Topic: Broken hearted~
darlyn1956's photo
Thu 10/26/06 05:31 PM
Not such a new subject, but still a painful one. My fiance of seven
years left me two weeks ago. A cell phone call, a walk to the curbside,
and he was gone. He left me with everything to take care of. In
retrospect, I was more like his caretaker, not his intended lifemate.
The funny thing is I am the one who helped him find the job he holds,
and I am the one who helped him find someone to ride with and share
expenses. Guess what? That is who he left and is with. Thinking with
my brain and taking care of my business, but it hurts so bad. Good
thing and bad thing is everything was in my name, so I am in control, of
my own destiny. But, at the same time, When I should be grieving for my
lost love, I have to be dealing with finacial crap. going on and on I
know, but who do you talk to? Life is funny!

Morena350's photo
Thu 10/26/06 06:30 PM
I can understand how you most feel, but you said it all
you are in control of your destiny, financial problems can be solved.
Take care of (you)
I know it hurts, but you will find someone who realy deserve you, and
love you.

michael1313's photo
Thu 10/26/06 06:45 PM
Amen,,,"Morena"...keep yer chin up girl...look at me...
I'm still lookin',,,but I am confortable,and my kid got raised,
now I have grandkids to spoil,but I am still lookin'......M.

newguy's photo
Thu 10/26/06 06:51 PM
Events in our live's happen for a reason...whether it's self caused...or
devine intervention....either way...look at it...learn from it....never
make the same mistake again.
end of story.

SalvationJane's photo
Thu 10/26/06 06:53 PM
Whoever said when life gives you "lemons" make "lemonade" was so full of
shit...when life give me lemons, I look for someone who has vodka!!

Life is tough at times, but I can always look around and find someone
far worse off than I and that can be a great motivator. Chin up, chest
out girlfriend - who knows, the best may yet to be for you.


EFP's photo
Thu 10/26/06 07:07 PM
I've been there. Talk to people closest to you family or friends. Prayer
definitely helps. Learn from your past mistakes. Right now, you made a
start in obtaining your life back by sharing your ordeal and I commend
you for that. I know sharing that was very difficult. Your financial
problems can be dealt with there is agencies out there to help if
needed. Take it one day at a time and stay strong for those that love
you and depend on you.


no photo
Thu 10/26/06 08:44 PM
I'm sorry to hear about what happen to you. Keep you head up and
everything will work out in the end. Its his lost.

TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:03 AM
dont trip ive had my heart brokin more than there is money in the world

Morena350's photo
Sat 10/28/06 05:53 PM

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 06:54 PM
there is some good advice here darlyn1956(you probably already know
that)so if there isn't anyone around right at the moment for you to talk
to there are alot of people here that have been there and are willing to
talk if you want. you'll be alright and i wish the best for you.

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 07:15 PM
Like I said there is that special person out for each and everyone of us
we just can't give up so fast lick your wounds then pick yourself up and
go at it again. Trust me I know just be care think wise and have fun:)