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Topic: Resigned to the fact
TawtStrat's photo
Wed 05/21/14 05:20 AM

This coming from the same guy who is usually telling us he has no problem picking up women in other social places. lol. I couldn't tell you'd been brought up in a conservative environment. I was aswell. I tend to play it down. I just try to be nice to everyone, and that's that. I still think no-one should have to change to please others.

I don't think that I've ever claimed that I have no problems picking up women. What I have said is that I'm talkative and like to flirt with them but I do better with outgoing bubbly types and not so much the quiet reserved ones. You don't really get awkward silences with me but that's because I will just talk to fill that silence and quite often people find me to be too intense, overpowering or outspoken.

When I say that I come from a conservetive family I mean that my mum is old fashioned and Christian and my dad is just very conservetive and set in his ways. I suppose that I rebeled against him and his narrow minded Victorian values. My sister's husband is a posh Englishman though and he actually asked him for her hand in marriage. He doesn't half roll out the red carpet for them but he hasn't been so nice about me getting involved in casual relationships with women. When we were kids he used to change the TV channel and say that a film wasn't "suitable" if there was any sort of passionate love scene. Well, apart from if it was a James Bond film or some old nineteen canteen film that is.

jacktrades's photo
Wed 05/21/14 05:48 AM

I'm pretty much resigned to the fact now that I'm never going to get a relationship to work and I don't want to be bitter about it. Better to have loved and lost and all of that jazz. In a way it's quite liberating. I'm a single guy after all and it seems to me that if I just stop expecting more from women than they are prepared to give me I can just make the most of it and enjoy it for what it is while it lasts. If I had just done that in the past things might have worked out better I think and I could still have had a woman in my life, albeit just on a no-strings basis.

I understand where your at my friend because I am in the same place. I think its best not to try or think to hard about it because it clouds the mind and judgement. Your a good man Twat and I am sure your true love is just around the corner for you, have a cold beer on me!

TawtStrat's photo
Wed 05/21/14 06:17 AM
Thanks mate. I'm laying off the beer at the moment though. Well, until tomorrow anyway because I'm going out for a pub lunch with the family. I do like to go out but not so much on my own these days and that's something that I feel that I need to do something about. Most of the friends that I've had over the last few years have mostly just been into visiting me at my home and that's alright but it doesn't really get me meeting new people like I did when I was going out to pubs all the time and hanging around with the younger crowd in my twenties.

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