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Topic: wanna talk
joshh36's photo
Wed 09/10/14 07:23 AM
I'm looking for someone who wants to talk.

bashajones's photo
Wed 09/10/14 09:49 AM


joshh36's photo
Wed 09/10/14 09:48 PM
Hey do you wanna kik?

bashajones's photo
Wed 09/10/14 10:05 PM

No thanx....:tongue:

m3k4y's photo
Wed 09/10/14 10:12 PM
How to talk n here..?I just do typing here..laugh laugh

joshh36's photo
Wed 09/10/14 10:30 PM
I rather tell people to text or kik me..

no1phD's photo
Wed 09/10/14 10:32 PM
hang on don't go anywhere I just got to go have a coffee and a cigarette..
. I'll be right back....
don't start talking without me..ok..

no1phD's photo
Wed 09/10/14 10:34 PM
Ok.. let's talk.. you've picked the right person... do you want to go first? or should I... nevermind I'll go first...
.. I could ask you about your day..
.... but that would just get boring..
. so let me tell you about my day...
. well I was up really early this morning... UC the city I live in... is carrying out road construction...
. but they don't always do it in the middle of the day.. sometimes they wait till 1 o'clock in the morning...
. well this was the case last night..
they started working around and did not finish till 5 a.m.....omg.. and then they parked their heavy equipment right outside of my house...
.. but they were not finished yet.. they had to do their maintenance on the equipment.... so all I could hear was.. metal banging tools dropping on the ground... grown men swearing at one another.... swearing at inanimate objects.... why you son of a.. why won't this piece of junk... .Charlie where the hel.l is that 3/.8...driver... son of A.B.. where the hell is Charlie..... Steve have you seen that no good .son of a...b... Charlie..
.. C sucker... nevermind grab me the 3/8. driver out of the toolbox....
... I don't know why they won't buy . new equipment..... well then when they were done with their maintenance.... at 5:30 a. M......
. the sound of slamming car doors..
. engines revving... hey Steve.. its me Charlie can I catch a ride with you....
.. yeah I know we have to be back here tomorrow same time same place buddy huha....

mikey5360's photo
Wed 09/10/14 10:41 PM
well people here like to chat here thats why we are here frustrated frustrated frustrated

no1phD's photo
Wed 09/10/14 10:43 PM
.. ok are you still here....
now what was I saying...
.. would you like to say something...
would you like to talk... no that's okay.....
.. I will continue then.....ohhh... but you have to wait a minute.. the bell just went off laundry machine.. I need to change over my laundry..
. I will be right back...
.. you can talk to the others in the room....... but remember I was here..

no photo
Wed 09/10/14 10:47 PM
Wants to hear the rest of No1's story..........

no1phD's photo
Wed 09/10/14 10:48 PM
correction ..the bell just went off on the laundry machine..hmmm..
that reminds me do you have laundry machines... I don't mean to be rude..
but I was just wondering...
...... some countries they do laundry by hand still... I did not look to see where you are from... frankly at this point it doesn't really matter to me...
.... ok where was I..ohhh... I still have to go change my laundry around....
. in case you're wondering what that means... I have to take the wet clothes out of the... washing machine. and then put them into the dryer...
. that's another machine that blows hot air onto the clothes and dries them... okay I'll be right back... just remember where I was...ok

panchovanilla's photo
Wed 09/10/14 10:59 PM

Men should be seen .. Preferably naked .. And not heard

Laughing .. Hi new person :-)

I can be quiet while naked.:wink:

no1phD's photo
Wed 09/10/14 11:01 PM
okay I'm just running back into the room to check on you...
.hmmm.. for someone that wants to talk.. you sure don't have much to say..

.. okay I'll be right back.... just mingle with the rest of your . guesst...
. oh and don't eat the dip.. don't ask me.. well okay you can ask me... but I asked me when I get back....
.. and another thing.... whatever you do don't drink the tap water....
. just trust me on this.....
..hmmm... yes you bring up a good point trust..... it is important to trust people right..... ok trust me right now I'll be right back...

