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Fri 09/05/14 11:14 AM
maybe the u s britain canada and australia should join forces and take over the middle east militarily
then maintain a major presence there let each faction have their lil ruling party but when they become abusive they get stepped on and stepped on hard |
That is one Head I wouldn't mind to see rolling! ![]() ![]() ![]() let him repent in hell! |
That is one Head I wouldn't mind to see rolling! ![]() ![]() ![]() let him repent in hell! |
It's never too late in my hell.
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Sat 09/06/14 01:08 AM
It's never too late in my hell. ![]() |
ISIS has slaughtered another American journalist steven.I just watched the video now.Isnt this an act of war? Why is Obama reluctant to strike them hard? Is there a hidden agenda? No, that would require him to get off the golf course and actually do some work. Not to mention he is to much of a coward to act properly. This is that morons fault. He let them grow from a rag tag bunch of idiots and they have taken over two countries now. Obama is weak and his foreign policy has been nothing but a disaster since he took office. Even our closest allies are distancing themselves from us now. |
Obama isn't a leader. And he never will be. Your right on that. A leader doesn't go out and play Spades while he sends in a Special Ops team to go in and kill the most wanted criminal in the world (Osama Bin Laden), then comes in at the last minute as they were breaching the compound and he had his Secretary of State ready to call the President of Pakistan should things go south (a job that was his, and right there he showed he is not a leader and a coward). Every country is walking all over us and it is disgusting how bad Putin is pushing us around. Under his watch Al Qaeda went from under 1,000 members world wide to over 40,000 members, the Taliban has also Ballooned, AQAP has ballooned and a group AQ in Iraq (which was all but defeated under President Bush's watch) has grown so large and powerful that they have over taken several countries and has their hands on a ton of US military equipment. I am sorry that I have to say this about a President of the United States of America but Barack H. Obama is a son of a bi**h. |
Hell, Barry sent a bigger delegation to the Funeral of the dead thug criminal Robber Michael Brown then he did to the funeral of one of the greatest world leaders in history and the United States of America's strongest ally, and friend the most honorable Margaret Thatcher.
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Actually it's a goo thing he didn't go to Lady Thatcher's funeral. The last time he went to the funeral of a world leader (the late Honorable Nelson Mandela) he made such an a$$ out of himself and was such an embarrassment and so disrespectful to Mr. Mandela, the United States of America and his own wife! Openly hitting on and flirting with a female world leader and taking selfies while his wife angrily sat and watched and finally had to separate the two by moving and sitting between the two.
Unfortunately this person, I cant even call him a man will never know or have any class what so ever. BTW Barry, class isn't something you can buy, or have one of your friends like Rezko, Ayers or Saddam Hussein's top Arms dealer (who helped with the financing on Obamas home when he did that dirty deal with Rezko) buy for you. |
Two heads does not a war make. Now, 4 out of 5? Meh. I doubt it. The US needs to get the hell out of and stay the hell out of Mid East affairs. For that matter, all mid easterners here should be deported til peace has come to the mid east. There has never been peace in the Middle East and there never will be. We need to protect our interests in the Middle East, we need to protect our allies and we also need to curb major terrorist organizations that are planning on attacking us because we do not live up to what their holy book says and they HATE our way of life. |
Next one in line is British. Is Obama playing golf yet? Ohhhh, he's going to Wales on Thurs and Fri to support the coup in Ukraine. Thanks to Obama he has alienated them as well, and they used to be our biggest ally until Barry took office. |
Stephen Colbert Mocks GOP for Believing ISIS Can Be Defeated With the Power of Make-Believe Colbert mocked conservatives for living in a world of imagination on the subject of the threat posed by ISIS. 10 COMMENTS10 COMMENTS A A A August 29, 2014 | On Thursday night’s episode of The Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert mocked conservatives for living in a world of imagination on the subject of the threat posed by ISIS. He began by angrily pointing at a photograph of President Barack Obama and saying, “this guy right here needs a hard dose of reality — right, woman who lives in a world of imagination?” Colbert then cut to a female Fox News personality, who said, “Can I just make a special request from a magic lamp? Can we get, like, Netanyahu and Putin in for, like, 48 hours as head of the United States? I don’t know, you know, I just want somebody to get in here and get it done right.” “Yes,” Colbert responded, “as long as we’re making **** up, as a conservative, my allegiance is to an ever greater imaginary leader — Ronald Reagan. He is the one we should be pretending is stopping this crisis, and Newt Gingrinch agrees. Yesterday, he posted a lengthy fake speech he imagines Reagan would give if