Topic: LOL,, there should be a class,,, | |
class? plenty willing to believe they should lead a class, but few who actually have it Those who believe that "authority" is necessary and that it must continue, have actually been duped into believing that human slavery is necessary and must continue in order to prevent chaos. |
Edited by
Sun 11/23/14 09:18 PM
without authority the world would be freddie crouger meets the wild wild west, but idiotic blind fools whom love to feel and fantasize of them self as more wise than most leaders are blind to such so shall be destroyed by the same.
when in time or history has there ever been any that accused leaders of idiocy and fallacy and stupidity that if and when they them self were in position to lead did not repeat the same and most oft far worse...
of course, as these are blind to nearly all others as having damn good reason for the actions decided, believing only in their own imaginations of what they would do if in the same situation... of course, these have never been in the same situation... no different than a self professed expert on bike riding technique and it self has never ridden a bike... easy to be in love with "imaginations" of what one self would say or do in the same situations... for anything in love with it self naturally is in love with all it's own imaginations of it's own grandness and self superiority... but that which can or will create better for all, will not be staring or thinking of the stupidity of any others, but rather at creating the interests of all into existence. nothing that feels others or groups of others are wrong, stupid, filled with idiocy, ridiculous, incompetent, corrupt, will ever be able to create better for all, as all with this eyesight do not even begin to feel any in these groups deserve any better, so certainly will never left a finger to protect their interests... for all demagogues and wouldbe dictators first believed many were stupid to create them self into demagogues and dictators. |
without authority the world would be freddie crouger meets the wild wild west, but idiotic blind fools whom love to feel and fantasize of them self as more wise than most leaders are blind to such so shall be destroyed by the same. Without authority OR a culture that successfully teaches the young to grow into adults that act on civilized principals, then we would have a world of freddie crouger cowboys. As we are, we need systems of violence to keep the freddie cougars of the world in check. But we don't need to always be as we are today. |
Ima leave in that hilarious typo and give it a gif:
![]() |
without authority the world would be freddie crouger meets the wild wild west, but idiotic blind fools whom love to feel and fantasize of them self as more wise than most leaders are blind to such so shall be destroyed by the same. An individuals teachability, or their ability to learn by way of being taught by someone else, is extremely dependent upon the open-mindedness or close-mindedness of the individual being taught. Low teachability derives from arrogance and rigid skepticism, but also from naivet� and gullibility. High teachability derives from a balance between healthy skepticism and an open-minded willingness to learn and change. Human beings should consider with great care their sources for information. By refusing to present certain information, and by influencing people to dismiss certain information as unimportant or unnecessary to consider, many modern institutions seek to control human perceptions and therefore to limit what human beings may come to understand. Since human beings, as a species, do not already have the things they say they want, it follows logically that the knowledge of the requirements to obtaining the things they say they want either must be absent, or if present, that knowledge must be willfully ignored. As long as this knowledge continues to remain unknown or ignored, the manifestation of the desired conditions will be impossible. Nescience vs Ignorance - The context of not knowing. Nescience From the Latin verb nesciere: "to not know because knowledge was absent or unobtainable" Ignorance From the Latin verb ignorare: "to not know even though necessary information is present, because that information has been willfully refused or disregarded. Ignorance carries blame. The masses are in a state of ignorance. The question is why? Truth vs Perception Truth is objective, meaning that it is not based on perceptions of human beings (which is capable of wavering). Truth is simply that which is. It is that which has occurred in the past and that which is occurring in the present. That which is, no such thing as truth in the future. The ALL is mind. The universe is mental. Thoughts lead to the manifestation of things and events. Thoughts create our store of existence and the quality of our experience here on earth. Therefore, be responsible for everything you create by being responsible for everything that you think. Everything that happens has to do with the mental state that preceded it. Thought forms first and then they form the physical reality afterward. If you want to change reality, then you must change the way you think because the way you think is not conducive to the requirements for getting what you say you want. The positive aspect of the Initiating Expression of Natural law is knowledge, or the acceptance of truth. Knowledge positively influences the quality of our lives because it positively influences our decision-making processes in every area of our lives. The negative aspect of the Initiating Expression is Ignorance, or the refusal of truth. Ignorance negatively influences the quality of our lives because it negatively influences our decision-making processes in every area of our lives. The positive aspect of the Internal Expression of Natural law is Sovereignty, or it could be called Internal Monarchy (one ruler within). As a state of consciousness, sovereignty means that one has unified the three aspects of their consciousness, such that there is no contradiction between one's thoughts, emotions, and actions. The word sovereign is derived from the Latin adverb super: "above" and the Latin noun regnum: "rulership, control". Thus sovereign means "one who is above the rulership or control of another, not a subject or slave. A sovereign is a monarch, (mon: "one" and archon: "ruler"), a single ruler who rules only the kingdom of self. Sovereignty is a state in which one controls one's own thoughts, emotions, and