Topic: Naruto
Ted E's photo
Mon 08/18/14 08:02 AM
Hey everyone. Any NARUTO fans here??

Ted E's photo
Mon 08/18/14 08:18 AM
What is Neruda related to? I mean what is the synopsis?

Ted E's photo
Mon 08/18/14 08:27 AM
O.. I see.

Datwasntme's photo
Mon 08/18/14 09:21 AM
<shrug> never heard of either
Happy Hunting

no photo
Mon 08/18/14 09:42 AM
There are a few manga and anime fans that pop on here time to time.

no photo
Mon 08/18/14 12:42 PM
Watched every single episode of Bunshin with my ex. We'd get stoned and sit at McD's for the free Wi-Fi.

Though I have no regrets, I could really do with all those hours back.