THE MIRACLE OF HIS LOVE THURSDAY, NOV. 20TH, 2014 PASTOR CHRIS And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us (Romans 5:5). Each time I think and meditate on God’s Word and contemplate the greatness of the Lord, I’m awed to realize that He actually put it in the heart of man, His own creature, to love Him. It’s an amazing miracle. I don’t know if you've ever thought about the fact that He made you. You know, it’s easy for us to relate with Him without immediately realizing that the One we’re dealing with actually made us: everything we are, and knows everything about us. His greatness is beyond description. It’s therefore too humbling, and boggles the mind to think that He’d put in our hearts to follow after Him and love Him. To think that He made it possible for us to know Him, and want to know more about Him, as part of His work in us, is such an amazing reality. When you think of those who don’t know Him, think how fortunate you are that you know Him, not because you found out about Him, but because He put it in your heart to know Him. Best of all is, He’s now made you His partner in winning the lost. He could get them to know Him without involving you, because He’s God; He’s all- powerful and can do all things. However, He chose to make us apart of His business of bringing others to salvation; what a miracle! What an honour! PRAYER: Dear Father, how happy I am to know that you not only love me with an everlasting love, but also put it in my heart to love you, my Lord and maker. My heart is bowed in worship, for your greatness, and for the honour and privilege to know, love, and serve you. I’ll celebrate and sing of your greatness and love all of my days, in Jesus’ Name. Amen. FURTHER STUDY: Psalm 8:4-6 Living Bible (TLB) 4 I cannot understand how you can bother with mere puny man, to pay any attention to him! 5 And yet you have made him only a little lower than the angels and placed a crown of glory and honor upon his head. 6 You have put him in charge of everything you made; everything is put under his authority: Ephesians 1:5 Living Bible (TLB) 5 His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Jesus Christ to die for us. And he did this because he wanted to! 1 John 3:1 Living Bible (TLB) 3 See how very much our heavenly Father loves us, for he allows us to be called his children— think of it—and we really are! But since most people don’t know God, naturally they don’t understand that we are his children. DAILY SCRIPTURE READING 1 Year Bible Reading Plan: James 3:14-4:1-12 Ezekiel 22-23 2 Year Bible Reading Plan: 1 John 5:1-21 Daniel 5-6 FAITH IT! "COME LET US BOW DOWN AND WORSHIP": DEAR FATHER, WITH A HEART FULL OF THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE, I WORSHIP YOUR HOLY NAME. YOU ARE EXALTED ABOVE THE HEAVENS AND YOUR GLORY IS MANIFESTED UPON ALL THE EARTH..... THERE IS NONE LIKE YOU: LOVING, GRACIOUS, FULL OF MERCY, FAITHFUL AND SINGING OVER ME WITH JOYFUL SONGS..... GLORY, HONOR AND PRAISE IS YOURS FOREVERMORE.....THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE AND ABUNDANCE POURED INTO MY LIFE BY THE HOLY SPIRIT... I STAND IN AWE... HALLELUJAH! Have a THANKFUL DAY WORSHIPING..... |