actions, and by bringing them into unity / non-contradiction / non-duality, attains mastery of one's own consciousness. Manifestation The positive aspect of the Manifestation is Order, or manifested goodness. Order represents everything we say we want. Order results only when there is balance, or justice, which can only be present when truth has been accepted and our behavior has been brought into harmony with natural law. The negative Manifestation is Chaos, or manifested evil. Chaos is the exact opposite of what we say we want. Chaos results when there is imbalance and injustice which results whenever there is ignorance of truth and behavior which is in opposition to natural law. "Government is nothing but men acting in concert. The morality and value of government, like any other association of men, will be no greater and no less than the morality and value of the men comprising it. Since government is nothing but men, its inherent 'authority' to act is in no way greater or different than the 'authority' to act of individuals in isolation. Government has no 'magic powers' or 'authority' not possessed by private individuals. Let he who asserts that government may do that which the individual may not assume the onus of proof and demonstrate his contention." - Chris Lyspooner Authority An illusion of a diseased psyche, based entirely in violence and built upon the erroneous and dogmatic belief that some people are masters who have the moral right to issue commands, and others are slaves who have a moral obligation to obey the masters. Slavery The belief in the legitimacy of "authority" is the belief in the legitimacy of slavery. Ultimately, "authority" is the idea that man can become God and through "jurisdiction" dictate the law. The one true divide that separates humanity into two distinct types of individuals. The criterion for the divide is whether or not an individual believes in "authority" and therefore believes that there is legitimacy to slavery. And so, which side of the divide do you fall? Personally I AN NOT NOR WILL EVER BE a SLAVE. |
Edited by
Tue 11/25/14 01:10 PM
without authority the world would be freddie crouger meets the wild wild west, but idiotic blind fools whom love to feel and fantasize of them self as more wise than most leaders are blind to such so shall be destroyed by the same. An individuals teachability, or their ability to learn by way of being taught by someone else, is extremely dependent upon the open-mindedness or close-mindedness of the individual being taught. Low teachability derives from arrogance and rigid skepticism, but also from naivet� and gullibility. High teachability derives from a balance between healthy skepticism and an open-minded willingness to learn and change. Human beings should consider with great care their sources for information. By refusing to present certain information, and by influencing people to dismiss certain information as unimportant or unnecessary to consider, many modern institutions seek to control human perceptions and therefore to limit what human beings may come to understand. Since human beings, as a species, do not already have the things they say they want, it follows logically that the knowledge of the requirements to obtaining the things they say they want either must be absent, or if present, that knowledge must be willfully ignored. As long as this knowledge continues to remain unknown or ignored, the manifestation of the desired conditions will be impossible. Nescience vs Ignorance - The context of not knowing. Nescience From the Latin verb nesciere: "to not know because knowledge was absent or unobtainable" Ignorance From the Latin verb ignorare: "to not know even though necessary information is present, because that information has been willfully refused or disregarded. Ignorance carries blame. The masses are in a state of ignorance. The question is why? Truth vs Perception Truth is objective, meaning that it is not based on perceptions of human beings (which is capable of wavering). Truth is simply that which is. It is that which has occurred in the past and that which is occurring in the present. That which is, no such thing as truth in the future. The ALL is mind. The universe is mental. Thoughts lead to the manifestation of things and events. Thoughts create our store of existence and the quality of our experience here on earth. Therefore, be responsible for everything you create by being responsible for everything that you think. Everything that happens has to do with the mental state that preceded it. Thought forms first and then they form the physical reality afterward. If you want to change reality, then you must change the way you think because the way you think is not conducive to the requirements for getting what you say you want. The positive aspect of the Initiating Expression of Natural law is knowledge, or the acceptance of truth. Knowledge positively influences the quality of our lives because it positively influences our decision-making processes in every area of our lives. The negative aspect of the Initiating Expression is Ignorance, or the refusal of truth. Ignorance negatively influences the quality of our lives because it negatively influences our decision-making processes in every area of our lives. The positive aspect of the Internal Expression of Natural law is Sovereignty, or it could be called Internal Monarchy (one ruler within). As a state of consciousness, sovereignty means that one has unified the three aspects of their consciousness, such that there is no contradiction between one's thoughts, emotions, and actions. The word sovereign is derived from the Latin adverb super: "above" and the Latin noun regnum: "rulership, control". Thus sovereign means "one who is above the rulership or control of another, not a subject or slave. A sovereign is a monarch, (mon: "one" and archon: "ruler"), a single ruler who rules only the kingdom of self. Sovereignty is a state in which one controls one's own thoughts, emotions, and actions, and by bringing them into unity / non-contradiction / non-duality, attains mastery of one's own consciousness. Manifestation The positive aspect of the Manifestation is Order, or manifested goodness. Order represents everything we say we want. Order results only when there is balance, or justice, which can only be present when truth has been accepted and our behavior has been brought into harmony with natural law. The negative Manifestation is Chaos, or manifested evil. Chaos is the exact opposite