Topic: I Dont Know What The Hell Going With Myself ?????
sidpandey1121's photo
Fri 08/15/14 12:13 PM
i was 18 when ditched by a girl , a 3 years of relation end just bcoz i was not ready for a physical relation

i engaged myself in work and studies 24 x 7 i loved programming and i took it seriously , i left all fun and entertainment , no friend nothing my lappy n we

its 5 years now still when i sit quite for a while the feelings ....
i cant explain what they does to me

but now it getting hard for me living a life like this , means no1 , i keep on seeking for friend no matter , i just want some1 to talk to me every sec i cant sleep , sometimes i need to take sleeping tablets to let my self go in dreams for a while

its all messed up what to do ??? sometimes i feels crying
i feel like i need just 1 person and i will do whatever she wants she needs she desire will do anything but its not the right way

what the hell is this ???? what to do ????
m an stupid i even dont know who to impress a girl :(

no photo
Fri 08/15/14 12:14 PM
Internal validation, man. Pretty much everyone on here has 'had their heart broken' in one sense or another.

Maybe you loved her. I suggest reading Neruda, desisting in the desire to impress women through arbitrary means, and doing something extremely creative with your energy, in whatever form it manifests itself.

panchovanilla's photo
Fri 08/15/14 12:22 PM
You sound like a lonesome 23 year old.
Worry less about 'impressing'.
Do you have any male friends to talk to? If not...find some.
Stop pressuring yourself about finding your one and only.
Relax a bit, and maybe things will fall more into place.

sidpandey1121's photo
Fri 08/15/14 12:27 PM

find things that make you happy, know yourself, share what makes you happy with someone else, when you get the chance.

m just roaming here and there on a dating website that what i am doing to make myself comfortable

sidpandey1121's photo
Fri 08/15/14 12:28 PM

i was 18 when ditched by a girl , a 3 years of relation end just bcoz i was not ready for a physical relation

if you were with them for 3 yrs and it didnt end in marriage, it was probly supposed to end. sounds like you were both just too young to know yourselves.

may be !!!!!!!!!!!

sidpandey1121's photo
Fri 08/15/14 12:31 PM

if you really do have lots of time on your hands, maybe volunteering at a hospital or something would be rewarding. anything that keeps you from overthinking stuff and feeling down about what you dont have.

wow :) thanks

no photo
Fri 08/15/14 12:38 PM
And why don't you just go out and live life? There is a lot of things you could do whichever be the city you are in. A break-up is never the end of the world, you know.

dreamerana's photo
Fri 08/15/14 12:58 PM
Take some time to establish a focus for your life. based on several topics you've posted yesterday and today, you strike me as a young person looking for direction in life.
there are some things in life that just have to be accepted. like you posted about being in love with someone who is promised to another in arranged marriage. you've asked about being friends with the opposite gender.
in the end you need to do what works for you.
take the time just to be happy with who you are. some of what you posted today speaks of ongoing depression. if that's the case, seek professional help to help you move forward.
take care of yourself and be happy with yourself. only then, wil you be able to be anything to anyone else. wish you all the best.

bashajones's photo
Fri 08/15/14 12:59 PM

i was 18 when ditched by a girl , a 3 years of relation end just bcoz i was not ready for a physical relation

i engaged myself in work and studies 24 x 7 i loved programming and i took it seriously , i left all fun and entertainment , no friend nothing my lappy n we

its 5 years now still when i sit quite for a while the feelings ....
i cant explain what they does to me

but now it getting hard for me living a life like this , means no1 , i keep on seeking for friend no matter , i just want some1 to talk to me every sec i cant sleep , sometimes i need to take sleeping tablets to let my self go in dreams for a while

its all messed up what to do ??? sometimes i feels crying
i feel like i need just 1 person and i will do whatever she wants she needs she desire will do anything but its not the right way

what the hell is this ???? what to do ????
m an stupid i even dont know who to impress a girl :(

Ever think of talking to a therapist? Sounds like you need to talk to somebody, and they can maybe help you put things in perspective..give you ideas and hope? Just sayin...

sidpandey1121's photo
Fri 08/15/14 01:11 PM

Take some time to establish a focus for your life. based on several topics you've posted yesterday and today, you strike me as a young person looking for direction in life.
there are some things in life that just have to be accepted. like you posted about being in love with someone who is promised to another in arranged marriage. you've asked about being friends with the opposite gender.
in the end you need to do what works for you.
take the time just to be happy with who you are. some of what you posted today speaks of ongoing depression. if that's the case, seek professional help to help you move forward.
take care of yourself and be happy with yourself. only then, wil you be able to be anything to anyone else. wish you all the best.

professional what kind of professionals ???

last day i asked a ques was about my best frd now when she is engaged she cant talk n i am like , i cant tell whats going inside

totally depressed

dreamerana's photo
Fri 08/15/14 01:22 PM

Take some time to establish a focus for your life. based on several topics you've posted yesterday and today, you strike me as a young person looking for direction in life.
there are some things in life that just have to be accepted. like you posted about being in love with someone who is promised to another in arranged marriage. you've asked about being friends with the opposite gender.
in the end you need to do what works for you.
take the time just to be happy with who you are. some of what you posted today speaks of ongoing depression. if that's the case, seek professional help to help you move forward.
take care of yourself and be happy with yourself. only then, wil you be able to be anything to anyone else. wish you all the best.

professional what kind of professionals ???

last day i asked a ques was about my best frd now when she is engaged she cant talk n i am like , i cant tell whats going inside

totally depressed

professional help meaning someone from the medical profession, doctor, psychologist, etc who could diagnoseddepression and prescribe something if you need it.
other sources are counselors, minister, leader of your church or temple or anyone else who could offer you counseling and emotional support.

