Topic: The Dropped-Dead beat Poets Emporium
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Wed 09/09/15 01:43 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Wed 09/09/15 02:01 AM
Observation: 15 of the most recent posts on this site are spam!!! By my observation this is increasing. A proliferation of dodgy profiles, spam and ever-increasing incidents of harassment are all having a negative impact on the mingle2 experience. Is this the price a place like this pays for 'popularity'?

It will definitely not be the same place if any sort of membership fee were introduced, however what can be done? Is this par for the course in the web worldwide? Is it a sad reflection upon what's going on in the 'real world' (which i do not accept the www to be separate from)?

Does the site need more moderators?

And if we were to be asked to pay would it then only be a matter of time before we see the site become a veritable flesh-pot? What then for those who enjoy - and appreciate - the mingle2 community for what it is as it is. True, it isn't perfect but it could be frighteningly WORSE.

Are we on a slippery slope? Can it be arrested?

... Upon reflection, as i read the above and hear my lighthearted inner chatter about it all, it strikes me that this post could be dubbed as a "public service announcement from Ashes Windbourne" aka "musings from the afterlife" .... Dante's Inferno comes to mind.

Enjoy your mingling, i sure as hell am..... oooopppsss no offence meant to other promised lands! I am on record for stopping of at crematorium somewhere .... Ashes Windbourne perhaps?

Sounds good.


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Wed 09/09/15 03:14 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Wed 09/09/15 03:31 AM
I really must stop but there is one more thing I thought I'd share. Sort of funny if you have my sense of humour but as ever the laugh is wholly on and at my insanity :smile:

So, a little while back my profile stated the name of my City to be a place called 'Underground' (yeah all part of the gallows-humour pertaining to afterlife) but someone - kind soul - asked me where actually was this place. Implication being that they hadn't yet heard of it (not surprised).

Faced with this entirely innocent query from a nice person I felt a wee pang of guilt for misleading who knows how many well intentioned souls out there who might have come across my profile. Despite this, I found my fingers typing that, "it was the sort of place you need a shovel to get to"

However, though it was a very tongue-in-cheek reply the question got me to thinking that, as I have already declared that an abode somewhere in the bowels of the earth was not much to my liking then where is to be the final 'resting place' of the fictitious deceased. Quick as a flash the answer came into my head, "Ashes Windbourne"

Yeah that's it! Just throw my ashes up into the air and allow them to wanter hither, tither and yon wherever the wind may blow them. And so I decided to update my profile. However, Ashes Windbourne does have a certain ring of authenticity to it doesn't it? NO?! What about if I stipulate that they MUST be scattered with a certain 'panache'.?

Maybe I should copyright that place name. Might come in handy for earning a few dollars more sorta like a cherished licence plate! .. Can somebody point me in the direction of a good Trademarks & Patent lawyer?

Moral of the story: There aren't any silly questions except the one's we don't ask.

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Wed 09/16/15 02:47 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Wed 09/16/15 02:58 PM

Now be honest ladies & gentlemen how many profiles have you see like this:

xxx year old female/male from blah, blah Looking for man/woman for friendship/marriage
Interests: I'll tell you later
To learn more about blah blah, view his/her complete profile.

And when you do view the profile it contains the single word 'Hi' and just as you guessed they are: Online now! Always online now.

Whats that about????

btw any rumour to the effect that i was online when i wrote is untrue! I asked Siri to post it for me.

Yes, Siri also conducts seances. All you have to do is ask!

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Wed 09/16/15 04:29 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Wed 09/16/15 04:50 PM
Speaking of questionable profiles, I think I had my first ever 'blatantly dodgy mingle' (nb blatantly underlined) In my inbox was a greeting from a Scandinavian beauty - just about half my age) - commenting on how handsome i looked and offering me a discounted weekend stay at some swanky hotel. ... male service station.

In addition to other factors her approach fell on deaf ears as her profile pic depicted a human body literally oozing out of a leather jump suit in the most suggestive of poses. Poor zip I thought! If only YKK knew the sort of restraining and containment roles its' products would be press ganged into performing, we would be paying much much higher prices for the humble but ubiquitous zipper!