of what we say we want. Chaos results when there is imbalance and injustice which results whenever there is ignorance of truth and behavior which is in opposition to natural law. "Government is nothing but men acting in concert. The morality and value of government, like any other association of men, will be no greater and no less than the morality and value of the men comprising it. Since government is nothing but men, its inherent 'authority' to act is in no way greater or different than the 'authority' to act of individuals in isolation. Government has no 'magic powers' or 'authority' not possessed by private individuals. Let he who asserts that government may do that which the individual may not assume the onus of proof and demonstrate his contention." - Chris Lyspooner Authority An illusion of a diseased psyche, based entirely in violence and built upon the erroneous and dogmatic belief that some people are masters who have the moral right to issue commands, and others are slaves who have a moral obligation to obey the masters. Slavery The belief in the legitimacy of "authority" is the belief in the legitimacy of slavery. Ultimately, "authority" is the idea that man can become God and through "jurisdiction" dictate the law. The one true divide that separates humanity into two distinct types of individuals. The criterion for the divide is whether or not an individual believes in "authority" and therefore believes that there is legitimacy to slavery. And so, which side of the divide do you fall? Personally I AN NOT NOR WILL EVER BE a SLAVE. hope you had fun writing all that stuff... it all proves one thing most... the insistence of one self that 1self will never be a slave... that as the SELF GOAL, is what made any slave you ever read about, able to become enslaved by it's handlers. the goal it self enslaves one self to it's own WAY TOO SMALL OF A GOAL. WHICH IS WHY THESE WITH LESS KNOWING WERE ABLE TO BECOME ENSLAVED. and pits one self against THE FEW who are slave masters, hence creating one self to be chased by gooblins and globlins, running through the forest hollering while being chased just as slaves once did.... dazed and confused less intelligent ones that were as deer in the headlights... but a deer in the headlights be in better scenario than a human that place it self as the arch enemy of a few corrupt slave masters... one already has it's freedom, just can't see it since it has adopted for it self A MENTAL LIST OF ADVERSARIES... ADVERSARIES ARE BUT ONE, SELF! freedom is invisibility, not making one self a bulleye for a small group of ruthless tyrants. so what does that make one self already. a slave to the FEAR of being enslaved, create greater enslavement each second... no fear of enslavement, create houdini's... what you are defending against is only PART of what exist. but those that self protect will always see the "worst" part of existence, hence pitting them self against the WORST, SO RECEIVING THE WORST, NEVER SEEING IT SELF CREATED IT... CREATING THE WORST with intentions to create the best for all? nope... with intentions of good of 1, and whomever 1 could find who felt the same... but tons of people EACH 1, with it's personal goal AS good for 1, still leaves one self amongst those of good for one, hence surrounding it self with traitors and those who when push comes to shove, will each sell out the other. yea yea yea... they all holler HONOR... THAT WHICH HOLLERS IT SELF BE HONORABLE, NEVER TRUST. they honor the idea of them self as honorable. as smarter and better than most... nothing can honor OTHERS, which is what honor be, when it believes gazillions are less pure and good than it self. OPEN THE LIONS GATES. let the erasure of singularities begin. |
Ima leave in that hilarious typo and give it a gif: ![]() omg... 2funny! |
when in time or history has there ever been any that accused leaders of idiocy and fallacy and stupidity that if and when they them self were in position to lead did not repeat the same and most oft far worse... And just what part of this fallacy is so hard to grasp? They all believed in authority and would say or do anything to get within their grasp the POWER or authority. Authority An illusion of a diseased psyche, based entirely in violence and built upon the erroneous and dogmatic belief that some people are masters who have the moral right to issue commands, and others are slaves who have a moral obligation to obey the masters. Slavery The belief in the legitimacy of "authority" is the belief in the legitimacy of slavery. Ultimately, "authority" is the idea that man can become God and through "jurisdiction" dictate the law. of course, as these are blind to nearly all others as having damn good reason for the actions decided, believing only in their own imaginations of what they would do if in the same situation... of course, these have never been in the same situation... no different than a self professed expert on bike riding technique and it self has never ridden a bike... Only those that believe in the legitimacy of slavery feel compelled to support the fallacy of "government": Government From the Latin verb gubernare: "to control", and the Latin noun mens: "mind". The etymological origin of the English suffix -ment is often debated, yet it is overwhelmingly clear that those who created the English language deliberately chose mens, the Latin word for "mind" to mean "the state of" or "the condition of", in direct keeping with the first principle of natural law, the Principle of Mentalism, which demonstrates that in order for any particular thing, event, circumstance, state, or condition to exist as it currently does in our manifested reality (the Plane of Effects), it must first have existed in the mind (the Plane of Causality). And only the ignorant could accept the claims of expert from another without knowing how the claim manifested. Sort of like electing politicians, vote for them even though little is actually known about them and then declare in wonderment when there true nature shines through after the fact. But while I have the title of "expert" in many areas, none are of my own devise but construed by peers, themselves experts in the area. I believe in doing nothing except at the level of the best I can do. And while I may not always be "the" best, there is always tomorrow. easy to be in love with "imaginations" of what one self would say or do in the same situations... for anything in love with it self naturally is in love with all it's own imaginations of it's own