Topic: Ahmadinejad's Holocaust Myths | |
wow that didnt come out right.......its been well documented and for the survivors to tell their stories.....may I suggest the book by Anne Frank....
for easy reading and then go up to the really good stuff...
thesaurus definition: holocaust - an act of mass destruction and loss of life
many's a few Stalin...USSR...approx 50 million people Germany...approx 6 million jews...(and assorted gypsys, undesirables) Khmer Rouge...cambodia ...2- 3 million... Darfur...estimated 400,000 US ...approx 600,000 since 2003 China...during communist century..approx 30 million Rwanda...1994 alone 800,000 |
Hey folks , I believe all the other holocausts happened, but I don't believe the 6 million Jew ONE ever happened, I believe approximately 2or 3 hundred thousand Jews died at tops, and that was not done by Hitler, Because those Jews were workers in Hitlers gun and amunition, etc factories, and then the allies cut Hitler's food supply off and then everyone started starving including the jews working in those factories(not death camps)I don't believe there ever were any specific death camps, only factories. I understand the jews refused to go in the military and so Hitler put them to work in the war factories. Please check this out real close folks and have a great day, the truth will finally come out, Hang in there, keep digging.
Hmmm How do you define factory and how do you define death camp. If you think being rousted from by your home at gunpoint even as a child and forced into labor an torture with only the megarist of rations and clothing in the dead of winter until I drop dead is just a "job" than I hope to all that is powerful I never "work" for you. Are the numbers skewed? I doubt it. Entire villages were swept up and the few that were selected for "jobs" were outnumbered by hundreds that were killed outright. That thousands who "escaped" direct annilation but died having their health and other resources stripped from them will more than make up for the "documented" deaths.
The truth came out over 60 years ago. Stop digging long enough to look at the truth. It's just silly to say only a few hundrew Jews died, there are American GIs who could tell you the truth. It's not a conspiracy, the Holocaust happened and it was done by Hitler. Do you deny his radio addresses where he called for Jews to be eliminated? You have a right to an opinion on the subject, but your opinion is wrong. Period. End of story.
I'm glad to hear from you my friend. And thank you for all the rigorous, I'm very sure, research you've done on the subject. Beats the thousands upon tousands of facts and figures on the subject. I mean facts, what good are they if they don't agree with our beliefs! Right 'smo'?!?!? Anyhow, thanks a million for making it clear about the inexistence of the Holocaust. I feel so relieved now. Like I, you must have been feeling this awful sadness about the whole human race after visiting Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Treblinka. You have visited those places I'm sure, given your authoritative tone you take about it being a fraud and all. As I said, glad to hear it from you, 'cause visiting those places and reading all the facts and figures, they sure conned me in the fact that it did happen. Anyway thanks again SMO, I wonder why they keep such all-knowing gifts to humanity like you away from the people?!!? And while we're at it, I was wondering if you couldn't help me with another thing that pisses me off. If someone knows, you probably do! This oblate spheroid shape of the earth (funny sort of round!!!), isn't that a fraud too!!! I mean I never fell for that one. It's so clear that the earth is flat. Anybody with a clean paior of eyes can see that. No need for scientists and their complicated facts and figures. Eyes I tell them, Eyes is all you need!!! Well I don't know if you're with me on that one 'SMO', but I say we've been letting the crooks get away with that one long enough!!! Waiting for your all-knowing answer! |
voileazur: Very eloquently put and totally on the mark.
Davinci: where do you get your figure of 600K killed by the U.S. in Iraq, funny that the mainstream liberal media isn't decrying that fact. You would think that the way they hate the current administration it would be their lead subject day and night. Could that number have a radical left spin perhaps? |
yes spider it is sad that the more time passes the less people understand what went on there, it was a lot more going on there than hitler being a prick, practically the whole world was against jews at the time, unfortunately still are.
That's true. We hear about every Israeli attack on the Palestinians, but Israelis are killed DAILY by Palestinian rocket fire without a peep from the media. It's shameful. In the US, the media is the only business with constitutional protection and they choose to not do their jobs. Oh well, that's the citizen of Ohio talking...the citizen of heaven is shouting "Our Lord is coming" and doing a little dance for joy. |
it is true the scripture says there must be groans of labor in the earth before the lord can do his great work in the end. for lack of a better term necessary evil although i hate to put it that way. more like prophesied evil that cannot be avoided perhaps?
Israel is an illegitimate State!!
The death toll, Jews vs. Palestinian, is so lopsided it isn't worth comparison! Not even close! 600,000 Iraqi civilians is an underestimate! Maybe two years old. The US Government lies all the time, and if you believe half of what they've written down as truths you've listened to too much! I dont think we have that problem here though!!!! |
Unavoidable evil. Humankind has grown more and more wicked. We now have the ability to destroy almost our whole race and we have reached a level of technology in which many have no idea what hardships truely are. With our fat lazy minds, we don't seek the truth or the motives behind anothers actions, especially if it doesn't effect us. We can only take comfort in the fact that God is just, merciful and loves us all. |
i look forward to the trip home spider, i get homesick often and wonder how much longer
well thank you spider
i mentioned the connection of hussain to hitler a long time a go but hey some ohio citizens are just like that thank you for bringing it to the forfront again |
my dad passed as a result of his WW2 injuries. the holocost never occured? yeaaaah!!! and i am anna nicole smith too!
hussein indeed was another hitler adju. high five shugar! sorry smo but both my parents were in the depression when the MURDERS of the jews was not even reported. Just SHOVED to the back page like nothing was happening for YEARS b4 THE TRUTH began to surface.
Hussein was well ABOVE that 600,000 murder mark. Just think of the kurds. MASS GRAVES the UN INSPECTORS FOUND whilst Hussein was THUMBING HIS NOSE ACTING LIKE A WANKER! This is exactly WHY i still support our troops serving in Iraq. I sure wasnt surprised with Husseins execution. BUH BYE TO BAD RUBBISH!! |
Voil...god love ya sweetie.
hes a idiot.. and if i was still in i wish they would give me a chance to put a round in his head....
'Garden' and 'Barbies',
Salut to both of you! |