Topic: 2008 presidential election candidates
no photo
Wed 10/25/06 11:08 AM
it is still too early to get a hold on who will be nominated by their
party but who do you hope runs for the respective parties?

spay's photo
Wed 10/25/06 11:13 AM

no photo
Wed 10/25/06 11:18 AM
i wouldn't exclude anyone from the list because i would be interested in
hearing what the others had to say and more of what these people had to
say but i was thinkin: wesley clark(d),john kerry(d), rudy
guiliani(r),john mccain(r). i don't vote by party but social issues and
economics are the most important to me followed by keeping and upholding
the freedoms of this country. i guess if i had to be labeled i would be
a conservative democrat.

no photo
Wed 10/25/06 11:19 AM
and i hope yo mama runs her campaign.

spay's photo
Wed 10/25/06 11:26 AM

no photo
Wed 10/25/06 12:41 PM
Ive heard John Kerry is supposed to run. Also rumors of Condoleeza Rice,
Hilary Clinton, and I cant remember the other guy. Something to do with
military. All I know is we need a big change from the Bush
Administration. This guy is plum retarded. Needs to just stay on his
ranch and buy back part of the Texas Rangers.

no photo
Wed 10/25/06 01:01 PM
i think the military guy you are talking about is wesley clark. i would
be interested in hearing rices' ideas and platform just to see whether
it is different or how different it is from bush. i don't think she'd be
a bad president but i'd have to find out more.

no photo
Wed 10/25/06 01:23 PM
Prob right. Clark sounds right. Anwyays, yeah, she'd be good just cuz
she's a hard ass. She knows how to do real math too, not any fuzzy
stuff. I just dont know if she'll be enough different than Bush to get
my vote. My main concern is the US economy. Everything else goes hand in
hand. (Its cool to be able to have real, intelligent conversations and

Ontario's photo
Wed 10/25/06 03:09 PM
All those Guys should be pouring at Starbucks... think of somemore, and
Breezy... there are no conservative democrates.

no photo
Wed 10/25/06 04:34 PM
you wanna bet. you may not understand the concept ontario but it does
not mean that it doesn't exist. instead of us coming up with some more
to fit your liking why don't you offer some ideas.

no photo
Thu 10/26/06 09:40 AM
Hell, Wouldnt be surprised if the other Bush, the Gov of Florida didnt
try to run. Keep it in the family. If that were to happen, Id move the
hell out of the US. Dont think we can handle 4 or 8 more years of the
Bush's. His daughters, I might could handle them for a lil while. Back
to politics, I hope everyone votes and that the election doesnt get
fudged up like that last 2. In the future, I believe we will have a
woman pres and a black pres. Dont know when or which first, but I do
know if its a woman, shes gonna have to be on top of shit. The U.S.
people would never live it down if a woman came in and screwed things up
worse (not saying that would happen!) I dont really see the big deal
about a black president. We are all here in the same country, working
together, or atleast we should be. Maybe one of us should run haha!

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/26/06 02:07 PM
Because...I don,t get ahead of the game...!

pbjgourmet's photo
Sat 11/04/06 11:51 PM
Condeleeza would take care of the women vote, the black vote and the
Republican vote. Hell, she'd have the vote of the whole damn country!

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 11/05/06 12:16 AM
How about the Terminator " I'll be back" ( Use an Austrian Accent)

Marie55's photo
Sun 11/05/06 01:28 AM
There is a movie that I would like to see applied to the Bush family -
it was called "The Supt" or something like that with Joe Pesci. Anyway,
he was a slumlord and wouldn't fix his buildings, and the judge ordered
him to live in the rundown building with the rats and all the
disgruntled tenants. Was a good movie actually.

Anyway, so we take the Bush daughters into the military and put them in
Irag - wonder how long before the war would be over? And put Laura in
McDonald's flipping burgers or some other real live minimum wage job
like nurse's aide in a nursing home - and then the Pres., put him in a
dilapidated house with Laura and freeze all his money and let them try
to survive on Social Security - or what our seniors now do (my dad makes
$850 a month- I pay the rest), and Medicare Part D - that stiffed most
of the seniors out there for their meds. Let them taste the real world,
not with maids, cooks, chauffers, etc., let him see what it is really
like to scrounge to make the bills, keep the car running. Let him buy
his clothes at Goodwill and go to the food bank to get outdated food for
dinner, see how they like the way the "real world" lives.

Anyway, that would be my fantasy to show our Pres. what he has done to
our country. He is from a state full of oil barons and look at the
price of oil and gas.

My hope is that whoever gets into office next has the intelligence and
support from congress to turn this mess around. I personally don't care
who it is, as long as they can do the job.

Guess it is late and I need to go to bed. Hope you don't mind me
sharing my fantasy. Take care.

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Sun 11/05/06 09:10 AM
the super was the name of the movie