Topic: Called To Sanctify
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Fri 04/25/14 12:19 AM
Rhapsody Of
Realities Daily Devotional
Called To Sanctify .
Friday, April 25th .
Pastor Chris
But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who
of God is made unto us wisdom, and
righteousness, and sanctification, and
redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30).
What a profound scripture. It says,
besides wisdom, righteousness, and
redemption (riddance), Christ is also
made sanctification to us. The word
“sanctification” refers to the act or
process of making holy or setting apart
unto God for His eternal purpose. It’s
translated from the Greek word
“hagiasmos,” which means, “a purifier.”
So, the sanctifier has come to live in
you. Christ is not there trying to
sanctify you; no! He has sanctified you,
and continues to sanctify everything
you do. He’s your separator; He has
separated you from the rest of the
world, from sin and evil, unto the
glorious liberty of the sons of God.
Yesterday, we learnt about activating
wisdom by speaking wisdom; in the
same way, you’re also required to
speak your sanctification, that is, words
that cleanse. That’s why the Apostle
Paul said, “For every creature of God is
good, and nothing to be refused, if it
be received with thanksgiving: For it is
sanctified by the word of God and
prayer” (1 Timothy 4:4-5). You can
purify or sanctify anything that belongs
to you with the Word of God and
The Lord Jesus said in John 15:3, “Now
ye are clean through the word which I
have spoken unto you.” Christ has
gone to heaven, and we’re the ones
bearing those wonderful cleansing
Words to our world today. As we
speak, people are purified; they’re
cleansed, and moved from one level of
glory to another! 1 Corinthians 2:13
says, “Which things also we speak….”
We’ve got to keep speaking words of
blessings, to cleanse and sanctify our
environment and our world.
You’ve been called to an extraordinary
life of beauty, of glory, and of a
supernatural walk with God, because
Christ—the sanctifier—is in you! He’s
one with your spirit now (1 Corinthians
6:17); and through you, He’s carrying
out His ministry of sanctifying all things
to Himself.
Dear heavenly Father, I rejoice today
in Christ, who is my sanctifier! I thank
you for sending Jesus to bear my sins,
present me holy and unblameable
before you, and make my life beautiful!
Thank you for making me the very
epitome of your grace, and the
testimony of your love and goodness,
in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Further Study: Colossians 1:27 To
whom God would make known what is
the riches of the glory of this mystery
among the Gentiles; which is Christ in
you, the hope of glory: ;
1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God
of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray
God your whole spirit and soul and
body be preserved blameless unto the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Daily Scripture Reading
1 Year Bible Reading Plan: Luke
1 Samuel 23-25
2 Year Bible Reading Plan: Romans
Psalm 131-132
Source: http://