grandness and self superiority... Many in this world live lives of imagination, always trying to imagine what it would be like to live in their fantasy world. Notice I did not say dream because the dreamers wake and strive to move forward into the world of their dreams. They are the ones that move humanity forward, not those of an imaginary world. And beware of one that does not love one's self because theirs is but to show contempt for another. And of course if one is in love with it's self, it would love all of it's own grandness and self-superiority for to believe any other would reduce that love to slavery, the living of life for another, a statist. Statism The brilliant idea that we give a small group of people the right to kidnap, imprison, harass, steal from and kill people, so that we can be protected from people who kidnap, harass, steal and kill people. A statist is an individual who erroneously believes that there is such a thing as "authority" vested in certain human beings magically giving them the "right to rule" over other people. This "authority" means that certain people who we call "government", have the "moral right" to issue commands to those whom they rule (those under their "jurisdiction"), and that their "subjects" (slaves) have a "moral obligation" to obey the arbitrary dictates set by their masters. Most simply put, a statist is someone who believes in the legitimacy of slavery. Conversely, an anarchist is the one who knows that there could never be legitimacy to "authority" or "government" because those terms are simply euphemisms for violence and slavery, which are always immoral and in opposition to natural law. but that which can or will create better for all, will not be staring or thinking of the stupidity of any others, but rather at creating the interests of all into existence. nothing that feels others or groups of others are wrong, stupid, filled with idiocy, ridiculous, incompetent, corrupt, will ever be able to create better for all, as all with this eyesight do not even begin to feel any in these groups deserve any better, so certainly will never left a finger to protect their interests... for all demagogues and wouldbe dictators first believed many were stupid to create them self into demagogues and dictators. And this is the whole fallacy as those that can and will create care less about others, they are totally selfish. There are those that need and those that are needed. Those that need are but the blight on prosperity of those that are needed. There are two "spiritual currencies": time and attention. This analogy can be seen very readily in the sayings "spending time" and "paying attention". Whatever information or endeavors we put our time and attention toward, we end up getting something in return for that investment. This return could come in the form of knowledge, understanding, skills, expertise, and empowerment, if we invest our spiritual currencies wisely. Therefore we should seek to improve the quality of our attention by placing it upon information that is capable of improving both ourselves and the human condition as a whole. Such an effect would also constitute a valuable investment of our time. We should ask ourselves "what am I spending my time on?", what am I paying attention to?", and most importantly "what kind of quality am I getting in return for these investments of my spiritual currency?". It is all a matter of self as I live my life for none other than me and I ask no man to live his life for me for as Jesus said: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the Earth, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man's enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. Anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." - Jesus (Matthew 10: 34-39) "And as ye enter into the house, salute it. And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you. And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, as ye go forth out of that house or that city, shake off the dust of your feet. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city. Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." (Matthew 10: 12-16) |
of course, that includes any one can find who think the same AS ONE SELF. but these are only confidence boosters needed because the motive is too small to succeed. still all of singular thought. as these can't see the clear tunnels and lighted passages into meadows of green pastures since they live seeking these but for THEM SELF, but that which seek these things for who it most cares about, succeeds and see's clearly how to navigate to them. THE ULTIMATE FAILURE OF THE MIND IS IT RAPPED AROUND A TREE, OF HOW IT SELF BE WISE AND SMART AND AWESOME, which come from the motive of protect the smallest number, 1. the greatest knowing then will come from the motive of PROTECT THE ENTIRE POPULOUS! |
when in time or history has there ever been any that accused leaders of idiocy and fallacy and stupidity that if and when they them self were in position to lead did not repeat the same and most oft far worse... And just what part of this fallacy is so hard to grasp? They all believed in authority and would say or do anything to get within their grasp the POWER or authority. Authority An illusion of a diseased psyche, based entirely in violence and built upon the erroneous and dogmatic belief that some people are masters who have the moral right to issue commands, and others are slaves who have a moral obligation to obey the masters. Slavery The belief in the legitimacy of "authority" is the belief in the legitimacy of slavery. Ultimately, "authority" is the idea that man can become God and through "jurisdiction" dictate the law. of course, as these are blind to nearly all others as having damn good reason for the actions decided, believing only in their own imaginations of what they would do if in the same situation... of course, these have never been in the same situation... no different than a self professed expert on bike riding technique and it self has never ridden a bike... Only those that believe in the legitimacy of slavery feel compelled to support the fallacy of "government": Government From the Latin verb gubernare: "to control", and the Latin noun mens: "mind". The etymological origin of the English suffix -ment is often debated, yet it is overwhelmingly clear that those who created the English language deliberately chose mens, the Latin word for "mind" to mean "the state of" or "the condition of", in direct keeping with the