Topic: why is it so hard finding that one special someone
wolverine74's photo
Mon 11/17/14 08:45 AM
I really would like to find someone that is my everything. (best friends)

Angeltripping17's photo
Mon 11/17/14 09:04 AM
The best things in life are worth waiting for.

no photo
Mon 11/17/14 09:12 AM
Why is it so hard to find the one you are looking for?
Because many people play games. Some even do not know what they want, so they don't actually lie, but honestly believe what they are saying. First they lie to themselves, than they lie to others.
Some know what they want, but are aware they won't get it if they say it. Games, games, games ... that's what makes it so hard.

no photo
Mon 11/17/14 09:17 AM

Why is it so hard to find the one you are looking for?
Because many people play games. Some even do not know what they want, so they don't actually lie, but honestly believe what they are saying. First they lie to themselves, than they lie to others.
Some know what they want, but are aware they won't get it if they say it. Games, games, games ... that's what makes it so hard.

That is so true

no photo
Mon 11/17/14 09:18 AM

I really would like to find someone that is my everything. (best friends)

waving Hi Wolverine!...It's hard to find someone special because they ARE special!...Be patient...If you really want love, it will find you...:wink:

Welcome to Mingle!!flowerforyou

yaris17's photo
Mon 11/17/14 09:21 AM
Men playing games is why it's hard for people to find their soulmates just plain childish!!!

no1phD's photo
Mon 11/17/14 09:23 AM
Yes... finding that one special someone... I have met a lot of.. close to being the one special someone...
. but never completely on the mark..
... it is either we get along really well online.. texting ... and then we call each other... and her voice is not what I expected.... its nice just not..
. a voice I can listen to for very

... I have her picture.. from her profile..
. we are online texting.. it is going great.. we talk on the phone... her voice is perfect.... so we meet and greet...and... she!! looks nothing like her profile picture.... the last time she saw .. the inside of a gym... was when she drove past the. location: where and when they were building the gym... and the walls were not up

... texting is good.. voice is good.. picture matches but no spark.. during the meet and greet..
.. nothing... struggle to keep a conversation going.....

... yes I would have thought it would have been easier than this...
... I think it is the actual act.. Of.. actively looking for someone..
.. you become more aware of what it is you may like... as opposed to the usual way... you just bump into each other and go from there..... who would have thunk




no photo
Mon 11/17/14 09:27 AM

Men playing games is why it's hard for people to find their soulmates just plain childish!!!

Women play games too you know

no photo
Mon 11/17/14 09:33 AM

Men playing games is why it's hard for people to find their soulmates just plain childish!!!

Women play games too you know

shocked Who told you that!!....Liars!!!


no photo
Mon 11/17/14 09:53 AM
Edited by OnNewJourney on Mon 11/17/14 10:14 AM

The best things in life are worth waiting for.

I used to think so too and tell it to other people to encourage them not to give up and to keep looking.

However, after living alone for a while and carefully observing people around me I stopped saying that.

There are many middle aged people who live alone much longer than me. Most are divorced or separated and few never got married. Also, most of them have children, but some grew up, left home and live their lives, while others are still with parents.

They all have one thing in common. It's called habit. People are creatures of habits and it's hard to change them.

Once they got used to living alone, they began to enjoy some advantages of that life style. They would like to keep it, not to adjust to anyone, but, at the same time, they look for someone who will satisfy their needs and wants, whatever those may be.

So, they settle for convenient easy come - easy go type of relationships, not really looking for anything serious, but hoping it still might happen, just like a lottery winning.

Meanwhile they enjoy their pizza just the way they like it and share it with someone who gives them what they need or want till it works for them. When it stops working, they move on and find the next person.

Good things do come to those who wait, but not to those who aren't honest to themselves and others about what they really want or those who are not ready to accept them once they come.

Perhaps I am wrong, because not every one of us defines "good things" the same way. If I am wrong, that means they already found good things they were looking for. So, there is no need to encourage them and wish them luck. They are already where they want to be.

no photo
Mon 11/17/14 10:10 AM

Yes... finding that one special someone... I have met a lot of.. close to being the one special someone...
. but never completely on the mark..
... it is either we get along really well online.. texting ... and then we call each other... and her voice is not what I expected.... its nice just not..
. a voice I can listen to for very

... I have her picture.. from her profile..
. we are online texting.. it is going great.. we talk on the phone... her voice is perfect.... so we meet and greet...and... she!! looks nothing like her profile picture.... the last time she saw .. the inside of a gym... was when she drove past the. location: where and when they were building the gym... and the walls were not up

... texting is good.. voice is good.. picture matches but no spark.. during the meet and greet..
.. nothing... struggle to keep a conversation going.....

... yes I would have thought it would have been easier than this...
... I think it is the actual act.. Of.. actively looking for someone..
.. you become more aware of what it is you may like... as opposed to the usual way... you just bump into each other and go from there..... who would have thunk




I have the same problem when looking for the perfume.

If I like the perfume, I don't like the design of its bottle. If the package is perfect, perfume is usually quite the opposite.

So I ended up with a collection of perfumes that I never intend to use, but purchased them because of a fancy package design, few perfumes that I like and favorite one that comes in a bottle that is anything but fancy. It is not easy to find that one, but whenever I do I buy it.

If I had to pick and choose just one perfume to use I know exactly which one it would be.

2469nascar's photo
Mon 11/17/14 10:22 AM

Men playing games is why it's hard for people to find their soulmates just plain childish!!!
WOOOOO easy now, all men? some women play games as well, just have to weed them out i guess,

no photo
Mon 11/17/14 11:03 AM

Men playing games is why it's hard for people to find their soulmates just plain childish!!!
WOOOOO easy now, all men? some women play games as well, just have to weed them out i guess,

Both men and women play games. To each his own.

Everyone wants something. The question is what they are willing to give in return.

Most Minglers already know that scammers come in all colors, shapes and sizes, but some have learned it the hard way and shared their experiences on many threads like this one for example: Topic how to know if you are talking with scammer 65% work