Topic: You Can Win Always
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Mon 03/03/14 11:44 PM
You Can Win Always – Tuesday, March
4th, 2014 – Pastor Chris
Now thanks be unto God, which always
causeth us to triumph in Christ, and
maketh manifest the savour of his
knowledge by us in every place. (2
Corinthians 2:14).
One Bible character that inspires me
greatly is King David; there's so much
about him in Scriptures that's so inspiring.
He was a very successful king, who never
lost a battle. The only time Israel ever
lost a battle in David's day was when he
didn't go. How could a man be so
successful? It shows us the kind of
mindset that he had. Think like that:
you're ordained of God to win always and
never lose.
There're people who are used to winning
and losing. They say, "Sometimes you
win, sometimes you lose; sometimes
you're healthy, and sometimes you're
sick." For them, life is full of ups and
downs, but that's not the way it should
be. You can, and should, always win.
That's the life of the man in Christ – a life
of glory, excellence, and constant
victories. Jesus was always a winner; He
was always victorious because of who He
was and what He knew. Success or failure
will depend on who you are and what you
God said, "My people are destroyed for
lack of knowledge..." (Hosea 4:6). Some
of God's people suffer because they lack
spiritual knowledge – true knowledge of
God's Word. However, 2 Peter 14:1 says,
"Grace and peace be multiplied unto you
through the knowledge of God, and of
Jesus our Lord." Notice he didn't say
grace and peace will be added, but that
they'll be multiplied through knowledge.
This is a special kind of knowledge; it's
not "ginosko" (the introductory
knowledge you receive when you accept
Christ as Lord of your life). This knowledge
is "epignosis"; it's specialized and
accurate knowledge. It is experiential
knowledge; knowledge that relates with
that which is known.
All the beautiful and wonderful blessings
and promises God has given you in His
Word won't do you any good if you don't
know about them and know what to do
with them. To win always in life, you
need the knowledge of God, and of Jesus
our Lord. Through this knowledge, you
multiply grace and peace in your life.
"Peace" here means "power over crisis."
Meaning that, in the midst of the storms
and troubles of life, you'll always win.
Glory to God!
I'm a winner, a success, and a victor at
every count. I walk in continual victory
because I know who I am. Everything I'm
involved in prospers because I have the
life of God in me and have overcome the
Further Study: Proverbs 11:9: An
hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his
neighbour: but through knowledge shall
the just be delivered.
2 Peter 1:3: According as his divine
power hath given unto us all things that
pertain unto life and godliness, through
the knowledge of him that hath called us
to glory and virtue:
1 Year Bible Reading Plan: Mark 10:32-52;
Numbers 14-15
2 Year Bible Reading Plan: Acts 24:1-9;
Psalm 56