first principle of natural law, the Principle of Mentalism, which demonstrates that in order for any particular thing, event, circumstance, state, or condition to exist as it currently does in our manifested reality (the Plane of Effects), it must first have existed in the mind (the Plane of Causality). And only the ignorant could accept the claims of expert from another without knowing how the claim manifested. Sort of like electing politicians, vote for them even though little is actually known about them and then declare in wonderment when there true nature shines through after the fact. But while I have the title of "expert" in many areas, none are of my own devise but construed by peers, themselves experts in the area. I believe in doing nothing except at the level of the best I can do. And while I may not always be "the" best, there is always tomorrow. easy to be in love with "imaginations" of what one self would say or do in the same situations... for anything in love with it self naturally is in love with all it's own imaginations of it's own grandness and self superiority... Many in this world live lives of imagination, always trying to imagine what it would be like to live in their fantasy world. Notice I did not say dream because the dreamers wake and strive to move forward into the world of their dreams. They are the ones that move humanity forward, not those of an imaginary world. And beware of one that does not love one's self because theirs is but to show contempt for another. And of course if one is in love with it's self, it would love all of it's own grandness and self-superiority for to believe any other would reduce that love to slavery, the living of life for another, a statist. Statism The brilliant idea that we give a small group of people the right to kidnap, imprison, harass, steal from and kill people, so that we can be protected from people who kidnap, harass, steal and kill people. A statist is an individual who erroneously believes that there is such a thing as "authority" vested in certain human beings magically giving them the "right to rule" over other people. This "authority" means that certain people who we call "government", have the "moral right" to issue commands to those whom they rule (those under their "jurisdiction"), and that their "subjects" (slaves) have a "moral obligation" to obey the arbitrary dictates set by their masters. Most simply put, a statist is someone who believes in the legitimacy of slavery. Conversely, an anarchist is the one who knows that there could never be legitimacy to "authority" or "government" because those terms are simply euphemisms for violence and slavery, which are always immoral and in opposition to natural law. but that which can or will create better for all, will not be staring or thinking of the stupidity of any others, but rather at creating the interests of all into existence. nothing that feels others or groups of others are wrong, stupid, filled with idiocy, ridiculous, incompetent, corrupt, will ever be able to create better for all, as all with this eyesight do not even begin to feel any in these groups deserve any better, so certainly will never left a finger to protect their interests... for all demagogues and wouldbe dictators first believed many were stupid to create them self into demagogues and dictators. And this is the whole fallacy as those that can and will create care less about others, they are totally selfish. There are those that need and those that are needed. Those that need are but the blight on prosperity of those that are needed. There are two "spiritual currencies": time and attention. This analogy can be seen very readily in the sayings "spending time" and "paying attention". Whatever information or endeavors we put our time and attention toward, we end up getting something in return for that investment. This return could come in the form of knowledge, understanding, skills, expertise, and empowerment, if we invest our spiritual currencies wisely. Therefore we should seek to improve the quality of our attention by placing it upon information that is capable of improving both ourselves and the human condition as a whole. Such an effect would also constitute a valuable investment of our time. We should ask ourselves "what am I spending my time on?", what am I paying attention to?", and most importantly "what kind of quality am I getting in return for these investments of my spiritual currency?". It is all a matter of self as I live my life for none other than me and I ask no man to live his life for me for as Jesus said: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the Earth, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man's enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. Anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." - Jesus (Matthew 10: 34-39) "And as ye enter into the house, salute it. And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you. And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, as ye go forth out of that house or that city, shake off the dust of your feet. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city. Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." (Matthew 10: 12-16) ANYONE THAT QUOTES OTHERS SHOWS IT ONLY FOUND WHOM ELSE BELIEVED AS ONE SELF. that is not a basis for ANYTHING THAT WILL CREATE ACCURACY GOOD ENOUGH TO NAVIGATE TODAYS PATHS! why are you quoting "jesus".... who gives a flying fuccck what jesus said 2000 years ago ABOUT A SWORD... he knew he would HELP destroy the dummies and warmongers by saying it, KNOWING THEY WOULD USE IT TO DEFEND THEM SELF WANTING TO KILL BY SWORD, and these would then be killed, leaving the peaceful. to create a place of peace for all those of peace. and damn, quoting people who lives hundreds of years ago, just shows one's faithlessness in civilization now, as while one was busied proving to it self how smart it self was, the intellect of the world has FAR SURPASSED THE WISDOM OF HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO, who devised plans for WHAT EXISTED THEN... there is NO COMPARISON, or one lose, since ALL COMPARISON DATA IS FLAWED DATA, TOTALLY UNACCURATE. |
