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Sat 03/15/14 11:59 PM
Sunday special...breakfast...for every child of God. Enjoy!




We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak (2 Corinthians 4:13).

Romans 10:8 tells us that the word of salvation is near you, even in your mouth, and in your heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach. Verses 9-10, also place much emphasis on the heart, that is, the human spirit, because you believe with your spirit. Your spirit makes contact with God. That’s the reason believing is very important. Faith is not a response of the brain or of the mind; it’s the response of the human spirit to the Word of God.
Recall the encounter between the Lord Jesus and the man with the withered arm; Jesus called him forth while He was teaching in the synagogue and said, “… Stretch forth thy hand…”. (Matthew 12:13). How could he have done it when he had a withered arm? Read the concluding part of the verse: “…And he stretched it forth; and it was restored whole, like as the other.” How did that happen? That was faith. What is faith? Faith is the response of the human spirit to the Word of God. The man heard Jesus in his spirit and acted upon His infallible Word, from within!

Understand that if he had acted from his mind, he would have said, “Well, you know my hand is withered. I can’t do that.” But his spirit took a hold of the instruction and responded accordingly. We find a similar example in Mark 2:11. Here, Jesus said to a man who was lame, “…Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.” The man acted on the Word and got a miracle. There’s no way he could have gotten up if he didn’t respond from his spirit.

Understand this: the man’s spirit wasn’t crippled; it was his body that was afflicted with palsy. Thank God He didn’t argue, but acted from his spirit on the Master’s instruction. Mark 2:12 tells us that while the people watched, the man got up, picked up his mat, and hurried away. They were all completely amazed and praised God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this!"
I’ve seen people struggle with faith, trying to help somebody stand, stretch forth his hand, or to open his eyes when he couldn’t open them. What they didn’t realize was that they were working from the outside; that doesn’t work. The response from your spirit, not your mind, or physical body, is what produces result. Once you can believe the Word with your heart and voice it out with your mouth, it’ll produce result. That’s what Jesus said in Mark 11:23.
I look away from all distracting influences and act on God’s eternal and infallible Word. Irrespective of what I see, hear or feel, I’m convinced that I’m a victor and a success in Christ Jesus! I’m what God says I am; I have what He says I have, and I can do what He says I can do. Halleluiah.

Mark 11:22-23(CEV) Jesus told his disciples: Have faith in God!
23 If you have faith in God and don't doubt, you can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea, and it will.

1 Year Bible Reading Plan:
Luke 1:26-56,
Deuteronomy 5-7

2 Year Bible Reading Plan:
Acts 28:1-10,
Psalm 79-80