Topic: Single men and women 45-55 years of age
never2old's photo
Fri 10/27/06 09:48 PM
What would be an appropriate first date for an older couple?

Marie55's photo
Fri 10/27/06 09:59 PM
I would guess dinner would be nice and then maybe a movie, or heck
around here there are casinos all over, but that makes it hard to talk
with all the noise. Ask your date what they would like to do, that is
what I would do.

never2old's photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:26 PM
Well Marie the thing is I am not comfortable being alone with a new
'date', a stranger at night. I would rather my first date be more like
lunch in a coffee shop or even a public park area, zoo, art gallery,
anywhere but dinner, movies and nighttime dating. May say I am too
cautious but I have reason to be that way and that way I have to stay.

txazdesertgirl's photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:30 PM
OMG, I have my "first date" tomorrow night!! lol.

no photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:32 PM
Does age really have anything to do with it? Would'nt it depend on what
THEY want to do?

txazdesertgirl's photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:33 PM
We are going to a town 40 miles up the road to the regional band
competition. There is a restaurant there that is a real dive but has
the best Italian food in the texas desert. So we are going to watch 10
of the best high school marching bands compete in a college stadium with
10,000 other people. I think I'll be comfortable enough with that.
Plus he's from work, and if he gets fresh (or doesn't get fresh,
whatever) there's 200 other guys that will beat him up for me.

never2old's photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:34 PM
WHAT?? You may be overly submissive, lol ...but not me honey.

never2old's photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:35 PM
You definately have the perfect first date desert girl!!! Have a good
time and good luck

never2old's photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:39 PM
I didn't mean to come on strong stormy, but nothing in my life,
especially on a first date, depends on what 'they' want to do!!! 'They'
do not have the first and last word with me. I have my own mind and
make my own descisions

txazdesertgirl's photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:49 PM
I'll tell you, I had the perfect date once. But maybe it's too secluded
for you, but for future reference,it might be something worth doing.
my town is sprawled around a mountain, with "scenic drives". We took a
picnic dinner to the top and ate in the back of a pickup truck, with the
lights of the city and river all spread out below. I took some votive
candles and put them on the rock retaining wall. It was quiet,
peaceful, beautiful and romantic, just us 2 and the stars overhead. and
even "senior couples" can enjoy it, just don't forget a ladder to climb
into the back of that truck! (I'm talking about me, not you)

no photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:52 PM
No NOOOO... never2old... you misunderstood... I meant "THEY" as a I thought maybe you were speakin' of an older couple that
you know...

no photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:54 PM
Hell... I didnt know you were talkin' about yourself.... to me that
aint old anyway... I guess I shoulda' read on before I responded.

never2old's photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:56 PM
lmao!!! Well desertgirl I'll be needing that ladder too since I am not
even 5'!! Buying clothes is one hell of a nightmare for me
and shoes!!! I wear a 4 1/2 so usually I have to get a size 5 or go to
the kids and step into a 2 1/2. I just moved up to Indy from Tampa Bay
area of Florida and it is cold and I have had a time finding clothes.
There are no colors in the clothes here. Everything is black, brown,
blue, gray or green. It is something to get used to. But that date
does sound very nice if I knew the man longer.

never2old's photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:58 PM
Oh, okay Stormey. That sounds better. You had me

no photo
Fri 10/27/06 11:03 PM
Dang girl!!! You DONT look like any 50... never2old!!!

never2old's photo
Fri 10/27/06 11:09 PM
Oh Thank you!!! I don't really feel like it either, lol But I
absolutely am!! My son and daughter tell me they have caught up with
me. We are mistaken for sisters and sometimes I for my sons girlfriend.
he wants me to get a t-shirt saying "I AM HIS MOM" LOL

no photo
Fri 10/27/06 11:21 PM
You are QUITE welcome. Tell your son to get him a shirt that says...
"she's my MOM!"... lol.

txazdesertgirl's photo
Fri 10/27/06 11:28 PM
lol. I took my son to breakfast once and he ran into friends that told
him, "she's good looking and all, but don't you think she's a little too
old for you". He said, EEWWW, that's my MOM!!

txazdesertgirl's photo
Fri 10/27/06 11:29 PM
yeah Never2old, try Ebay? The color pallet is definitely a far cry from
Florida to Indy. I am going to Tampa for the first time for
thanksgiving, can't wait!!