without authority the world would be freddie crouger meets the wild wild west, but idiotic blind fools whom love to feel and fantasize of them self as more wise than most leaders are blind to such so shall be destroyed by the same. Without authority OR a culture that successfully teaches the young to grow into adults that act on civilized principals, then we would have a world of freddie crouger cowboys. As we are, we need systems of violence to keep the freddie cougars of the world in check. But we don't need to always be as we are today. Chaos is a teacher. It teaches us, through apophasis, what not to do. The control and slavery system is about limitation of free will through the destruction of possibility. True freedom includes infinite possibility, which by definition, includes the possibility of chaos. This possibility must be embraced without fear if we are to be truly free. The fear of the possibility of chaos is the fear of true freedom. The fear of the possibility of chaos is the death of the imagination. Imagine is the powerful ability of the human mind to envision a different state or condition than the one which is already manifested. Imagination must be present in order to create a different state of existence than the one currently being experienced, because according to the Principle of Mentalism, for a different state to manifest in the physical world (Plane of Effects), it must first exist within the mind (Plane of Causality). If the imagination is stifled or destroyed (total mind control), any positive change to our state of existence becomes completely impossible. Through their fear of the possibility of chaos (true freedom), most people advocate the legitimacy and continuance of "authority" and government, and are therefore actually advocating the legitimacy and continuance of violence and slavery. Those who believe that "authority" is necessary and that it must continue, have actually been duped into believing that human slavery is necessary and must continue in order to prevent chaos. Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom, socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude. - Alexis de Tocqueville One of the problems with Alexis was his constant use of the interchangeability of republic and democracy. But here is a quote showing socialism at its most. Society will develop a new kind of servitude which covers the surface of society with a network of complicated rules, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate. It does not tyrannise but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.” - Alexis de Tocqueville But then the words of Ben Franklin go a long way toward addressing your comment: Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society. I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other. - Benjamin Franklin |
when in time or history has there ever been any that accused leaders of idiocy and fallacy and stupidity that if and when they them self were in position to lead did not repeat the same and most oft far worse... And just what part of this fallacy is so hard to grasp? They all believed in authority and would say or do anything to get within their grasp the POWER or authority. Authority An illusion of a diseased psyche, based entirely in violence and built upon the erroneous and dogmatic belief that some people are masters who have the moral right to issue commands, and others are slaves who have a moral obligation to obey the masters. Slavery The belief in the legitimacy of "authority" is the belief in the legitimacy of slavery. Ultimately, "authority" is the idea that man can become God and through "jurisdiction" dictate the law. of course, as these are blind to nearly all others as having damn good reason for the actions decided, believing only in their own imaginations of what they would do if in the same situation... of course, these have never been in the same situation... no different than a self professed expert on bike riding technique and it self has never ridden a bike... Only those that believe in the legitimacy of slavery feel compelled to support the fallacy of "government": Government From the Latin verb gubernare: "to control", and the Latin noun mens: "mind". The etymological origin of the English suffix -ment is often debated, yet it is overwhelmingly clear that those who created the English language deliberately chose mens, the Latin word for "mind" to mean "the state of" or "the condition of", in direct keeping with the first principle of natural law, the Principle of Mentalism, which demonstrates that in order for any particular thing, event, circumstance, state, or condition to exist as it currently does in our manifested reality (the Plane of Effects), it must first have existed in the mind (the Plane of Causality). And only the ignorant could accept the claims of expert from another without knowing how the claim manifested. Sort of like electing politicians, vote for them even though little is actually known about them and then declare in wonderment when there true nature shines through after the fact. But while I have the title of "expert" in many areas, none are of my own devise but construed by peers, themselves experts in the area. I believe in doing nothing except at the level of the best I can do. And while I may not always be "the" best, there is always tomorrow. easy to be in love with "imaginations" of what one self would say or do in the same situations... for anything in love with it self naturally is in love with all it's own imaginations of it's own grandness and self superiority... Many in this world live lives of imagination, always trying to imagine what it would be like to live in their fantasy world. Notice I did not say dream because the dreamers wake and strive to move forward into the world of their dreams. They are the ones that move humanity forward, not those of an imaginary world. And beware of one that does not love one's self because theirs is but to show contempt for another. And of course if one is in love with it's self, it would love all of it's own grandness and self-superiority for to believe any other would reduce that love to slavery, the living of life for another, a statist. Statism The brilliant idea that we give a small group of people the right to kidnap, imprison, harass, steal from and kill people, so that we can be protected from people who kidnap, harass, steal and kill people. A statist is an individual who erroneously believes that there is such a thing as "authority" vested in certain human beings magically giving them the "right to rule" over other people. This "authority" means that certain people who we call "government", have the "moral right" to issue commands to those whom they rule (those under their "jurisdiction"), and that their "subjects" (slaves) have a "moral obligation" to obey the