Topic: When She is Bisexual
miko1960's photo
Wed 12/24/14 11:01 AM
I have met a new women we have so much in common both of us feel so at ease around one other we even have the same sense of humor, now here is the problem she has admitted to be bisexual with a preference towards men, I have been in 2 relationships in the past with bisexual women in my younger days, one ended in disaster with her former girlfriend, the other relationship was pretty good I just had issues with her commenting and checking out other women while in a committed relationship with me, can you say inappropriate,the 1st girl cheated with both her former girlfriend and a man she worked with, I am not homophobic by the way I believe we are all Gods children and worthy to be loved I believe if you are in a committed relationship you have both agreed to be exclusive, then it shouldn't matter if you have other sexual preferences outside of heterosexuality, cheating is cheating in my book and so is inappropriate behavior, the woman I am seeing now seems to have her head in the right place I'm just worried it will turn out like the last 2 relationships.

mini1x's photo
Wed 12/24/14 12:59 PM

That's just a trust issue I think. My last wife was bi as well, but the marriage didn't end because of that. There were other issues involved.

Bottom line, someone's sexual preferences don't have anything to do with commitment. Sounds like your first was definitely a disaster, but I'm wondering if you read too much into your second wife's comments. I'm not saying you did, but maybe you had it in the back of your mind that she may leave you for another woman like your first did. In my opinion (and just my opinion), it's ok to comment or oogle others (shoot, us guys do it also right?), just as long as (and this is in your case) she doesn't actually show intent to do something about it.

no photo
Wed 12/24/14 01:53 PM
Lucky git. I wish I had a woman like that. I'd take full advantage of it. I wouldn't mind her eyeing up other birds, I'd encourage her. See if she can persuade them to come back home with us. Then you'd be having threesomes and lots of crumpet on the side.