GUARD YOUR HEART MONDAY, OCT. 27TH, 2014 -PASTOR CHRIS Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). Everything God has planned concerning your life, everything you’d ever become, is in your heart. That’s why He wants you to guard your heart with all diligence. That means you should carefully and conscientiously watch and guard what goes into your heart. Think about an orange seed; that seed carries all the potentials of an orange tree. When you place it in the right environment, it’ll produce roots, stem, branches, leaves, and finally several orange fruits, with many more seeds in them. Such extraordinary potentials are programmed into a little seed. Now, God tells you to diligently guard your heart because there’re things that can come into your heart to change or destroy His programming of good and excellence in you. On the other hand, there’re things that can come into your heart to enable, enhance, and sustain all the glorious things He’s already programmed into your life. God’s purpose in your life is programmed into your heart. Everything you’d ever be, everywhere you’d ever go, everything you’d ever do to please God in your life, have all been programmed into your heart—your spirit—and He has given you the responsibility to do all that’s necessary to keep your heart that way. Since He’s specific as to where you’re to mount the guard, your heart, it therefore means the problems can come through thoughts. They can come through the senses and travel through your thoughts, because the mind is the doorway to the spirit. Consequently, any information that’s going to come through your mind, must be scanned and filtered. If you allow the wrong information into your heart, you'll live a different life from that which God has planned for you. This is how people go into crime, live terrible lives, and then try to blame others for their misfortune. You’re the constructor of your life. God's programming in you is revealed by His Word. His Word in you will change and destroy any contrary information, and prevent them from taking root in your heart. So, tend your heart; take charge of it with God’s Word! Refuse to accept thoughts and imaginations that are inconsistent with the nature, will and purpose of God. PRAYER: Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I’m led and guided by your Word in all things and at all times. God has programmed my spirit for excellence and greatness, and as I stay on His Word, my life is regulated accordingly, in Jesus’ Name. Amen. FURTHER STUDY: Psalm 119:105 Living Bible (TLB) 105 Your words are a flashlight to light the path ahead of me and keep me from stumbling. Acts 20:32 Living Bible (TLB) 32 “And now I entrust you to God and his care and to his wonderful words that are able to build your faith and give you all the inheritance of those who are set apart for himself. DAILY SCRIPTURE READING; 1 Year Bible Reading Plan: 2 Timothy 3:1-17 Jeremiah 23-25 2 Year Bible Reading Plan: James 1:1-27 Ezekiel 27 FAITH IT! CONFESSION ON THIS BEAUTIFUL MONDAY (DIVINE IDENTITY): I AM GOD'S HANDIWORK - HIS EXCELLENTLY CRAFTED HANDIWORK (Eph2:10) GOD HAS FASHIONED ME FOR GLORY, BEAUTY AND EXCELLENCE. MY LIFE IS A TREASURY OF BLESSING, ABUNDANCE and OVERFLOW. I SHOW FORTH LOVE, JOY, PEACE AND KINDNESS WHEREVER I GO..... THE WORD IS WORKING MIGHTILY IN ME...Have a GLORY FILLED DAY KNOWING CHRIST IN YOU AS YOUR CONFIDENT EXPECTATION OF GLORY..... Good morning, do have a lovely day. |
Very nice...........