Topic: The Power Of One
Ploduwa03's photo
Thu 10/23/14 03:26 AM
Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, was one of the
two who heard what John had said and who
had followed Jesus. The first thing Andrew did
was to find his brother Simon and tell him,
"We have found the Messiah" (that is, the
Christ). And he brought him to Jesus.
Did you ever stop to think how very important
you are in God's economy and his plans?
Pretty much throughout the entire Bible when
God had a work to be done, He chose and
called an individual to lead. True, He chose
the nation of Israel to be his special people,
but he chose individuals to lead this nation to
do his work. God also has a place for you and
me in his plan. It may not be a gigantic role,
but it is an important one.
Think of the twelve disciples, for example,
who were all a vital part of God's mission.
Half of them never said anything that is
recorded in the New Testament. And if I
remember correctly, three of them said only a
word or two that was recorded. And Andrew,
who didn't have much to say, brought Peter,
who became the early church leader and
evangelist, to Jesus. Andrew was also the one
who brought the boy with the two loaves and
fishes to Jesus that Jesus used to feed the
multitude. It was only Peter, James, Matthew
and John that we heard much from, but every
one of Jesus' disciples had an equally
important role to play in God's program.
Whether your task is great or small, God
wants to use you to be a part of his plan in
what he is doing in your world today. In the
words of Edward Everett Hale: "I am only one.
But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But
still I can do something. And because I cannot
do everything I will not refuse to do the
Something that I can do."
Don't ever forget how very important you are,
not only to your loved ones, your work, but
also to God.