Topic: total darkness
LisaGreen54's photo
Fri 11/07/14 07:55 AM
I read on Facebook that on December 21st thru the 24th that the Earth will be in total Darkness due to a solar storm that would completly cover up the Sun! Suposely Nasa has made this statement

Wow what if its the start of the Zombie Apocolispe

Who would you want on your team to fight those smelly walkers

Also does any one realize if a Zombie has false teeth and he loses them can he still chew up human fleash

Humor me I get scared from watching Znation and Walking Dead:banana:

navygirl's photo
Fri 11/07/14 08:29 AM

I read on Facebook that on December 21st thru the 24th that the Earth will be in total Darkness due to a solar storm that would completly cover up the Sun! Suposely Nasa has made this statement

Wow what if its the start of the Zombie Apocolispe

Who would you want on your team to fight those smelly walkers

Also does any one realize if a Zombie has false teeth and he loses them can he still chew up human fleash

Humor me I get scared from watching Znation and Walking Dead:banana:

I think the darkness is the minor side of it. What will people do if they can't go on the computer, watch tv or use their cell phones? OMG, we might have to go back to the old fashioned way and actually talk to each other in person. Oh, the horror!!!!laugh

LisaGreen54's photo
Fri 11/07/14 08:32 AM
Oh wow I didn't think about alll that tears

navygirl's photo
Fri 11/07/14 08:46 AM

Oh wow I didn't think about alll that tears

We had a solar storm that hit Quebec and knocked out the power of the entire province for 12 hours. I think the biggest worry would be about keeping our homes heated.

mrld_ii's photo
Fri 11/07/14 08:46 AM
Unfortunately, NASA itself has confirmed the rumor is untrue.

More unfortunately, the website (~whoa~ sound THAT out: "huzlers",) which first *leaked* the news, says this of itself:

" is a combination of real shocking news and satirical entertainment to keep its visitors in a state of disbelief."


no photo
Fri 11/07/14 08:49 AM

I read on Facebook that on December 21st thru the 24th that the Earth will be in total Darkness due to a solar storm that would completly cover up the Sun! Suposely Nasa has made this statement

Wow what if its the start of the Zombie Apocolispe

Who would you want on your team to fight those smelly walkers

Also does any one realize if a Zombie has false teeth and he loses them can he still chew up human fleash

Humor me I get scared from watching Znation and Walking Dead:banana:

I think the darkness is the minor side of it. What will people do if they can't go on the computer, watch tv or use their cell phones? OMG, we might have to go back to the old fashioned way and actually talk to each other in person. Oh, the horror!!!!laugh

Good one! LOL

navygirl's photo
Fri 11/07/14 08:57 AM
Edited by navygirl on Fri 11/07/14 08:59 AM

Unfortunately, NASA itself has confirmed the rumor is untrue.

More unfortunately, the website (~whoa~ sound THAT out: "huzlers",) which first *leaked* the news, says this of itself:

" is a combination of real shocking news and satirical entertainment to keep its visitors in a state of disbelief."


Actually; they had the same rumour of the solar storm around Christmas time some years ago so this is nothing really new. The solar storm in Quebec that caused the province wide blackout did really happen but this happened back in 1989. It only lasted 12 hours so nothing as extreme as these other stories.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 11/07/14 08:57 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Fri 11/07/14 09:01 AM

I read on Facebook that on December 21st thru the 24th that the Earth will be in total Darkness due to a solar storm that would completly cover up the Sun! Suposely Nasa has made this statement

Wow what if its the start of the Zombie Apocolispe

Who would you want on your team to fight those smelly walkers

Also does any one realize if a Zombie has false teeth and he loses them can he still chew up human fleash

Humor me I get scared from watching Znation and Walking Dead:banana:

naw,not gonna happen!
Just another Hoax thought up by someone with to much time on their Hands!laugh

No, the universe is not about to realign in December 2014, nor will there be a multi-day blackout at that time during which the Earth will shift into a new dimension. Neither NASA nor any other credible scientific
entity has made such a pronouncement. Ever.

