Topic: My Profile
Passionate_Aria's photo
Mon 10/20/14 01:29 PM
Is it ok ? Let me Know.

no photo
Mon 10/20/14 01:37 PM
Email me


no photo
Mon 10/20/14 01:46 PM
Welcome to Mingle and good luck

PS - Ignore the idiots who leave contact info on a thread, there is a time and a place for all that malarkey.

Passionate_Aria's photo
Mon 10/20/14 02:04 PM
Edited by Passionate_Aria on Mon 10/20/14 02:06 PM
thanks :) mgsl12 yours is nice too

Passionate_Aria's photo
Mon 10/20/14 02:08 PM
Edited by Passionate_Aria on Mon 10/20/14 02:08 PM
hmm I understand funkyfranky, even though he didn't seem to mean any harm by it. And thank you.