Topic: .. the lineup..
no1phD's photo
Fri 11/14/14 12:35 PM
I'm thinking the consumer is always right

no photo
Fri 11/14/14 12:41 PM
not always.......noway

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/14/14 12:43 PM
well. When it comes to my walmart..
. I know what I see.. and I know what I hear... and I sure don't feel like I come first.. as a valued consumer..
. quite the opposite... it is truly a numbers game... first force out your competition... dominate the market..
.. then open your doors... and stop giving a shite...

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 11/14/14 12:45 PM

well. When it comes to my walmart..
. I know what I see.. and I know what I hear... and I sure don't feel like I come first.. as a valued consumer..
. quite the opposite... it is truly a numbers game... first force out your competition... dominate the market..
.. then open your doors... and stop giving a shite...

Then shop elsewhere.

no photo
Fri 11/14/14 12:46 PM
I don't think it's just Walmart....customer service has really one seems to care anymore....

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/14/14 12:48 PM
.. why would I want to shop elsewhere.. there is no elsewhere..
Oh perhaps target... yeah....hmmm.. same.. same just different names...
.... what did you have a job at Walmart... as a young.Alf..

no photo
Fri 11/14/14 12:54 PM
Target sucks

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/14/14 01:02 PM
I know I used to like.. Zellers..
you know what I never really waited in line at .. Zellers... I mean occasionally you would have to.. but as soon as they got busy.. they would call up more cashiers.....

... not Walmart... they generally stand around in the aisles gabbing with each other... and their cashiers move so slow.. like one handed slow... beep....... beep............ beep............... beep........ what is this called....ahhh... it's a onion........ price check.. on til eight please................................ beep...

................ would you like to donate to your local would you like cash would you like to buy a Walmart insurance .

... now . Zellers... beep beep beep beep beep beep..... have a nice day..lmao

no photo
Fri 11/14/14 01:04 PM
:thumbsup: ....yep

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/14/14 01:04 PM
Dodo I want your Walmart.. sounds much better than my walmart....
because I have at least 12 of them.. in my city.. and they're all the same...

.. you must have the..... best Walmart ever....

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 11/14/14 01:05 PM

I know I used to like.. Zellers..
you know what I never really waited in line at .. Zellers... I mean occasionally you would have to.. but as soon as they got busy.. they would call up more cashiers...

In other words, the store would have sales clerks man the registers, which is what Walmart does.

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/14/14 01:07 PM
oh and did I mention.. this is the bashing of corporate America topic..
not the touchy feel good about Corp America but totally respect your opinion ... always best to see the best... you're a good little alien.. which reminds me how do you xscape the secure facility.. again..loldrinker

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 11/14/14 01:08 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Fri 11/14/14 01:07 PM

Dodo I want your Walmart.. sounds much better than my walmart....
because I have at least 12 of them.. in my city.. and they're all the same...

.. you must have the..... best Walmart ever....

Nah. Where I am, Humans also exaggerate about the lines at Walmart, because those Humans also don't understands how things work in the retail industry.

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 11/14/14 01:13 PM
which reminds me how do you xscape the secure facility.. again..loldrinker

It's a secret.

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/14/14 01:23 PM
oh and I don't mean to slag.. the fine men and women that work at any retail outlet.... but I was raised.. to work hard.. no matter what the pay scale is.. I work just as hard for $10 an hour.. as I would for $100 an hour..
...... I work as hard and efficiently as I can..... because that is Who I am....
..... I get up every day.. go to work and bust my hump..... because that's my job....

stan_147's photo
Fri 11/14/14 01:27 PM
when I was a young boy..
gas stations had gas jockeys..
. oh hang on to your hats. boys and girls... yes a gas jockey.. you would pull up! they would come to your window... how much gas would you like today ma'am or sir... and do you need your oil checked... I noticed your rear tire is a little low... I will add more air for you..... then they would put your gas in your car... check your oil.. add pressure to that low tire..
and even clean your window... in the time it took to put the gas in your car...... and with a smile on their face....
...ohh.. and if that is hard for you to believe....

Move to Oregon. It's illegal to pump your own gas, and therefore they still have 'attendants', who do give full service. Being that I am from California, we haven't seen this in 30 years. It was a little strange to be getting a service, that I am used to doing myself. I almost felt guilty. lol.

The various folks we encountered while gassing up were very polite and did good work, my windows were damn clean! (and I think I personally killed 400K insects on the last trip) :laughing:

no photo
Fri 11/14/14 01:28 PM

..omg.. Walmart.. ok first let me start by saying this... I'm looking for a consensus.. this is international this site..yes...ok... so where you live.. they have a Walmart right..?...
.. how long is the line at your Walmart.. you know when you're going through the checkout...

.. I live in Canada.. we have Walmarts..
.. these big superstore chains..
with approximately 30 to 40 checkout counters... but sure as there is fuzz on a peach.... every time I go into one..... the only have maybe 5 or 6 check out's open.... even on a Saturday... when they're extremely busy.... 6or 7 check outs open only...
.. is it just here in my city ... or has any one else come across this issue...

.. why do they have 30 check outs... if they never use them.... yes feel free to rag on Walmart... I love to waste their CEOs time.. make him stand in line up all day... to buy my goods..


Some people at Walmart, or stores in general, act like they never want to leave. I'm all about getting in and out of there as soon as possible since I don't enjoy shopping.

A debit card and self checkout usually has my stuff bagged with a receipt in hand in less than 15 seconds on a busy Saturday. I save an additional minute by sprinting up and down the stairs when entering and leaving the store, While the masses are herding themselves onto the slow moving escalator. From the time I leave my car, to the time I return? Approximately 2-3 minutes, depending on how long it took me to find the item/s I was looking for...

Doesn't Canada's Walmarts have self checkouts, Or do you feel that it's an inconvenience to have to use them?

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/14/14 01:29 PM
.. I believe it is China.. or some Asian country.... they place a high value on service.... if the customer is not happy.. they feel as if they have failed..
... are you listening

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/14/14 01:31 PM
.. oh don't get me started on self checkout..lmao

bashajones's photo
Fri 11/14/14 01:31 PM
I don't go to Walmart for MANY reasons besides the "lineup".

Therefore, I don't complain about Walmart...heehee