arbitrary dictates set by their masters. Most simply put, a statist is someone who believes in the legitimacy of slavery. Conversely, an anarchist is the one who knows that there could never be legitimacy to "authority" or "government" because those terms are simply euphemisms for violence and slavery, which are always immoral and in opposition to natural law. but that which can or will create better for all, will not be staring or thinking of the stupidity of any others, but rather at creating the interests of all into existence. nothing that feels others or groups of others are wrong, stupid, filled with idiocy, ridiculous, incompetent, corrupt, will ever be able to create better for all, as all with this eyesight do not even begin to feel any in these groups deserve any better, so certainly will never left a finger to protect their interests... for all demagogues and wouldbe dictators first believed many were stupid to create them self into demagogues and dictators. And this is the whole fallacy as those that can and will create care less about others, they are totally selfish. There are those that need and those that are needed. Those that need are but the blight on prosperity of those that are needed. There are two "spiritual currencies": time and attention. This analogy can be seen very readily in the sayings "spending time" and "paying attention". Whatever information or endeavors we put our time and attention toward, we end up getting something in return for that investment. This return could come in the form of knowledge, understanding, skills, expertise, and empowerment, if we invest our spiritual currencies wisely. Therefore we should seek to improve the quality of our attention by placing it upon information that is capable of improving both ourselves and the human condition as a whole. Such an effect would also constitute a valuable investment of our time. We should ask ourselves "what am I spending my time on?", what am I paying attention to?", and most importantly "what kind of quality am I getting in return for these investments of my spiritual currency?". It is all a matter of self as I live my life for none other than me and I ask no man to live his life for me for as Jesus said: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the Earth, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man's enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. Anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." - Jesus (Matthew 10: 34-39) "And as ye enter into the house, salute it. And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you. And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, as ye go forth out of that house or that city, shake off the dust of your feet. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city. Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." (Matthew 10: 12-16) ANYONE THAT QUOTES OTHERS SHOWS IT ONLY FOUND WHOM ELSE BELIEVED AS ONE SELF. that is not a basis for ANYTHING THAT WILL CREATE ACCURACY GOOD ENOUGH TO NAVIGATE TODAYS PATHS! why are you quoting "jesus".... who gives a flying fuccck what jesus said 2000 years ago ABOUT A SWORD... he knew he would HELP destroy the dummies and warmongers by saying it, KNOWING THEY WOULD USE IT TO DEFEND THEM SELF WANTING TO KILL BY SWORD, and these would then be killed, leaving the peaceful. to create a place of peace for all those of peace. and damn, quoting people who lives hundreds of years ago, just shows one's faithlessness in civilization now, as while one was busied proving to it self how smart it self was, the intellect of the world has FAR SURPASSED THE WISDOM OF HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO, who devised plans for WHAT EXISTED THEN... there is NO COMPARISON, or one lose, since ALL COMPARISON DATA IS FLAWED DATA, TOTALLY UNACCURATE. Quoting you. ![]() Did I hear somebody say, "Die by the sword."? Slayer - Die by the Sword (Live on April 3, 1985) |
your 2funny Madam Fleta....
smiles |
hope you had fun writing all that stuff... it all proves one thing most... Actually, I did thank you. But I hope you do not believe that I wrote all that either to or for you as that would be a wasted of both my time and attention, life's most precious currencies. I wrote to the subject which is worth both my time and attention. And it is the subject to which those that will, will. And to which others will lose attention and have wasted their time. And your proclamation, one way or the other is but a grain of time within eternity and matters little in the overall scheme of things. The vast majority here require others to think for them, but the few... And those few... |
ALL WHO FAILED EVER IN LIFE, BELIEVED IN GOOD FOR 1... of course, that includes any one can find who think the same AS ONE SELF. but these are only confidence boosters needed because the motive is too small to succeed. still all of singular thought. as these can't see the clear tunnels and lighted passages into meadows of green pastures since they live seeking these but for THEM SELF, but that which seek these things for who it most cares about, succeeds and see's clearly how to navigate to them. THE ULTIMATE FAILURE OF THE MIND IS IT RAPPED AROUND A TREE, OF HOW IT SELF BE WISE AND SMART AND AWESOME, which come from the motive of protect the smallest number, 1. the greatest knowing then will come from the motive of PROTECT THE ENTIRE POPULOUS! Really, are there any cites for that claim? And the one capable of being a self don't need clear tunnels, they can make them; don't need lighted passages as they are capable of providing light. It is only those which needs to be the slave of another that must wait for another to provide the path and the light. |
Edited by
Tue 11/25/14 02:25 PM
