Topic: god and devil brains... | |
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Mon 01/12/15 03:28 AM
what John Lennon died for...
what "jesus" died for... hello! jesus was AGAINST RELIGIONS! he called religious leaders, the devils! and of their "father the devil" and a brood of vipers! jesus was for, no religions... the people around him, wrote all the other stuff, and tuned his words FALSELY, into another SET OF MORAL RULES, or "religion"... and what all the many peoples have been begging for... no more religions dictating the moral code of behaviors of the free will of human beings, and that some shall burn in hell, and some ascend to heaven. for ALL MUST ASCEND TOGETHER. there is no ascension except of and for ALL THE CHILD GODS TOGETHER. how else should it have been devised. to release humanity to her next stage of higher dimension. for jesus was not against gays, but rather against religious leaders. the peoples have been crying for for millenniums... no more religions! and to think such has arrived. certainly don't think anybody is gonna get 40 nations leaders to back down do ya... they ALL AGREE. NO MORE RELIGIOUS BELIEFS POSED FALSELY AS OF GOD SHALL BE OUR GUIDELINE FOR HUMANKIND. that is what their ACTIONS, and words, do show. so no more devil brain data posed as "god data". jesus has gotten his dying wishes. praise be to jesus. smiles |
for verily verily i say unto thee, those deemed satanist, and wicked, and homosexuals, and transgenders, and scoundrels, the offenders, the blasphemers, ahd the sinners, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, long before those whom declare them self of god.
for as it was write, those who deem them self first, shall be last, and those who deem them self last, shall be FIRST. ditto's and praises to our wise leaders of forty nations strong. the tide hath turned. and out be swept the self righteous chafe and the stalk. |
Pope condemns 'deviant forms of religion' in the wake of French massacre, accusing them of causing 'the breakdown of society and spawning violence and death'
Pope Francis criticised religious fundamentalism in a speech today... He said that it 'eliminated God, turning him into an ideological pretext' He blamed last week's murders in Paris on a 'culture of rejection' Francis said this 'spawns violence and death' and 'societal breakdown' By TED THORNHILL FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 06:04 EST, 12 January 2015 | UPDATED: 06:15 EST, 12 January 2015 Pope Francis slammed 'deviant forms of religion' following deadly attacks by Islamist militants in France last week which left 17 people dead. 'Losing their freedom, people become enslaved, whether to the latest fads, or to power, money, or even deviant forms of religion,' he said, laying the blame on 'a culture of rejection' which leads to 'the breakdown of society and spawning violence and death.' 'We see painful evidence of this in the events reported daily in the news, not least the tragic slayings which took place in Paris a few days ago,' he said in his yearly speech to the members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See. Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook ___________________________________________________________________ now we got the pope and 40 nations leaders... calling for the end of oppressive devious religions... the end of the old religious chains of human natural behavior called as evil. ![]() ![]() ![]() and that's tons of stuff... suicide as a sin... attire deemed immodest and evil... sex before marriage as a sin... even marriage will soon go out the window all together... any partner any time, on mutual consent. it's up to the individuals... masturbation as a sin... sex toys as sins... sex with multiple partners as a sins alcohol as a sin... drugs as a sin... the age of when sex is allowed... prostitution as a sin... same sex partners as sin... holy crap, what are the holy tryin to get to heaven for them self gonna do... especially when they remember heaven is to be created on earth, just as was said... the whole bible is gonna be turned against them for a change... even the score a little. for all their damage and harm they did to precious little minds. the very same book they used to crush others, AND CONTROL, and dictate as overlords and dictators, of others behaviors, is gonna be used to crush their standards called of god, and prove them as FALSE! ![]() ![]() ![]() what ya gonna do, call ghost busters... |
great write. the bible said all the same. they just read it upside down like wannabee dictators of others behavior do. once the same book used to condemn humankind, has been used in the opposite, to free humankind, from the very same slavery from things taken from the book it self... then, wa lah, no more books at all, as man will have elevated and now, i know, it's hard to believe, but will not ever want to read books again... yeppers... ah, the book readers will groan at first... but once they realize a brain without thinking or believing it lacks any data, can get any data it wants, instantly, at will, from its own mind... we will access each others brains as we do google... as google is already but accessing data collected from others brains... they will be dazzled... and of course, we move into being able to transfer data telepathically... and into a telepathic species, that the old book was keeping from occurring... and then teleporting... hehehe... it was said in the "book", that the "kingdom of heaven" would be created "on earth"... so where do they all think they gonna be raptured to? and, it was writ heaven was 'within', so how can one know how to create it, by reading a book... guess some forgot what it actually said... anyhow... your gonna love the new world. |