |