Topic: Should I test? | |
Its not like we were trying or anything, but I'm 11 days w/o A.F. visiting. I am not having any symptoms besides being a little more tired than normal. I have been reading EVERY article on the web about how they vary. Some women have all of the top 25 symptoms from day one, some have none at all but a big belly full of baby. Opinions please?
anyone? ... I think I just saw a tumble weed blow by my post...
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With my first i waited tell i was 14 days late and i wasnt even done peeing on the stick when the plus and minuse showed up... it was about 18 days past my "visit" and then i started to get sick.... but with my daughter i wasnt even late and i was getting sick... i new from 10 days after conseption that i was pregnant.. i had a "visit" that month but 10 days later i new something was off.... SO YES.. get tested.. i knew a girl who had no signs tell she went in for her 3 month check up at the obgyn for her pap when she found out... she had light "visits" tell about 5 months.. so i hope that if positive this is a good thing? good luck and tell me what happens.... the dollar tree ones work just as well...
oh wow, thanks for that. I don't know if we have a dollar tree or not... hmmmm. Still rather new to the area. I would be THRILLED if I am. He would be too, he's freaked out by the whole idea though.... his last serious g/f miscarried 4 times so he's a little leery. I know that what ever happens its all gonna be fine. I have noticed that my vision keeps getting hazy every once in a while here lately... just in the last few weeks... could that be a symptom?
COULD be a symptom........dizziness......go buy the test!!!
Ya know, I do feel a bit dizzy when it happens... lol, thanks Gyps. I think I'm lookin so hard for symptoms that I'm over looking them. I am tryin to wait at least until I'm 14 days past missed period. I want the thing to be very clear when it answers my
listen to gypsy... i got some really good advice from her about my son and my pregnancy....see the reason i new i was pregnant the second time was for the fact that 10 months ago i had my son.. now i'm 6 months pregnant and having a girl... i didnt have time to forget the of the time miscarrage is due to the womans body.. so if your healthy and the dr during your obgyn visits give you a clean bill of health all should be good....
so yeah take a brake go get a test even the cheap ones at safeway work..... and let us know what it says... but i think i could safly say.... if your 11 days late your not going to have one.... |
I am mainly waiting for him to come back from his family reunion. He should be back by wednesday. If not, I'll go get one anyway and phone him in the
good luck Jayme, I have been reading how much you would like a child. I have four and would not give any of them up, they are all a blessing but it is not all joy. I always said when they were little for 5 minutes of pleasure you get a lifetime of pain.....
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HAHA, thanks for the heads up. I would like 4 kids, but I'll take it one at a time and see how I manage. I really hope I am!!
YA the ones at the dollar tree or the dollar store work really well if not better cuz the results come right away. lol hats how i found out i was prego with my son and with the twins. Dont think too much about your symptoms thouhg ir should i say dont be paranoid ur head can trick you into feeling things that arent there. But it doesnt hurt to get a test!! thats the only way you will truly know
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If you are in the least bit concerned about it, then yes, do test! It is better to relieve your anxiety than stress and worry. Stress can delay periods too, so if you're not you may just make your wait longer!
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I've not been under any more stress than usual. Even under emmese stress I usually keep a cool head and it hasn't ever effected my periods before. I'm not used to good things like the possibility of a baby... I am pretty sure those things don't happen for me. Every day I wake up I expect that I'll start while I'm sleeping but as of yet nothing. Here's a new development, I'm such a night owl. I passed out at 11pm... after not waking up till noon. For me.. thats super early. Now here it is 7am and I've been up since like 6:20. I woke up b/c I felt queezy and haven't tried to go back to sleep b/c I'm afraid I'll throw up if I lay
the last pregnancy I had, my vision did affect me, it was almost like a hazy feeling, dizzy, but again go out and buy the test...and then think long and hard at what you want to do!
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Oh, If I am I'm certainly keeping it. No issues there. I want to be a mother too badly not to. My biggest 'best for the baby' issue will be whether or not to keep the daddy around in a relationship setting. Thats starting to look more and more like a no. I would rather us be together, but I'd happily be a single mother if it meant keeping a stable environment for my child.
Here it is day 13 without a single spot of anything resembling blood.... soooooo in the next day or two I will be getting a test. I will certainly keep you all posted. I'm really not trying to get my hopes up, but I would give literally absolutely anything to be a mother.
well with the twines pregnancy she had her last period in mid november, we concieved in early december we figured, but didn't realize we were pregnant till mid January. She was getting some sickness and hunches in early January. Sometimes it takes awhile to know and sometimes a woman will miss a period or have an off cycle for no reason.
just give it time and you'll be ok. |
The obvious reasons for symptoms would be pregnancy but dizzyness, fatigue, sleep disturbance and the general appearance of your photo, would nudge me to suggest your going to the doctor even if you get a "visit"for a physical and a blood work up. Make sure you do not have early onset diabetes, endocrin problems, or kidney problems. You are young and sounds like in a highly stressed situation. Be Good to Yourself. Stay safe. Best Wishes.