Topic: Tanzys Fun House
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Mon 06/16/14 03:00 PM
<<<<Not part of the gang.scared

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Mon 06/16/14 04:37 PM

<<<<Not part of the gang.scared

Yes you are scoober ....

machug's photo
Mon 06/16/14 04:43 PM

Shane if you need help with the buttons just hola

wait...we want to see if he can do it himself first. We all wonder.


no photo
Mon 06/16/14 05:55 PM

<<<<Not part of the gang.scared

Yes you are scoober ....

I was until Fred n Daphne hooked up n parted ways with the gang. Velma, left and went to M.I.T. where she was working on the formula of space time continuum, haven't heard from her since. Shaggy got involved with a chick that has dog allergies, so he let me loose, and I've been alone since. Kinda miss Shaggy.frown

smartwithsparks's photo
Mon 06/16/14 06:15 PM

The scoobs I Know...???

Anyhow Hiwaving

no photo
Mon 06/16/14 06:18 PM
Probably not as I've never been a part of DateHookup.


Anyways, Hi!waving

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 06/16/14 06:21 PM

I was until Fred n Daphne hooked up n parted ways with the gang. Velma, left and went to M.I.T. where she was working on the formula of space time continuum, haven't heard from her since. Shaggy got involved with a chick that has dog allergies, so he let me loose, and I've been alone since. Kinda miss Shaggy.frown

The Scooby-Doo that I know has a girlfriend.

no photo
Mon 06/16/14 06:28 PM

I was until Fred n Daphne hooked up n parted ways with the gang. Velma, left and went to M.I.T. where she was working on the formula of space time continuum, haven't heard from her since. Shaggy got involved with a chick that has dog allergies, so he let me loose, and I've been alone since. Kinda miss Shaggy.frown

The Scooby-Doo that I know has a girlfriend.

until that episode or new movie was done, then went back to none. Thanks for your input.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 06/16/14 06:31 PM
Here is an image for our Scoobert.

Image found @

smartwithsparks's photo
Mon 06/16/14 06:33 PM

Probably not as I've never been a part of DateHookup.


Anyways, Hi!waving


Nice Outfit

waving Hi To You

no photo
Mon 06/16/14 06:41 PM
Work sucked ....I need to win the lotto...

mikey5360's photo
Tue 06/17/14 01:36 AM
Edited by mikey5360 on Tue 06/17/14 01:35 AM
I won lotto last week.........18th divisionfrustrated frustrated

DumbestUsernameEvr's photo
Tue 06/17/14 01:55 AM

<<<<Not part of the gang.scared

Me either. DGD blows.


mikeyspace4691's photo
Tue 06/17/14 02:17 AM
Scooby is Mikeys hero..

no photo
Tue 06/17/14 02:23 AM

Scooby is Mikeys hero..

no photo
Tue 06/17/14 02:24 AM

<<<<Not part of the gang.scared

Me either. DGD blows.


no photo
Tue 06/17/14 08:15 AM
I'm not lotto winner because I don't even know how to play.....tears

no photo
Tue 06/17/14 07:03 PM
One more day and I'm off...damn I'm a slave to my job.....frustrated

jester0012009's photo
Tue 06/17/14 07:07 PM
tanz it want let me write to u.u must have some critera i dont fall undersad

no photo
Tue 06/17/14 07:59 PM
Lol I blocked everyone on my search bad....I will open the flood gates.....drool