Topic: Congress doesn't work for us! You're kidding....RIGHT? | |
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Sun 03/30/14 05:40 AM
How much more proof is needed? It ought to be obvious by now the 2 party system feels no obligation to the people, choosing to serve corporate interests and their own financial gain thru corruption. Spy on Americans? No problem! Where do we sign? A new massive tax? Obamacare you say? Sounds good! 6000 new IRS jobs? We need jobs! The banks and auto industry need more money because they don't know how to budget and they're spending too much on bonuses and bad investment? No problem! We'll just cut you a check! You need what property? How many thousand will be displaced? May contaminate the land and water table? No problem! We have imminent domain! Cut pensions and military benefits? Won't effect us or welfare, right? Sounds good! Detain indefinitely or kill American citizens without trial or due process? War machine needs more drones? National defense, right? Can't say no to that! GMO labeling? That will cost Monsanto a bundle! Can't have that! Causes cancer huh? Well, better we kill a few to feed more, even if it has no nutritional value! No problem, we can kill that bill! Corporations are people too? GREAT! That should help fund our re-elections! Now, with the American people bankrupt from supporting their welfare/warfare agendas, veterans and seniors homeless and starving, pensions and benefits being cut for seniors and veterans, cutting our military, destroying industry in America, once again propping up the insurance companies (remember mandatory auto insurance?) with another massive bailout..... So we've destroyed or outsourced jobs, put 45% of America on food stamps, destroyed healthcare and education, stolen American homes and money, ruined the economy..... BUT.....Let's send a BILLION to a country that was just taken over in another coup we facilitated, throwing out a duly elected government that didn't support central banking......... and blame it all on Putins Russia! OH! And we hope Michelle and the rest of her family enjoys their $6,000,000 vacation to China at our expense too! SOUNDS GOOD! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
A liberal source that thinks this is a GOP problem?
While the initial message is right on the money, the insane blame game is what has gotten us into this mess. |
Meanwhile, OBAMA DISAPPROVAL RATING @ RECORD HIGH - 59% "Overall disapproval of the job Obama is doing ticked up to 59 percent — a record high for his presidency — in the poll released Wednesday. That's still well below the 72 percent disapproval rate that former President George W. Bush recorded in the AP-GfK poll in October 2008. Still, Obama's 41 percent approval rating is a sobering number for fellow Democrats running in this fall's House and Senate elections."- source: ABC News.
Putin аpproval 82,3%. |
Republicans are the party of the rich, right? It's a label that has stuck for decades, and you're hearing it again as Democrats complain about GOP opposition to raising the minimum wage and extending unemployment benefits.
But in Congress, the wealthiest among us are more likely to be represented by a Democrat than a Republican. Of the 10 richest House districts, only two have Republican congressmen. Democrats claim the top six, sprinkled along the East and West coasts. Most are in overwhelmingly Democratic states like New York and California. The richest: New York's 12th Congressional District, which includes Manhattan's Upper East Side, as well as parts of Queens and Brooklyn. Democrat Carolyn Maloney is in her 11th term representing the district. Per capita income in Maloney's district is $75,479. That's more than $75,000 a year for every man, woman and child. The next highest income district, which runs along the southern California coast, comes in at $61,273. Democrat Henry Waxman is in his 20th term representing the Los Angeles-area district. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco district comes in at No. 8. Across the country, Democratic House districts have an average per capita income of $27,893. That's about $1,000 higher than the average income in Republican districts. The difference is relatively small because Democrats also represent a lot of poor districts, putting the average in the middle. Democrats say the"party of the rich"label is more about policies than constituents. During the 2012 presidential election, Republican nominee Mitt Romney declared,"We're not the party of the rich. We're the party of the people who want to get rich." The famously wealthy Romney also uttered a more famous quote about the 47 percent of Americans who pay no federal income tax. "My job is not to worry about those people,"Romney said in a secretly taped speech at a private fundraiser."I'll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." In the election, Romney carried only one income group: people making $100,000 or more, according to exit polls. But when it comes to Congress, the rich districts like their Democrats. The 10 richest House districts: ___ New York 12 Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Democrat Per capita income: $75,479 ___ California 33 Rep. Henry Waxman, Democrat Per capita income: $61,273 ___ New York 10 Rep. Jerry Nadler, Democrat Per capita income: $56,138 ___ California 18 Rep. Anna Eshoo, Democrat Per capita income: $ 54,182 ___ Connecticut 4 Rep. Jim Himes, Democrat Per capita income: $50,732 ___ Virginia 8 Rep. Jim Moran, Democrat Per capita income: $50,210 ___ New Jersey 7 Rep. Leonard Lance, Republican Per capita income: $48,556 ___ California 12 Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Per capita income: $48,523 ___ New York 3 Rep. Steve Israel, Democrat Per capita income: $47,991 ___ Virginia 10 Rep. Frank Wolf, Republican Per capita income: $47,281 ___ Source: Census Bureau. |
Meanwhile, OBAMA DISAPPROVAL RATING @ RECORD HIGH - 59% "Overall disapproval of the job Obama is doing ticked up to 59 percent — a record high for his presidency — in the poll released Wednesday. That's still well below the 72 percent disapproval rate that former President George W. Bush recorded in the AP-GfK poll in October 2008. Still, Obama's 41 percent approval rating is a sobering number for fellow Democrats running in this fall's House and Senate elections."- source: ABC News. Putin аpproval 82,3%. And to imagine those idiots over at Walt Disney approved that story to be aired. Wonder if any of them had a straight face? Wonder what they will approve next, that Russia took Crimea by force, sorry that would be NBC Universal or Time Warner. |
Government can not be expected to be the solution to the problems it creates. At least locally, I'm working to build a people owned cooperative of manufacturers, first by sharing excess resources (machine time), and with that success, to build up to encourage others to also work to that end. There will be no solution that helps the average American other than working together for mutual success, for one simple reason. Governments and corporations have considerably more in common with each other than they do with the rest of America.
Government can not be expected to be the solution to the problems it creates. At least locally, I'm working to build a people owned cooperative of manufacturers, first by sharing excess resources (machine time), and with that success, to build up to encourage others to also work to that end. There will be no solution that helps the average American other than working together for mutual success, for one simple reason. Governments and corporations have considerably more in common with each other than they do with the rest of America. But how does that address the issue at hand? Are you saying you are working for yourselves with no business licenses? Have you denounced a corporate status and become men? If now then you are but a small thorn in the side of a huge beast. Some day in the future when irritated enough, that beast will pluck and discard that little thorn. |