This item originated back in 2012, when interest in the belief that the Mayan calendar would end on 21 December 2012 (thus foretelling the end of the world as we know it) was running high, and it has simply been updated and recirculated with the year 2014 replacing the original references to 2012.

A link included in many of the Facebook posts and e-mail forwards that make this claim takes users to a video in which NASA administrator Charles F. Bolden, Jr. talks about the importance of family preparedness in times of disaster. While Bolden does wax on about the need for families to prepare in advance for unforeseen events (whether they be floods, earthquakes, or terrorist attacks) by taking such steps as agreeing ahead of time where they will all meet should they be separated by disaster, nowhere in that video does he make mention of planetary blackouts, universe realignments, or shifts to the zero dimension. The video link was clearly added to the piece in an effort to provide at least a semblance of credibility to the hogwash presented therein.

6 Days of Darkness in December: NASA story a hoax among other stories debunked
Published 06 November 2014 | Megan Garcia

A fake story has been circulating online wherein the Earth is headed for 'Six Days of Total Darkness.' Rest assured, this is a hoax, which was started by Satirical news site

The fake story has been spreading online, which encouraged social media users to post about what they would be doing during the six days of darkness in December.

The story originally surfaced with the title 'Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!' The fake story claimed that the darkness will be caused by an incoming solar storm which would bring about dust and space debris that will block out 90 percent of the sunlight.

Although solar storms do exist, they do not block out electricity from Earth and most certainly do not block out the sunlight.(Could knock out the Grid in some instances though)

The hoax story also sources Nasa chief Charles Bolden, taking excerpts from a recorded video about what people should do in an event of an earthquake or hurricane to apply it to the fake story.

Nearly 1 million people shared the hoax story, which stated that the phenomenon would happen between Dec. 16 to 22 this year.bigsmile

no photo
Fri 11/07/14 11:31 AM
I read on Facebook

I think this would make a great forum header.
Like "dating and relationships," or, "culture and politics," or, "general discussion," but "I read on Facebook..." and people could make up the craziest things and try to support it with made up facts.

Albeit that does sound like forums in general, everyone participating would know it's not true yet play along or fight for the fun of it, rather than being sad or lonely or stupid or because they want to win the internet.

what if its the start of the Zombie Apocolispe

Zombies may kill off all other human beings, but I think the roaches, vultures, worms, and insects would just super breed and eat all of that walking dead flesh, over time anyway.

So I'm going to start believing in reincarnation and come back as a super flying mega roach. I can't wait for the apocalypse!

Who would you want on your team to fight those smelly walkers
Anyone with an i.q. over 80.
Walking zombies do not pose much of a threat, only t.v. and movie writers make it seem like it.
Who would I want on my team to build a society so we don't commit suicide by walking zombie due to human stupidity, that's another question entirely.

Also does any one realize if a Zombie has false teeth and he loses them can he still chew up human fleash

Only the fat squishy people, or those that drowned and spent a lot of time in the water so fall apart. Otherwise they need their zombie spouse to put the people in a blender and provide a spoon or a straw.

Humor me I get scared from watching Znation and Walking Dead

I tried watching walking dead a couple of times.
It just makes me laugh.

It's too bad the only people that survive seem to be the ones that need the most time to emotionally recover before being able to act in a crisis.

It's too bad no human beings existed before the industrial revolution so fighting or protecting a group from a horde, or mob, of unarmed, unthinking, slow moving, assailants is a completely new and difficult experience for humanity.

I'm all for a level of willing suspense of disbelief, but come on, there are levels intelligent adults shouldn't be able to achieve.

mysticalview21's photo
Sun 11/09/14 01:53 PM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Sun 11/09/14 02:11 PM

Unfortunately, NASA itself has confirmed the rumor is untrue.

More unfortunately, the website (~whoa~ sound THAT out: "huzlers",) which first *leaked* the news, says this of itself:

" is a combination of real shocking news and satirical entertainment to keep its visitors in a state of disbelief."


well that is freakin good.. cause I do not know how to cook zombies to eat ...any recipes for that ... guess u should be on crack right lmao taste better lol or LSD I wondered why they where naked...