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Topic: Need someone fluent in Spanish
1j9b6c5's photo
Wed 01/21/15 07:32 PM
Try this: paste your link here [\url]

tanyaann's photo
Wed 01/21/15 07:32 PM

I want to know how well Bing Crosby does with his Spanish.
It's not my video. I just miss my kitties.
Before/after my divorce, 3 died :(
(had 7)


His Spanish is adequate, but it's flat and heavy accented.

Definitely wouldn't pass as a fluent speaker.

1j9b6c5's photo
Wed 01/21/15 07:34 PM
How'd you get the link to work?

tanyaann's photo
Wed 01/21/15 07:37 PM

How'd you get the link to work?

Highlighted and copy and pasted the one in the first post.

tanyaann's photo
Wed 01/21/15 07:38 PM
Edited by tanyaann on Wed 01/21/15 07:38 PM

see if this works

NOPE ohwell

tanyaann's photo
Wed 01/21/15 07:41 PM
Google search "Cuando Caliente Los Gatos - YouTube"

dreamerana's photo
Wed 01/21/15 07:41 PM

I also tried searching YouTube for "Bing Crosby speaks spanish." Still no luck.

i googled Bing Crosby singing Spanish. couldn't come up with anything except the name of an album: el Se�or Bing.

I searched on YouTube and came up with a cool clip of Bing and Cantinflas.
good luck/buena suerte

Judging by your last reply, I don't think you got my question.
I was asking how he comes across with his Spanish. Is he novice, good or pro?


Noa41's photo
Wed 01/21/15 07:46 PM
Edited by Noa41 on Wed 01/21/15 07:47 PM


mightymoe's photo
Wed 01/21/15 07:53 PM

The link does work for me.

take out the "s" in the https first... it will work then

mightymoe's photo
Wed 01/21/15 07:54 PM

fixed it for you... leave out the "s" for people without a secure browser...

1j9b6c5's photo
Wed 01/21/15 07:58 PM
You truly are mighty. Now that I've seen the video I concur with Tanya.

Noa41's photo
Wed 01/21/15 07:59 PM
That's very strange. Never had that problem on any other forum.

Early 90's here, build pc's. Hmm.

tanyaann's photo
Wed 01/21/15 08:00 PM

fixed it for you... leave out the "s" for people without a secure browser...


dreamerana's photo
Wed 01/21/15 08:00 PM
thank you. it worked. biggrin

I think his Spanish is very well. the soft r like in delirio is pronounced correctly and the syllables structure is very good. many non native speakers put the intonation on the wrong syllable but he didn't.

Noa41's photo
Wed 01/21/15 08:01 PM
You guys do know he was in his 70's, right?

mightymoe's photo
Wed 01/21/15 08:03 PM

That's very strange. Never had that problem on any other forum.

Early 90's here, build pc's. Hmm.

happens here all the time, whenever you post anything, remove the "s" it won't work for some with the "s" in it...

Noa41's photo
Wed 01/21/15 08:03 PM
Thank you.

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