What were the other factors, i hear you ask... her profession was s.e.x

PS: While it is said that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder I do solemnly declare that there is only one disputable statement in the retelling of the above; and that lies in the misuse of the word handsome.

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Thu 09/17/15 12:55 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Thu 09/17/15 01:06 AM
Oh yes! I am RAOTFLMBBO rofl

Why's that mr dreadaye I hear you ask?

Well, I am just typing a mail to one of my fellow minglers when the dumb computer has gone and flashed me up an advert as follows:

ADVERTISEMENT: Meet single women in Ashes Windbourne, England

Would her name be Stephanie by any chance? Should I click? :laughing: :laughing:

So there you have it, Ashes Windbourne has now entered the honourable roll call of place names in this fair land. Please, Please before it's too late can somebody, anybody, please point me in the direction of a good Trademarks & Patent lawyer? Money is no object because this sort of lunacy comes free of cost!

And no, there is no opening for YOU to apply for the position of Chief Tour Guide in the picturesque village of Ashes Windbourne! I am quite capable of handling that myself, thank you very much! And anyway am sure you are not yet ready to embark on a journey into the much heralded hereafter.

Pardon? You have plenty experience conducting seances ...? I see. I suggest you go apply to that other website ... and mek sure yuh tek a net with you.

... Where was I? Oh back to my mail.

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 09/17/15 01:55 AM
I have created a country called Down Under... LMHO
Ashes, Windbourne must be Paradise.
Once I tried to throw ashes into the sea and the wind blew them back all over me.
I became possessed....:bigsmile

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Thu 09/17/15 02:17 AM

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Thu 09/17/15 02:59 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Thu 09/17/15 03:02 AM
Apropos of nothing at all, I am reminded of a post that I had offered in my first incarnation here - during the days of Mingled Up & Stuff Like - in which I wrote:

Question: How do you know you're a Mingle2 newbie?

Answer: All the entries in your Activity pane start with the word 'You'

And now almost a year later I can refine that question.

Question: How do you know you're a Mingle2 nobody?

Answer: All the entries in your Activity pane still start with the word 'You'

noway you say ??? Think on it and I am sure you will find therein a kernel of truth


Yeah, It doesn't really matter, especially if you having a good time and NOT making a nuisance of yourself.

peace & Zapp your groove on :banana:

PS: No, No, No. not Zip your groove up! Just keep on Mingling

(absolutely nuts!!)

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Thu 09/17/15 03:12 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Thu 09/17/15 03:15 AM
Aint you just got to love it when insanity holds itself together:

Topic: Music - song game. Alphabetically name a song and artist. Fo - part 3
Get Yo Groove On - Prince
posted on: Thu 09/17/15 11:06 AM
by: dreadaye

SYNCHRONICITY or what??? It's all about following your hunches and staying alive to those streams of consciousness that turn you on!

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Fri 09/18/15 03:38 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Fri 09/18/15 04:04 AM
Good day to no-one in particular ... except my own good self. A new day! Glorious. However, upon reflection yesterday's mingle2 experience 'for a dropped-dead poetless human' (dead' being the operative word) was a mixed one.

Between the highlight of the amazing sequence of happenings around the word 'groove' to being reminded that not only was I dead, poetless (that was the day before but it still rankled a bit yesterday) and not all there, I ended up in a rather forlorn heap of wondering 'if it's really worth it'sad sad And while it was not all a tangled, mangle of butt-kicks tears All-in-all I was reminded of the fragility of life.

But it's a new day and yesterday cannot be repeated except of course if you are dead, in which case for the body it is just an unending parade of .... not being able to move any more. Of course I have told my body on numerous occasions that a fiery fate awaits it, however it's my non-physical energy component that sits squarely in the "what happens next" department ... a bit like on those clips that feature in assorted television game shows and the like (some of you know the of sort of feature to which I refer).

