Topic: force a crush
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Sat 04/05/14 07:12 AM
Have you ever bugged somebody or have anybody bugged you so much that you actually start liking them when they're not your type at all? Tell me your story or if you done it to somebody that didn't find you attractive.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 04/05/14 07:31 AM
If I did it never worked...But then again I'm likely only to really try to get with a girl if she has her own stoop, then it could be difficult to get rid of me, and my stoop fascination could drive a woman mad I'm sure....Bonus points if she cooks.

I love stoops.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 04/05/14 07:36 AM

stoops are good.

Ace...Stoops are ace.

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Sat 04/05/14 08:02 AM

yes. there was a gentleman who really annoyed me with emails and said lewd things regularly. He would also have really interesting conversation with me so I kept chatting.

He wanted to meet me and I said I didnt think either of us would enjoy that since he had lots of lewd things to say and Im not into 'trashy'.

He bugged me all the time about meeting so I agreed to a date, just to shut him up really. Didnt think it would go anywhere.

Turned out he was into pot, and got lewd when he was stoned. He quit the weed, and I dated him for a while.

really great guy. Im glad I met him.

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Sat 04/05/14 08:03 AM
That's an awesome story. I have never dated any of my forced crushes but its weird how you look at someone different after they just won't give up on you. Seem like you see things you never thought you would see in that person