Topic: He Cares | |
HE CARES FRIDAY, NOV. 7TH, 2014 -PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME Casting all your care up on him; for he careth for you (1 Peter 5:7). Our opening scripture is remarkable. The Lord Himself is inviting us to cast all our cares on Him. He says,“Give me all your cares!” You don't have to worry over anything in life. Roll all your cares over to Him. You and God can't be “caring” about the same things, at the same time. If you’re going to be fretful and anxious, He can't intervene, because your worries will stop His power from flowing your way. Refuse to care! Confess the Word and say, “I refuse to be anxious over anything. However, in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, I make my request known unto God; therefore, His peace that surpasses all understanding garrisons my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.” Perhaps you're a parent, you have your son or your daughter away somewhere, and you think he or she might be in danger. Instead of crying out in fear, “Oh God, I don't know what's happening…”; say, “Father, I thank you because I know that you care! You’re in charge; therefore, my child is protected.” Confess that God cares! Be conscious that He cares. Jesus Christ was so conscious of the Father; He spoke of Him all the time. I have that consciousness! He says, “I will not leave you fatherless” (John 14:18), and He sent the Holy Spirit to take care of us, because He cares. We’re not fatherless. There's someone who cares for you; He's your heavenly Father. He cares about every detail of your life; He cares about everything that pertains to you. He perfects all that concerns you, and you're important to Him; He knows your name. No matter the situation, get into your closet, shut the world out, shut the pain out, shut the tribulation out and lift your hands and say, “I have a Father, the Almighty; He’s King of kings and Lord of Lords, and He cares for me.” You’re not alone;greater is He that’s in you than all the troubles in the world. CONFESSION: I cast all my cares on you, blessed Lord, because I know you love me and care for me affectionately. I refuse to be discouraged, irrespective of the challenges that come my way, because I trust in the efficacy of your Word. Greater is He that’s in me, than he that's in the world. Halleluiah! FURTHER STUDY Romans 8:35-39 Living Bible (TLB) 35 Who then can ever keep Christ’s love from us? When we have trouble or calamity, when we are hunted down or destroyed, is it because he doesn’t love us anymore? And if we are hungry or penniless or in danger or threatened with death, has God deserted us? 36 No, for the Scriptures tell us that for his sake we must be ready to face death at every moment of the day—we are like sheep awaiting slaughter; 37 but despite all this, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loved us enough to die for us. 38 For I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels won’t, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God’s love away. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, 39 or where we are—high above the sky, or in the deepest ocean—nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when he died for us. Zephaniah 3:17 Living Bible (TLB) 17-18 For the Lord your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will give you victory. He will rejoice over you with great gladness; he will love you and not accuse you.” Is that a joyous choir I hear? No, it is the Lord himself exulting over you in happy song. “I have gathered your wounded and taken away your reproach. Psalm 55:22 Living Bible (TLB) 22 Give your burdens to the Lord. He will carry them. He will not permit the godly to slip or fall. DAILY SCRIPTURE READING 1 Year Bible Reading Plan: Hebrews 7 Jeremiah 50-51 2 Year Bible Reading Plan: 1 Peter 4:1-19 Ezekiel 38 FAITH IT! PRAYER FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL FRIDAY: PRECIOUS FATHER, THANK YOU THAT I FUNCTION IN YOUR LOVE, GRACE, POWER and OVERFLOW TODAY. AS I YIELD TO YOUR SPIRIT, I LIVE BEYOND ANY LIMITATION FOR I HAVE THE LIFE and ABILITY OF GOD IN ME. THANK YOU THAT YOU DO GREAT AND WONDERFUL THINGS IN MY LIFE.....I BOLDLY RECEIVE THE INCREASE AND EXPANSION YOU HAVE IN STORE FOR ME BECAUSE THE ANOINTING and GLORY IS WORKING MIGHTILY IN ME..... THEREFORE, YOUR BEAUTY IS SHOWING FORTH ON THE OUTSIDE, EVIDENTLY MANIFESTING FOR ALL TO SEE... THANK YOU IN JESUS' NAME... HALLELUJAH!!!! Have a FANTASTIC day WALKING IN FATHERS' MANIFESTED PRESENCE.... |