Topic: a moment alone...
LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 01:18 PM
(this is a short little ditty i was writing one day, which of course isn't finished... my curiousity is to see if any woman can actually fill in the next part of this story...)
***** entertainment value only *****

(he writes....)
he watches her, sitting at the desk in the high back dining chair, her head leaning over the papers on the desk, hands clasped behind her back between her and the back of the chair... walking up behind her careful not to disturb her in thought, he forms a circle with his index finger and thumb, wrapping them around her wrist, whispering in her ear, "click, i just cuffed you, you're mine now"

her head snaps up from her deep concentration, as he swings the chair around, trapping her arms between the small of her back and the chair, sitting on the chair, pulling her legs overtop his, pushing her hard, back against the chair...

she glares at him with a mixture of curiousity, and annoyance at the interruption.

with his hand on the back of her head, and her legs stretched over his, pushed together, almost crotch to crotch, he leans into kiss her...

inspite of herself, she opens her mouth to recieve his lips, just as he grazes her, he stops, with a mischievous smirk.

she tries to bite him for failing to kiss her, just as he pulls her head back.

he wraps his hand around her back, interlacing fingers and pulls her close to him, as he presses toward her, letting his lips rest against her inner neck, just about her collar-bone, opening his lips extending his tongue just to graze with his breathe contrasting the wetness left as a trail, dragging his lips just barely above her flesh, occasionally dragging his teeth from her ear to the bone on her shoulder...

letting go of her hair, he reaches around lifting her, as she wraps her legs around him, pushing forward against him, forcing his mouth harder against the muscle just below your ear. biting her exacts a quiet sound as her arms wrap around him... he leans into the wall, gripping her firmly by her thighs....

(she writes...)
she places her hands on the sides of his head...gently running her fingers through his soft hair. with a firm hand she tilts his head up and back against the wall so his chin is directly above her mouth. he feels her warm breath as she parts her lips while staring deeply into his eyes...her glistening tongue reflecting from the light breaks his stare. He looks down anticipating the softness of her fllesh on him...with tender passion she traces the outline of his chin..from the dimple on his chin down to his neck...he lets out a heavy moan that sends chills over her body. using her place soft kisses on his chest she reaches the top of his shirt. again she looks up and stares into his soulful eyes...he pulls her in even tighter. his hands cupping her bottom. and in one swift movement he.......

(he writes...)
holding her firmly, he spins her around pressing her - chest to waist into the wall - pulling her head sidways biting lightly and firmly into the muscle above her collarbone and back of her neck, pressing himself into her lowerback, pushing his hand just inside her waist band, he drags his nails across her firm soft belly, as a deep quiet moan escapes her throat, she pushes back against him, her hands reaching around pulling him in closer... she turns her head and their lips meet in the first full embrace, tongues dancing lightly, yet hungrily....

slowly she faces him, they release their clenched pressure, body off body.... looking into her eyes, everything is shown, his heart, his mind his soul, touching her's....

(she writes...)

ashleya's photo
Wed 10/03/07 01:19 PM
:tongue: so sexy!!!!!

no photo
Wed 10/03/07 01:55 PM
my imagination is engaged

though my love is lost

hopefully temporarily

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Wed 10/03/07 03:06 PM
ok I will attempt it

(she writes)

as she gazes into his eyes, wondering if he knows how he has captured her heart, soul, and mind. She can sense when he is near, even in her deepest concentration. The connection between them is as interlocking as chains forged together to never break.

(he writes)
does she know the tremors that go through my body as I see her, my thoughts about her when she is not near, how I ache to be within her arms again, to feel her touch....the clock is watched when I away from her, the seconds turn into hours

(she writes)
does he realize how I come to life, whether it be the sound of his voice over the phone, an email, a text message, does he realize that all else is blocked out, my senses reel. He is my other half, the one who completes me..........

(he writes)
my mind is reeling with the touch of her, the scent of her, I can not get enough, can not be close enough. My hands slowly begin the wondering journey of rediscovering her body, as we slowly slip to the ground. Not an inch shall I not touch, as she is mine, and I am hers, together we begin this journey of dicovery, a journey that is always new

(she writes)
the touch of his hands, have me trembling with desire, knowing that again we begin our journey of discovery, renewing our love of each other, exploring with our hands, our journey begins by exploring the softness of his hair, slowly I make my way down to gently nibble at his ears.........

(he writes)