456tessa's photo
Fri 08/15/14 01:27 PM
If it will make you feel better: some of us needed even more than 5 years to get over the ex....surprised

I think @panchovanilla and @dreamerana gave you some really good advice....

I would only suggest you not to so much identify yourself with the feelings you get (whether that be love, hatered, pain, sadness, loneliness, emotional hunger etc.), because they become overwhelming this ways. When they come, try not to judge them and identify with them. Feel them and watch them, cry them out if you need, but stay calm and don't try to do anything, and they will eventually change (into sth good and positive like wisdom and strength) or even disappeare....

sidpandey1121's photo
Fri 08/15/14 01:28 PM

Take some time to establish a focus for your life. based on several topics you've posted yesterday and today, you strike me as a young person looking for direction in life.
there are some things in life that just have to be accepted. like you posted about being in love with someone who is promised to another in arranged marriage. you've asked about being friends with the opposite gender.
in the end you need to do what works for you.
take the time just to be happy with who you are. some of what you posted today speaks of ongoing depression. if that's the case, seek professional help to help you move forward.
take care of yourself and be happy with yourself. only then, wil you be able to be anything to anyone else. wish you all the best.

professional what kind of professionals ???

last day i asked a ques was about my best frd now when she is engaged she cant talk n i am like , i cant tell whats going inside

totally depressed

professional help meaning someone from the medical profession, doctor, psychologist, etc who could diagnoseddepression and prescribe something if you need it.
other sources are counselors, minister, leader of your church or temple or anyone else who could offer you counseling and emotional support.

i tried but here in India , the condition is just opposite

Dr. Has prescribed me to went on a tour outside somewhere for ard 4-5 months
but i cant i have to handle my business and my working also
i do have responsibility of my family , my mom , my dad (Ex-serviceman) my sister

sidpandey1121's photo
Fri 08/15/14 01:33 PM

If it will make you feel better: some of us needed even more than 5 years to get over the ex....surprised

I think @panchovanilla and @dreamerana gave you some really good advice....

I would only suggest you not to so much identify yourself with the feelings you get (whether that be love, hatered, pain, sadness, loneliness, emotional hunger etc.), because they become overwhelming this ways. When they come, try not to judge them and identify with them. Feel them and watch them, cry them out if you need, but stay calm and don't try to do anything, and they will eventually change (into sth good and positive like wisdom and strength) or even disappeare....

crying is a best option , but dont know why i am not able to cry means i cant cry means i tried i wen to roof to a place alone , at temple and many places but tears didn't came out

these feelings come out in me whenever i sit ideal i try to work for more than 48 hrs a day and when m tried like just getting on bet i went to sleep then only i sleep , else i even cant sleep

i stay away from my home just to hide all my situation from my family i cant see them in prb

what makes me feel relax , i am here just talking , talking to anyone makes me feel comfortable

sidpandey1121's photo
Fri 08/15/14 01:36 PM

If it will make you feel better: some of us needed even more than 5 years to get over the ex....surprised

I think @panchovanilla and @dreamerana gave you some really good advice....

I would only suggest you not to so much identify yourself with the feelings you get (whether that be love, hatered, pain, sadness, loneliness, emotional hunger etc.), because they become overwhelming this ways. When they come, try not to judge them and identify with them. Feel them and watch them, cry them out if you need, but stay calm and don't try to do anything, and they will eventually change (into sth good and positive like wisdom and strength) or even disappeare....

it was my first love after she went it was like i need some1 24x7 to care for me like a child , some1 to whom i cud share but , when i tried people made fun of me saying " hahaha , you just a stupid , still thinking of a girl wen 5 years ago " so i just

bashajones's photo
Fri 08/15/14 01:55 PM


crying is a best option , but dont know why i am not able to cry means i cant cry means i tried i wen to roof to a place alone , at temple and many places but tears didn't came out

these feelings come out in me whenever i sit ideal i try to work for more than 48 hrs a day and when m tried like just getting on bet i went to sleep then only i sleep , else i even cant sleep

i stay away from my home just to hide all my situation from my family i cant see them in prb

what makes me feel relax , i am here just talking , talking to anyone makes me feel comfortable

Sounds like you could really use a therapist. Glad this forum helps you, and hopefully you can find some people in your real life to talk to. Being alone probably isn't good for your right now....Good luck