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Topic: If we are equal to the ant...
Totage's photo
Fri 01/02/15 06:45 AM
Blondey that's an interesting article. Thanks everyone for your feedback. My opinion on the subject is a religious one, but I don't want this to be a religious topic.

I believe we are superior to all animals and creatures of the earth and have dominion over all. Because we are superior, we must be responsible, loving, and respectful of all the earth.

It seems that everyone agrees that there is a clear distinction between man and animals.

no photo
Fri 01/02/15 08:26 AM

no photo
Sun 01/11/15 05:48 PM

Annunaki, made us what we are! That's why

Annunakii , reptilians , aliens are nothing more than fallen angels .

Fallen angels were the ones that showed mankind how to make weapons for war etc and give them knowledge .

no photo
Sun 01/11/15 05:50 PM

If we are animals, just like every other animal on Earth, why is it no other animal has created things such as the wheel, vehicles, or anything like we have created? How are we the only animals capable of this, if others are just as intelligent as we are? For example, why haven't chimps and apes created anything such as even the wheel, or discovered fire, or learned to use it?

Manking is the supreme being according to the bible in the universe under the angels ...

But we see intelligence all through the animal and insect kingdom ..

From birds builing ellaborate nests to spiders setting traps etc , crows for instance a fairly intelligent ...

isaac_dede's photo
Sun 01/11/15 05:59 PM

Blondey that's an interesting article. Thanks everyone for your feedback. My opinion on the subject is a religious one, but I don't want this to be a religious topic.

I believe we are superior to all animals and creatures of the earth and have dominion over all. Because we are superior, we must be responsible, loving, and respectful of all the earth.

It seems that everyone agrees that there is a clear distinction between man and animals.

not trying to make this a religious topic either, but if you believe God is a creator, and we are made in his image, then it makes sense, he creates therefor so do we.

no photo
Sun 01/11/15 06:04 PM
Edited by Th3Dv8 on Sun 01/11/15 06:06 PM

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 01/11/15 06:07 PM
If we stuck to the ant...they don't need wheels...they can lift 100 times their own body weight and are already quick to get where they're going...lol:wink: ....and from my observation of other animals...we as humans might be smarter...but other animals of lesser intelligence seem to take more interest in protecting their own species..animals are more focused on their survival as a species and work with eachother to achieve said goal..people on the other hand are self serving, and seem to be focused on destroying one another...hmmm...I'm rambling again...lol...oops ...but cheers to the ants...drinker ...what team work..tee hee:wink:

Totage's photo
Sun 01/11/15 06:23 PM

If we stuck to the ant...they don't need wheels...they can lift 100 times their own body weight and are already quick to get where they're going...lol:wink: ....and from my observation of other animals...we as humans might be smarter...but other animals of lesser intelligence seem to take more interest in protecting their own species..animals are more focused on their survival as a species and work with eachother to achieve said goal..people on the other hand are self serving, and seem to be focused on destroying one another...hmmm...I'm rambling again...lol...oops ...but cheers to the ants...drinker ...what team work..tee hee:wink:

Well, man did not need the wheel either, but it did make things a lot easier. lol

We were designed to work together, but we have fallen from our natural order. What I mean is we have gone against what we were initially designed for.

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 01/11/15 07:06 PM

If we stuck to the ant...they don't need wheels...they can lift 100 times their own body weight and are already quick to get where they're going...lol:wink: ....and from my observation of other animals...we as humans might be smarter...but other animals of lesser intelligence seem to take more interest in protecting their own species..animals are more focused on their survival as a species and work with eachother to achieve said goal..people on the other hand are self serving, and seem to be focused on destroying one another...hmmm...I'm rambling again...lol...oops ...but cheers to the ants...drinker ...what team work..tee hee:wink:

Well, man did not need the wheel either, but it did make things a lot easier. lol

We were designed to work together, but we have fallen from our natural order. What I mean is we have gone against what we were initially designed for.
....sometimes intelegence only opens the door for stupidity...playing follow the leader just ran many off a cliff..I really can't speak for humanity...I'm just a silly girl with big dreams..but I know what I see...just a bunch of monkey-like morons playing king of the hill... Just to sit on a pile of money and die anyway...and in doing so...destroying the surface of a beautiful planet...beats me...but it is what it is..lol..flowerforyou

m3k4y's photo
Sun 01/11/15 07:15 PM

Environment and education is key To brain development and potential. A child raised in the wild .. With animals .. Will learn only the behaviour patterns associated with that animal group. .. And quite likely would have no concept or drive to reach any potential other than survival.

There was no concept of the wheel until man created it. There was no concept of driving until man created it. Why haven't other animals developed such things? Man manipulates their environment to suit his needs, all other animals adapt to their environment for survival. If their are animals as intelligent as us, why haven't they been able to do similar things as us? There are animals such as dolphins with more intelligent communication/social skills much like us humans, no other animal has the power to create and invent like us. Some insects build "skyscrapers" such as the termite and ants build complex tunnels and high mounds, but is this them simply acting on instinct, or do they have some sort of intelligence to give them these capabilities? Do animals possess the ability to create complexed thoughts like us or do they simply act on instincts to survive?
because animals doesn't have schools. .duhh...bigsmile

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 07:46 PM
equal to the ant?

equal what?

equal good looks?

equal mating prowess?

it seems a definition of equal would have to be rendered and agreed upon first really.

it is obvious, it can't be in physical abilities, ratio to ratio.

but in building capacities, they are sheer genius with their intricate mazes of underground cities and towns.

they wanna live, so do humans.

they adapt and morph to their environments.

and they seem to be quite green and eco friendly...


guess we won't know how equally well they handle the powers man has, till we provide them wheels, and outfit them with uzzies and cash, and some really cool drugs, and the finest liquors, and then devise ways trick them and fool them, and then when we listen in, to hear and compute their ant lingo, we will know.

I'm sure if one took the life out of an ant, and placed it in a human body, they would be just as unknowing and disorientated as we were, when we first arrived to earth in this human body.

for all life, is just adapting to the pre-existing environment it was placed in.

perhaps it was in that way, when it was once writ, to understand man, look to the ant.

but surely you mean, the same as the text...

compared to the creators, we have about the powers of an ant.

but that would be a grand good thing.


davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 08:06 PM

Annunaki, made us what we are! That's why

Annunakii , reptilians , aliens are nothing more than fallen angels .

Fallen angels were the ones that showed mankind how to make weapons for war etc and give them knowledge .


dear brother...

it is but humans them self that are the "fallen angels"...

that liked to fight...


lets blame it on space aliens though.

man used his MIND, and devised how to make a "gun".

just as we devised how to make a wheel.

and a car.

and a house.

and a bomb.

the same minds of man created it all.

did the annanaki teach us how to create knives and swords...

and spoons and forks...

the logic of such just doesn't fit.

just because some with wild imaginations have defined words to mean that, doesn't make it a fact, especially a fact to base one's actual life upon.

not to get off topic...


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