Which smoothly segues into me now taking a bit of a detour from the unknown 'flight trajectory' of all that I have written thus far to say that if you are wondering what topics we might discuss on 'our date' you can scratch TV off the list of possibilities! (this is the point where the carouser off-shot but in front of the TV studio audience holds up a card and right on cue the gathered sheople open their mouths and in chorus go "Aaaaahhhhhhh" ) because I do not possess one of those gawk boxes in my living quarters. So I am afraid that am wholly ignorant of whatever it is that the masses are being entertained by via that medium .... ( (damn here's that carouser off-shot again holding up a card and right on cue the gathered sheople open their mouths and in chorus go "Boooooooorrrrrrrriiiiiinnnnnnnggggg" )

Ah well. Where was i? Has yesterday become today yet ...? Let me check ...

Anyway, I think that's enough for now but before I go I just like to say (cue memories of Mike Tyson delivering the immortal words:


regards always

happy sad happy sad happy sad

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Fri 09/18/15 04:11 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Fri 09/18/15 05:10 AM
devil Apologies for returning so soon but it is my wake and I reserve the right to express myself as I want to on this topic flowerforyou .

This here is the 50th reply on this lunatic corner of the www and as I can't guarantee that any of my favourite minglers will arrive in time I choose to grab the accolade for myself ....on their behalf.

Pardon? Most of the replies have been by me anyway ...! So what. 50 is 50 except perhaps if you trying to hide your age. In which case it is "just a number" and I agree.

think think

Shall we have a drink on that? hip hip hp drinker hip hip hip drinker :hip hip hip drinker

PS: Aint you just got to love life? (did i say that yesterday?!)

Toast?: Alright then if I must "May we all live as long we are not deceased"

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Fri 09/18/15 04:39 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Fri 09/18/15 05:07 AM

I think I had my second ever 'blatantly dodgy mingle' (nb blatantly underlined) In my inbox was a greeting from a United Kingdom Baptist lady blah blah blah. And the polite gentleman that I am (i have dispensed with the services of the man with the placard!) i didn't immediately realise what was going till the young lady (not the pastors daughter i hope) wrote back with an email address

So two incidents in two days!

What is going on! How come all of a sudden i am a target for these crazies.

Can't you read?! This is "The Dropped-Dead beat Poet's Emporium"

There is no pulse here so please, leave me alone!!! I AM DEAD! DEAD! DEAD!!

rofl rofl

Pssssst think it'll help? I don't!!!

PS: Apologies, I forget to mention that it is actually the third in two days. The second I spotted right at the outset and detailed to the person why i was able to work out that it was a fake account. And said goodbye. But alas, 'she' is back today. Told her that unfortunately I hadn't changed my mind. Her response, "then bye" .

Cue that Simpson fella with his maniacal laughter.


But it is a worrying trend. Must have words with the MATCH PROGRAM

I did say sorry!

Ah well

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Fri 09/18/15 06:19 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Fri 09/18/15 06:27 AM
Observation: Who Viewed Me Page. Green 'online' indicator flashing against user name. Click on said user name to try understand why on earth they would be viewing your profile. Guess what? You get a page that says the account has been de-activated.

What's that about?!

Can a deactivated account be online? Is that like Quantum Physics in which a 'thing exists in more than one state at the same time' Or is it a case of split nano-second timing i.e.I clicked to view the profile and the person de-activated their account at precisely the same moment? The two actions triggering computations and respective results simultaneously and the same instant! Wow I am stunned.

So what to believe when it comes to being 'mingled-up & stuff like that'? Is it real? Are we all part of a grand experiment? Was I supposed to discover that mysterious bit of duality? Is that why 'they are out to get me'? smokin glasses

At risk of repeating myself:

Have I been hacked? Or should I be outta here?! ... punchline being, "No I ain't a wannabe celebrity!

And that's the part where i resort to my record box and say:

Yeah, yeah I am nuts & I love music .... and I did oh so love to dance. But now I am just a dropped dead and beaten up poetless human resident in a parallel universe in my head where there is no space for a dance floor or to mingle for that matter of fact.

Gotta go now! Not deactivated but most decidedly on the way to Ashes Windbourne.

tara for now

waving waving

scotland166's photo
Fri 09/18/15 04:42 PM
On Realising my mortalty.

