Topic: It’s Your Time and Money But…
Ploduwa03's photo
Mon 03/10/14 01:09 AM
Exodus 16:19 - And Moses said, Let no
man leave of it till the morning.
It’s another beautiful day, indeed, the
start of another beautiful week. Like He
did yesterday, God has deposited yet
another 24 hours into your ‘life account’
today. How do you intend to spend it?
Like manna in the wilderness, the 24
hours cannot be stored beyond each
particular day! You have to exhaustively
utilize them as you will be supplied with
yet another 24 hours tomorrow.
I have observed that money and time are
like chameleons – they take the colour of
their surroundings. Money without a
purpose is useless. Money and time in
the hands of a prodigal will produce an
unending life of squander. Money in the
hands of a believer is on a mission! Money
in the hands of a son of consolation will
lead to the propagation of the gospel.
Because God is a shrewd investor Who
searches the heart before investing His
resources, ministers only bread to the
eater but seed to the sower – (2
Corinthians 9:10 - Now he that
ministereth seed to the sower both
minister bread for your food, and multiply
your seed sown, and increase the fruits of
your righteousness;). Can you now
understand why it was not coincidental
that it was the foolish unproductive
servant that got one ‘talent’?
Ecclesiastes 11:6 - In the morning sow
thy seed, and in the evening withhold not
thine hand: for thou knowest not whether
shall prosper, either this or that, or
whether they both shall be alike good.
Be prudent in spending your time and
resources today as we will all give
accounts to the One that has graciously
supplied them to you.
May this day, indeed this week, turn out
to be the best ever in your life in Jesus
name. Amen! Remain blessed!