Topic: what are the most delicious and tasty dishes in your country
camilia_nisa's photo
Thu 08/06/15 08:49 AM
In malaysia there is beef rendang that always a hit for foreign tourist. But my favorite is road side banana fritters vendor with ABC (air batu campur) which is ice shave with syrup. Perfect snack in the hot weather

adivorcedone's photo
Fri 12/18/15 11:46 PM

Lamb Vindaloo! Separates the men from the boys, as the hotter it is, the better it is!

You can say that again mate...long live any kind of vindaloo!!!

adivorcedone's photo
Fri 12/18/15 11:49 PM

I'm going to go with the curry that Messi mentioned. Yes,i know the topic says 'your' country,but curry was created by the British while in India to disguise the taste of rotten meat many moons ago...

Ah! someone who actually knows where "curry" originated....many moons ago...!!!Once you taste that you can't go back ...thats a given...

Annierooroo's photo
Fri 12/18/15 11:54 PM

no photo
Sat 12/19/15 12:38 AM
Enjoyed a bubbling-hot molcajete (Mexican food) for dinner tonight. I think that it's been WAY too long since I've had bibimbap, so I might just have to go looking for a decent Korean restaurant soon... Or maybe some fried chicken! :thumbsup:

no photo
Sat 12/19/15 12:42 AM
...but curry was created by the British while in India to disguise the taste of rotten meat many moons ago...

Gee... And people disparage British food for some reason... noway tongue2 :laughing:

Annierooroo's photo
Sat 12/19/15 12:55 AM
Nothing beats a boil up of pork bones and watercress with steam pudding and custard.

adivorcedone's photo
Mon 12/28/15 03:30 PM

Pizza. No question. The Italians created it, but the U.S. perfected it.

I read somewhere that it was actually the Chinese who invented pizza, but it was perfected by the Italians...just saying.

no photo
Sat 02/27/16 01:10 PM
nigeria pounded yam with soup

no photo
Mon 03/07/16 03:38 PM
my country is very rich about delicious dishes
it may be a list of hundreds :)

no photo
Tue 03/08/16 05:33 AM
Edited by Bahitieva on Tue 03/08/16 05:35 AM

Satay( grilled meat), ketupat ( rice cube) and the peanut sauce. Really Yummy.....

Robxbox73's photo
Tue 03/08/16 05:07 PM

Satay( grilled meat), ketupat ( rice cube) and the peanut sauce. Really Yummy.....

Wow looks tremendous Eva!

no photo
Tue 03/08/16 08:36 PM
"döner" kebab

metalwing's photo
Tue 03/08/16 08:43 PM
Edited by metalwing on Tue 03/08/16 08:40 PM
A mess of ribs is nice!

czery's photo
Thu 03/10/16 08:27 PM
Philippines has many delicious dishes to offer :) I have list of my favorites...
*guso (seaweed salad)
*kinilaw (raw fish cooked in vinegar)
*ginisang gulay
and the list goes on...

JaiGi's photo
Fri 03/11/16 05:49 AM
Edited by JaiGi on Fri 03/11/16 05:51 AM

I'm going to go with the curry that Messi mentioned. Yes,i know the topic says 'your' country,but curry was created by the British while in India to disguise the taste of rotten meat many moons ago...

it's in 'Wiki' i think it says curry as cover up for rotten meat.

Fact seems to be different. The curry spices may includes tumeric powder, some ginger, garlic etc;
sauteed with onions & tomatoes in oil.

ginger: helps digest meat
garlic: taste & contributes like an aphrodisiac
tumeric: preserver (in hot, humid India, takes longer to spoil.
red chilly: appetizer

One has to be careful about raw tumeric though. About 20 years ago, i applied a wet tumeric paste liberally on a pimple growth on the chin. Next day, my skin was falling off!! Burnt down the pimple but was a ghastly sight; loose skin hanging.

Doctor gave an antibiotic & couple of days later; viola
cleaned up; had a new younger chin! laugh laugh

Even better than lamb vindaloo is mutton (goat) vindaloo
I think it was the Punjabi who took it to UK.
At the end of meal top it with curds or yogurt (balance)
unless you are having some drinks on the side.

Personally, i prefer Thai food; less oil & spices.
something i could have daily.

or Odhissa's potato (aloo) curry. Soo belly warming, who needs meat?

trying Czery's recipe these days. plenty of chicken here.happy

NOBootyHunter's photo
Fri 03/11/16 06:20 AM
Originally started in my city.... "The Cheese Steak"

no photo
Fri 03/11/16 06:00 PM

MURTABAK . The most popular dishes at Arab Street, Singapore.. When I have this....I forget my resolution to diet. Soooooo super duper delicious.

no photo
Fri 03/11/16 06:11 PM

HAINANESE CHICKEN RICE. Can be found at nearly every eating areas in Singapore. My favourite is at Mackenzie Rex Restaurant. When I have this, I will not even noticed my ex -family outlaw passing by me.....

Kathyzee's photo
Wed 03/16/16 02:20 AM

A mess of ribs is nice!

You had me at "a mess"drool