he were still around.” “And it is exactly what Ronald Reagan would say if he were still alive and somehow still president, serving a ninth term in office at the age of 103,” he continued, before quoting Newt quoting “Reagan”: “And if Newt knows exactly how Jefferson felt,” Colbert said, “I’m sure he’ll also write a fictional speech that Jefferson would have given in 1984 when Reagan decided to get our Marines the Hell out of Lebanon. Fake Jefferson would have been just as disappointed in Real Reagan as Fake Reagan is in Real Obama. I can only imagine what Newt will imagine fake Obama will have to say about the Middle East policy of President Blue Ivy.” “Nation,” he concluded, “I too can imagine our way to a better world, because I, like Newt Gingrich, believe we can defeat ISIS with the power of make-believe.” Yea, because Colbert is such an expert on world affairs. He is an idiot. ISIS, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and the Taliban have stolen eleven airplanes the size of the ones hijacked on 9/11/2014, plus the missing airplane they never found from the Malaysian airlines, also the size of the planes from 9/11/2014 and we come to find out the Pilot and Co-Pilot were radical Muslims who were in contact with known leaders of major terrorist organizations. So they now have twelve airplanes. Also it was announced two days ago that several intelligence agencies and military intelligence agencies from across the world (including ones from countries who are either enemies of the United States of America or who we have issues with or they have issues with us) that a major attack is being planned on multiple cities in the United States, Russia, Europe, Australia and in the Middle East. |
Comedy/satire is not real news. He's not even funny. |
our president has no balls, also no knlwedge of what he should do so he reacts day to day instead of having a plan. Lets see .... do the math isis- 2, usa- bombing them into non existance. = we lost thousands per day in ww2, man up and take the losses. Also, whether or not we should be there is irrelavent as WE ARE THERE. The only thing worse than "going there ", which we did, would be to leave, which we wont. Obama could never see that one,just like he wanted to close Guantanomo bay. Cant happen, wont happen.. get used to it. . Unfortunately he is reactive no proactive and his reactions are pathetic and ineffective and useless. Under Barry we have gone from the biggest, badest and most feared superpower in the world to the biggest joke in the world with all his red lines and threats he never backs up. We have lost more senior military and intelligence officers under Barry then we have had under the majority of the previous Presidential Administrations. They either Resigned, Retired and or got fired (Fired over petty stuff that they should have been fired over, because they don't bow to Barry and cave into whatever he wants and they truly have the United States of America's best interest at heart). It is complete crap. Hell, he forced one of the most highly decorated and respected soldier in modern history, General David Patraeus (one they seriously considered making a Five Star General, which we haven't had since the 1950's out of office because he had an affair. When confronted he didn't lie about it or try to place blame like President Clinton did (who got to keep his job, all though he was impeached by the United States House of Representatives, committed Federal Crimes for it, lied under oath, lost his license to practice law for a period of time and never can practice in front of the Unted States Supreme Court ever again). Because General Patraeus is a Republican he was forcibly informed that he needs to resign or he will be fired when he was honest from the beginning and didn't lie about it, when President Clinton did all of the above and he got to keep his job. General David Patraeus by far is the greatest military leader since Eisenhower who came up with the surge plan in Iraq and got things under control and who is one of ones who lost their jobs over something stupid. |
I can't feel bad for or want revenge on anyone who chooses to put themselves in any potentially life threatening position.
I go to a foreign country a couple times a week. I am subject to their laws. Since I'm not a citizen, I have no rights. If I break the law, Mexican authorities are at liberty to either torture me or just jail me indefinitely. They don't have to acknowledge human rights. Like, they abuse me, who will I call? ![]() Anyone going to foreign countries should be well aware of the risks involved. |
ISIS just beheaded another man yesterday.The man was a lebanese soldier captured.ISIS 'promised' to continue the beheading every week
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Sat 09/06/14 11:12 PM
I'm sure they all want randsom. Just like Mexico does. So much for our super highway through to Canada, huh?
oh, one word. My last post in this dissention forum. lmfao. CHANGE! |
ISIS just beheaded another man yesterday.The man was a lebanese soldier captured.ISIS 'promised' to continue the beheading every week I thought the Brit was next in line???? Then the American woman. They don't respect seniority? ![]() ![]() |
ISIS just beheaded another man yesterday.The man was a lebanese soldier captured.ISIS 'promised' to continue the beheading every week I thought the Brit was next in line???? Then the American woman. They don't respect seniority? ![]() ![]() |