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Topic: EWWWW Gross
CATBW56's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:14 PM
I was on a mission so to speak when I got home from work involved a hundred or so flies (trapped between the screen and the window pane of my bedroom window) not to mention the 20 or so flies darting around in the bedroom.

This all started last night...I noticed a few flying around in the bedroom, grabbed the swatter and started smashing them where ever they landed. I left for a bit (went out for dinner) but I left my computer on and when I came back the few flies tripled and they were stuck like glue to my computer screen. Again, I went to swatting.

Well, this morning I get up, flip on the light switch and I'll be damned if there weren't a dozen up on the ceiling. GEEEESHHHH!!!!! What the hell is up with all these damn flies!!!! There is nothing dead in my room, there is the cat box and cat food but I keep the cat box religiously clean.

Anyway, I get home from work today and raised the window blind and I swear to God there were a hundred or more flies all buzzing around between the screen and the closed window. So how were they getting in....I still have no clue, but it was driving me nuts so I just went out there about 20 minutes ago with a can of Deep Wood Off and ya know what.....there are no more flies. They are all dead on the outside of the window.

I just find it very weird that all those flies were attracted to this one window and still wondering where they were coming from since the window is air tight sealed shut? Strange!!!!

But for now my mission has been accomplished, with the exception of a few stragglers that I find only to swat the hell out of them. ARGH!!!!!!

bookworm's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:28 PM
Welcome to fall, Cat. This happens in the Midwest all the time; I'm surprised you never noticed before. It's getting cold at night, and they're looking for a way to get in where it's not so chilly.

As for where they came from... what's near your house? Whatever it is, that's what attracts them. Your place is just a nice spot nearby to spend the winter.

no photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:28 PM
there's gotta be somethin attracting them.
2 yrs in a row I had problems with huge flies in my apartment (ugly big red freaky eye flies) with a little research (gotta love the internet!) and a friend analizing them ,I found out that they are called blow fies attracted to decay or carcases... nuff said there....yuc! Upon examination of the house... a dead bird in a gutter.Once removed problem gone.

hotandspicey's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:31 PM
Ewww, did you hear about that guy back east that a doctor removed Live fly larvae from the back of his head? JeezI itch just thinking about it!

bookworm's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:31 PM
Now THAT is GROSS!!!!!

no photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:33 PM
yucccccc...what about the kid who had spiders living in his ear? that is just so wrongggg

hotandspicey's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:33 PM
It was!! and there was a video on AOL about it and he had the larvae in a little bottle of formulin...

bookworm's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:34 PM
OH, GOD!!!! He KEPT IT??????

Man, I'm off my feed just thinking about it.

hotandspicey's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:38 PM
Yes, it just gave me the creeps, and I was thinking, how did they get there? and the situation with all the flies in the bed room sounds like a likely scenario....although at the time I thought he must have passed out in a garbage can or something!!

CATBW56's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:40 PM
Oh God that is gross!!!!!

I'm a Midwest girl born and raised bookworm, so I know about the flies when it gets chilly outside they look for a warmer place to stay. I just find it very odd they choose this one particular window to hang out at.

It's not my house to be doing any major over hauling, all I can do is investigate, then report it to the people that own the house. I honestly didn't think I would have any luck with the Deep Woods Off but it killed them.

bookworm's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:45 PM
Hairspray will, too. And it does a good job on all sorts of creepy-crawlies. It freezes their wings and legs and you can scoop them up with a flyswatter.

Does a magnificent job with bees and wasps, BTW.

hotandspicey's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:46 PM
My cats catch any unlucky flies that sneak into our place LOL!

CATBW56's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:47 PM
Hairspray works good on roaches too....I found that out when I lived in Texas for 5 yearslaugh laugh

CATBW56's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:47 PM
Hairspray works good on roaches too....I found that out when I lived in Texas for 5 yearslaugh laugh

CATBW56's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:48 PM
sorry didn't mean for that to post twice:angry:

hotandspicey's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:49 PM
i never trie hair spray on anything but pen ink on clothes...very interesting hehe!

bookworm's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:50 PM
Ooohhhh, yeah! Cheap hairspray on pen marks!!! I've saved many a shirt with 49-cent cans of White Rain! LOL

hotandspicey's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:52 PM
Oh yeah! it's strange but true...oops I'm changing the subject...sorryblushing

no photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:52 PM
yeah and perfume or any kind of scented body or bath sprays work also

<<<<seen 8 legged freaks lol

bookworm's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:53 PM
that is the ONLY - and I mean ONLY thing I miss about marriage... someone to kill spiders for me.

Coz everybody KNOWS that if you step on one, it will come through your shoe and if you try to squoosh it with a kleenex, it will come through in your hand.


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