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Topic: Russia Is Actually Abandoning The Dollar
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Sun 06/29/14 02:43 PM

Ha. Nice!

So Putin thinks avoiding the dollar will hurt the USA, when it'll likely just help us. We don't really export to Russia, and then pulling out of the dollar will just cheapen the dollar which reduces our inflation and makes US manufacturing cheaper.

We win.

Do you have any clue about the statement you have just made? Seems to have about as much validity as supporting Odumbo, a trait of the moral relativist of this country, confused about reality.

Also are you aware we are an import, not an export country. We gave all our manufacturing capacity to Mexico, South Korea, Japan, China, India and anybody else that wanted it.

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Sun 06/29/14 03:04 PM

Michael T. Snyder is a fundamentalist Christian crank who has started numerous blogs as a testament to his raging insane belief that the world is about to end. He started with The Economic Collapse Blog in 2007, with constant articles stating how the world is going to hell every single day since the meltdown started in 2007. It seems as though Snyder blames the government for every ill in the world, because without it everything would be great.

Like most doom-sayers, it doesn't seem to faze Snyder one bit that every one of his past predictions of economic collapse were dead wrong. This horrendous track record would cause most people to reevaluate their beliefs in the effort to one day be right. Yet, he simply refuses to even address or acknowledge that he has been wrong thousands of times, especially if you count each numbered item of his massive lists. He seems to have explosive diarrhea of the mind that no amount of logic can slow or stop.

Michael T. Snyder states on his contact page that he is an undergraduate in Commerce from the University of Virginia, and possesses a law degree with an LLM (legal emphasis, not stated) from the University of Florida law school. He has supposedly worked in "numerous Washington DC law firms," but quit to live outside of Seattle and rage at the world through the internet. Or as Snyder puts it, "Now I mostly focus on trying to make a difference in the world."

He also states very clearly, "I am a Christian, but I believe that most of the churches in America have gotten way off track." Snyder has recently posted a statement of faith[1] in which he states that he believes that the Bible is literally true and that Jesus is coming down in person soon to start the end times to punish all the non-believers.[2] After which Jesus will start his thousand year reign over Earth.

Otherwise Snyder is very tight lipped about himself, which makes it hard to find out what drove him mad.


(That Financial Guru)

I think we ought to take that Guy's Predictions with a large Dose of Sodium Chloride!

And your point is? Do you have an argument with the actual statement or just wanting to shoot the messenger because they didn't quote Ayn Rand?

As to the article, it quotes TASS, Financial Times and Zero Hedge and is very factual. Russia is getting out of the dollar, along with China, Brazil, Venezuela, South Africa, Iran, Syria, and even Saudi Arabia.

And if you would care to check with most of the world's best trend forecasters, they agree totally with this supposed "nut". The only thing keeping this collapse from happening are the mechanizations of the FED and their ridiculous low interest rates, not to mention that most generous help from Belgium.

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Sun 06/29/14 03:07 PM

Wasn't this the admitted real reason for Bush II's war in Iraq? Sadam was going with the Euro and wanted OPEC to do it as well?

YEP, that pretty much wraps it up. Same with Libya, Syria and Iran, all trading in anything but dollars.

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Sun 06/29/14 03:10 PM

Wasn't this the admitted real reason for Bush II's war in Iraq? Sadam was going with the Euro and wanted OPEC to do it as well?

Probably not, but if it works for you go with it.whoa

Sorry, but it was. The US will tolerate no one not buying oil in dollars.

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