Topic: this is an open challenge
LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 04:44 PM
right... this is like a chain letter, but cuz its in the forum its a chain forum. but then some people call it a billboard so its a chain billboard, though billboards are usually made from cork so it couldn't be a chain cork, cuz that wouldn't make any sense, unless of course it was a cork board, but then the point of it being a run on story vis a vis a chain sort of story, like telephone line but its on the internet so then it could be an internet line, but that is too refective of a dating site, and i don't know about you, but i'm not a big fan of the internet line so ... uhhh wait... sorry about that ... thought bubble... shouldn't have typed it...

k k k k k... right the thing is this....

any wanna be authors out there that think that they can actually stay in track with the theme and concept here? the point is to write a story. every new forum post MUST be a continuation of the story... yes yes, i know there is always going to be random LUGAN who will post random comment in the middle of the random story cuz well, brain cells are really alotted to the human race as a completion, and some of the peeps.. well they didn't get any... nuff said. shrug...

so I'll start a pointless story beginning and the next person who posts, should continue on with it. Lets see if we can actually develop something just cuz if we're reading on the forum, why not just let the imagination (drug induced or otherwise) carry you through to the wee wee hours of the morning :P


the distant ringing intruded with foghorn resonance through the haze of the lost clouds of dream, reviving me into les than coherent waking... is a drifted into the land of the living, the registration of an alarm clock some how imprinted on me enough to reach in the general direction of the noise...

thunk .... ahhhh silence... but no hope or possibility of returning to the pastures of wondrous sleep i think i was enjoying....

slowly the day started to come into focus, as I lay there with the dirty glass lens cap where my eyes were meant to be.... groan... it was saturday... and i was up too early... it was time to drive... time to traverse the traffic and musical horns and shouts and conductor like hand gestures that would be the hours of my morning before the escape to the outer rims, into the country....

I shook my head, as I flipped my legs over the side of the bed... sitting there for a second, to gain enough balance to stumble into the shower....


purplecat's photo
Wed 10/03/07 06:56 PM
I'll never forget that morning , it seemed odd from the momment my feet hit the floor . when I tried to flick on the bathroom light , nothin no power . no shower today , one of the disadvanteges to living out in the bush , no power equals no water when your on a well . Getting ready for work just went so much fster with no electricity to power all the things I need in the morning .
It didnt really phase me for quite a ways down the freeway that there was virtually no other traffic going in either direction , something was really strange , where were all the morning commuters ?..............................

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 08:48 PM
i became more observant, realizing that there was a lack of pedestrian traffic as well. no one walking their dog, or jogging. no one waiting at the different bus pickups. I realized suddenly that there was an absence of wildlife. where were the squirrels and dogs and cats? Where were the birds? I slowed my drive a bit, as there weren't any other cars surrounding me as i came over the ridge, towards the inner city...
silence... almost ghost like... I turned off the cd that i had playing and searched for radio stations... static...

ok.. so this is surreal... what is going on? i pulled off the ramp and down an arterial to see if i could find any random individuals or any sign of life, to no avail.

I noticed the flasing "open" sign of a store up ahead and pulled along side the curb. Jumping out i went to the door and looked inside... no movement. I tried the door... it was open... i opened it and leaned in, nervous though not really sure why... I called in "hello? anybody here?" with only the sound of silence and the video game machine in the corner blipping and bleeping...