no1phD's photo
Wed 09/10/14 11:17 PM
.. see now I proven to you that you can trust me... because I came back..
...hmm.. you really don't say much do you....hmmm... that's okay...
. because I'm sure people will tell you this... I can talk for two or three people how's the weather where you are.... it has been cold and wet here.. we even got snow... do you get snow where you're from....
. have you ever made a snowball..?
. have you ever made a snowman..?
.. and yes it is just like it sounds..
. to make a snowman you do this..
.. first you need heavy wet sticky snow..... you begin by making a snowball in your hands...hmmm..
. okay you know what a snowball is right....good... take the snowball place it on the ground.. begin rolling it. in the wet sticky snow... so it becomes bigger and bigger.. you need this first one to be quite large...
. think the size of a tire.... a truck tire..
. then make another snowball and repeat the process.. but make this one... a little bit smaller... the size of a car tire... now place the one you just made on top of the first one....ok.. now make one more.. make it the size of a basketball..... do you know what a basketball is.?.... okay maybe a soccer ball...
. now place that one on top of the last one..... that is the body of the snowman.... find two branches.. use those for his arms.... a left and right arm.. place them accordingly... find some..... stones.. 3 that you can use as buttons... so it looks like he has a shirt on.. well a coat really... you need to pebbles to represent his eyes.. and then a carrot traditionally for his nose... but you can use a small branch....hmmm..... I need to go get something to snack on... I'll be right back..


dreamerana's photo
Wed 09/10/14 11:20 PM
I'd like a snack too please. something chocolatey if you have it

no1phD's photo
Wed 09/10/14 11:25 PM
Ok.. (((I'm back))).. what did I miss while I was gon....hmm...
...... ok you are really going to have to start talking.. pretty soon...
.....ohhh.. wait a minute !!..I have to run over, and give somebody some chocolate.... well I'm gone you might want to try to think of a topic we can talk about..ok

no1phD's photo
Wed 09/10/14 11:30 PM
Edited by no1phD on Wed 09/10/14 11:43 PM

I'd like a snack too please. something chocolatey if you have it
.. Hi.dream.. I have some chocolate Mars bars.. the little mini ones... And some peanut M&M..
. you can have both if you like...ok...
. . share them with everybody else if you wouldn't mind...drinker .. it's a big bag of M&M.. and it's a big bowl of chocolate Mars bars.... but I was right in the middle of a conversation...... with this new member.. I don't know if you have met him yet.... he doesn't really talk much though...hmmm....
.... but that's okay... because you know how much I like talking...laugh flowerforyou waving :angel:

no1phD's photo
Wed 09/10/14 11:42 PM
ok number #36... I'm back !!..sorry about that.. I just had to drop off some chocolate! for a friend of mine..
... speaking of friends!! have you made many friends here.??...
.. when did you join..m2?..
. I have made a lot !!of friends here..waving ..... and I joined..hmmm.
Hmm..hmmmmm... you know what #36.. I can't remember when I joined this site....hmmm..... oh where are my manners.. I brought some chocolate Mars bars and . some chocolate covered peanut M&M.s... would you like some..?... you're not allergic to peanuts are you...hmm... if you do not know and if you are not sure.... best to stay away from the..M&Ms..ok...
.. do you have a favorite candy.?..
....ohhh.. I can hear the timer going off on my dryer.... I will be right back..

...... try talking to some of the other members....ok...

dreamerana's photo
Thu 09/11/14 12:00 AM
thank you for the chocolate. flowerforyou

maybe the OP wants to talk sports. so I'll give you a break and do some talking too.
well a few weeks ago my coworker and I joined a softball team. it's something I wanted to do for a ling time, but had been told girls don't do that.
well, let me say, sure girls do and many play better than some of the men on our co ed teams.
its about a twenty minute drive from my job to the ballpark.
I drive down the back roads through the country. thereis a lot of construction occurring on the freeway.
I found s little mom an pop restaurant that I want to go check out.
yesterday my friend faked on me. we were supposed to have dinner together and spend the while before the game. she decided to go home and take a nap.
so I went to dinner on my own and did a little exploring of the area where we play. that's where I found the little mom and pop restaurant off the beaten path.
still got to the ballpark a while early. talked on the phone with my friend for a couple of hours.
when we got off the phone I watched a couple of games going on before mine.
it's fun hearing the friendly trash talking among the guys when it's an all men game. well actually it's just fun watching the guys.
then came our turn. our team is like the bad news bears to the fourth power. we are that good. lol.
there's a rule about seven runs scored per iinning. when the other team scores seven runs, they take the outfield and we are up at bat.
well when that happened twice and they had a waaay comfortable lead. the opposing team was gracious enough to coach us and pitch well to us.
it cracks me up that even the umpire was coaching us even if he was fair in calling the outs.
im happy to say that even though I got out, at least I didn't strike out. there is something deeply satisfying about the smack if the bat on the ball.
our team is working together as a group and it's nice that everyone is supportive of each other.
so that was how our day in softball

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