ANYONE THAT QUOTES OTHERS SHOWS IT ONLY FOUND WHOM ELSE BELIEVED AS ONE SELF. that is not a basis for ANYTHING THAT WILL CREATE ACCURACY GOOD ENOUGH TO NAVIGATE TODAYS PATHS! why are you quoting "jesus".... who gives a flying fuccck what jesus said 2000 years ago ABOUT A SWORD... he knew he would HELP destroy the dummies and warmongers by saying it, KNOWING THEY WOULD USE IT TO DEFEND THEM SELF WANTING TO KILL BY SWORD, and these would then be killed, leaving the peaceful. to create a place of peace for all those of peace. and damn, quoting people who lives hundreds of years ago, just shows one's faithlessness in civilization now, as while one was busied proving to it self how smart it self was, the intellect of the world has FAR SURPASSED THE WISDOM OF HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO, who devised plans for WHAT EXISTED THEN... there is NO COMPARISON, or one lose, since ALL COMPARISON DATA IS FLAWED DATA, TOTALLY UNACCURATE. So hilarious. Let's offer some other quotes: Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society. Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn. Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn. - Benjamin Franklin And as to why, that is the key question. Many know how, it is but those that know the why that advance. And as to Jesus... Teachability An individuals teachability, or their ability to learn by way of being taught by someone else, is extremely dependent upon the open-mindedness or close-mindedness of the individual being taught. Low teachability derives from arrogance and rigid skepticism, but also from naivete and gullibility. High teachability derives from a balance between healthy skepticism and an open-minded willingness to learn and change. Human beings should consider with great care their sources for information. By refusing to present certain information, and by influencing people to dismiss certain information as unimportant or unnecessary to consider, many modern institutions seek to control human perceptions and therefore to limit what human beings may come to understand. And just in case it was missed before: Nescience vs Ignorance - The context of not knowing. Nescience From the Latin verb nesciere: "to not know because knowledge was absent or unobtainable" Ignorance From the Latin verb ignorare: "to not know even though necessary information is present, because that information has been willfully refused or disregarded. Ignorance carries blame. The masses are in a state of ignorance. The question is why? There is that question again. But in the future I will try to dredge up more quotes from Jesus as the philosophy he espoused is so relevant. Also, I would suggest you go back and read the passage on the sword, it is not as you think. |
hope you had fun writing all that stuff... it all proves one thing most... Actually, I did thank you. But I hope you do not believe that I wrote all that either to or for you as that would be a wasted of both my time and attention, life's most precious currencies. I wrote to the subject which is worth both my time and attention. And it is the subject to which those that will, will. And to which others will lose attention and have wasted their time. And your proclamation, one way or the other is but a grain of time within eternity and matters little in the overall scheme of things. The vast majority here require others to think for them, but the few... And those few... You probably typed the last sentence, but you copied and pasted the rest from Passio again. Are you simply that incapable of formulating your thoughts that you insist on using other people's work and without citations attempting to pass it off as your own? It's really phucking pathetic, but that pretty much sums you up. |
hope you had fun writing all that stuff... it all proves one thing most... Actually, I did thank you. But I hope you do not believe that I wrote all that either to or for you as that would be a wasted of both my time and attention, life's most precious currencies. I wrote to the subject which is worth both my time and attention. And it is the subject to which those that will, will. And to which others will lose attention and have wasted their time. And your proclamation, one way or the other is but a grain of time within eternity and matters little in the overall scheme of things. The vast majority here require others to think for them, but the few... And those few... your allowing others to nthink for oyu, since oyu are basing all you THINK, on what has been told to self, and READ FROM OTHERS. that is why you quote quote quote others... such only shows these are not conclusions based on ONE SELF, but rather conclusions based upon on who self was told to think of as smart, from others. so who is htinkjing for them self? |
ALL WHO FAILED EVER IN LIFE, BELIEVED IN GOOD FOR 1... of course, that includes any one can find who think the same AS ONE SELF. but these are only confidence boosters needed because the motive is too small to succeed. still all of singular thought. as these can't see the clear tunnels and lighted passages into meadows of green pastures since they live seeking these but for THEM SELF, but that which seek these things for who it most cares about, succeeds and see's clearly how to navigate to them. THE ULTIMATE FAILURE OF THE MIND IS IT RAPPED AROUND A TREE, OF HOW IT SELF BE WISE AND SMART AND AWESOME, which come from the motive of protect the smallest number, 1. the greatest knowing then will come from the motive of PROTECT THE ENTIRE POPULOUS! Really, are there any cites for that claim? And the one capable of being a self don't need clear tunnels, they can make them; don't need lighted passages as they are capable of providing light. It is only those which needs to be the slave of another that must wait for another to provide the path and the light. you ask for cites for that claim... it can't be so! and you really believe you are THINKING FOR YOUR SELF, and the world is filled with the diseased "none thinkers for them self"... dear friend, one that needs other to "cite" another, to decide what it self CHOOSE to "believe", prove it self is not logically deducting anything, but rather it self a none thinker for it self... my brother, if there be a disease of not thinking for one self, it be those that ask for where data is cited, the same as WHO ELSE IN AUTHORITY SAID THE SAME! but this same one declares it self not following AUTHORITY? not a slave? but one needs the "cites" of others? would that not make one self a slave to only what is cited? a joke your mentality be when it declare it self SHALL NOT BE A SLAVE. A BLIND RANTING WHEN ONE IS AT THIS MOMENT AND WITH EACH WORD DECLARING SERVITUDE AS A SLAVE TO WORDS DEEMED TO BE SPOKEN WITH "AUTHORITY"... so, one self is a slave to authority... and you say other's should join your FREEDOM FROM SLAVERY! when you lead any who hear you down DARK PASSAGES AND INTO BLOOD FILLED MEADOWS, that you INDEED DO CREATE, with your decision you are wiser than those in rule over you, and more honorable, and less corrupt, and more adept... please... pathetic slavery reeks from your every word. for fools demand they shall never be a slave, while they slave away trying to sabotage those who don't believe in slavery, but rather FREE WILL OF ALL. |