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Topic: What was your first thought this morning? - part 2
dreamerana's photo
Sat 11/15/14 08:46 AM

Feeding mums cat as my mum is in Hospital ( Been a week so far )

((((((( stuee)))))))
hope your mom gets better soon :thumbsup:

no1phD's photo
Sat 11/15/14 09:44 AM
if I would have held my cards..a little closer to my chest..lastnight..she would be doing me.. instead of me doing me...lol..jk... so tired of me doing me..:angel:

justme659's photo
Sat 11/15/14 10:57 AM
It's five o'clock in the morning Moose, take your crinkle ball somewhere else.

mysticalview21's photo
Sat 11/15/14 02:05 PM
its cold and is that snow or frost out there... heading to the bath rm ...

no photo
Sun 11/16/14 08:31 AM
Sunday Morning, a day to count my blessings.

Jinshim_GW's photo
Sun 11/16/14 10:26 AM
Vacation is over...frown

no photo
Sun 11/16/14 10:28 AM
did we really talk that long....blushing :heart:

no photo
Sun 11/16/14 10:51 AM
It happens when the conversation is electric,think and feeling that buzz....it's fantabulous! biggrin

Angeltripping17's photo
Sun 11/16/14 10:52 AM
What it always is...mmmmm coffeelove

no1phD's photo
Sun 11/16/14 11:36 AM
what the H. E..double hockey sticks..
was that dream I had! about,. last night.. was there any meaning in it..
.. why would my brain even make such a dream.... weasels talking to beavers ..just doesn't make any sense...slaphead

no photo
Sun 11/16/14 11:49 AM
Tired of waking multiple times during the night because of a neighbor's lack of common decency...rant

no photo
Sun 11/16/14 06:24 PM
My first thought: "I'm still dreaming."
So far I have not found any reason to dispute that.

dreamerana's photo
Sun 11/16/14 06:58 PM
cake mix- got it
frosting- got it
oh chit. forgot cupcake wrappers. slaphead

Jarsno's photo
Sun 11/16/14 11:05 PM

night cap

graywolf55's photo
Mon 11/17/14 02:02 AM
frustrated Monday Right? Coffee Please! Lets see Morning all Minglers!!flowerforyou

cha7385's photo
Mon 11/17/14 01:12 PM
Can't believe the first thing that crossed my mind is work. Its haunting me.. I want to go bak to sleepasleep

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 11/17/14 01:15 PM
That I had to get up very early today.

no photo
Mon 11/17/14 01:24 PM
An hour walk in the rain with Dad or stay inside watching MSNBC... WALK!

stan_147's photo
Mon 11/17/14 02:24 PM
I was thinking.

no photo
Mon 11/17/14 02:41 PM
another late night.....but worth it..:heart: flowers

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