I to am afraid ro die,
I to an afraid to die,
for the clouds they are low,
and the waves much to high,
I to am afraid to die

I to am afraid to live,
I to an afraid to live,
for my pockets are empty and I have nothing to give,
I too am afraid to live

I to an afraid to hate,
I to am afraid to hate,
for the door it is locked and I will never kick down the gate,
I to am afraid to hate

I to am afraid to love,
I to am afraid to love,
for this wild golden eagle turned into a dove,
I to am afraid to love

I to am afraid to die,
I to am afraid to die,
for the clouds they are low,
and the waves much to high,
I to am afraid to die.


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Sun 09/20/15 05:05 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Sun 09/20/15 06:03 PM

Pens At The Ready On The Way To Ashes Windbourne woz 'ere ere it found its' name by the motion of a toothbrush.


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Wed 09/23/15 03:15 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Wed 09/23/15 03:27 AM
A forum-buddy of mine wondered out loud (i mean typed a wonder) whether I might be able to resurrect any of the creative stuff that I'd contributed prior to the inception of this topic. And so for what it's worth & with no claims that anyone will find it worth their while here goes ... but before that what do you reckon we'd call this here post if we could? I know!

Bygone Eradication!

I remain yours incorporeally



PS: ya'll do know that i am possessed by a lot of harmless make-believe running amok in my head don't you? Good, that's alright then.


PPS: Now where did i leave behind that life that I ought to go get living instead of posting on here ....

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Fri 09/25/15 02:42 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Fri 09/25/15 03:01 PM

....Apropos of nothing at all, I can imagine that a fair few "ramshackle chancers clicking" on the above referenced link might well be wondering what sort of drug induced lunacy invoked that bit of garbage! And in response I readily confess that yes I do occasionally (as often as i can actually) gleefully, voluntarily,render myself sensationally, mind-blowingly ecstatic under the influence of a drug!

So yes, you read right, and can pat yourself on the back for the astuteness of your mind's ability to read between the lines! I hang my head in shame & confess! Yep, my drug of choice (dead or alive) is one that you all know well The name Charlie will come to mind as a possibility I am sure. And again you would not be wrong, for it figures as one amongst many.

Dear reader, yours truly is besotted with the Saxophone! The most gorgeous instrument known to mankind is my drug of eternal love. And I am teaching myself to play in order to fulfil a desire that pre-dates my birth! And I can tell you it is highly addictive and I shall surrender my habit for no-one.

rofl roflnoway noway

Aint you just got to love life?! Full of twists and turns.

Happy MIngling


PS: I am not very good yet, however I have a clear vision of where i want to get to. And the journey has begun. That topic was my creative take on the experience one might have when they recognise that ecstasy, undiluted mind & life altering emotional states can be realised in the pursuit of those things which lie at the very core of your reasons for being!

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Fri 09/25/15 11:39 PM
Ah well! frustrated frustrated frustratedwhy am i so stoooooooooooppppppiiiiidddd frustrated

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Sun 09/27/15 01:29 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Sun 09/27/15 01:36 AM
<@> The Poetess & The Saxophone <@>

From within a cave,
Temporarily an alcove,
A naturally blown horn
Makes an enddless sound
Listening to itself
Permanently wound-up
In around exhalations of breath
blown like the wind come
to heal the soul's wounds,
At a time when words would
be too much for fingers to key.

Straining, Either ear waits to hear
A twinkling star chime
For the Seventh time
Heralding. Seven Seraphim's are here
Come knock knock knocking
On Haven's Heart.
While I wait
A : flowerforyou : in my hand
& a saxophone too
Hung by the loving arms -
Of a Natural Mystic -
Imagined to be the sling
Draped like a garland around my neck.


Authors Notes/Credits & other Mingled-Up Stuff

SubTitled: & A Saxophone Too

Musical Backdrop During Composition: Bob Marley & The Wailers: Natural Mystic; & Millie Jackson: Loving Arms

Imagery, Grammar & Spelling: Poetic Licence Taken

Dedicated to a special friend.

(posted here from elsewhere)

no photo
Mon 09/28/15 04:53 PM
Really really dig that. Spoken from the heart. Stay well.
