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no photo
Sat 02/22/14 05:30 AM
I'm a huge Jane Seymour fan. I find her very inspiring. She wears many hats. Acting, writing, fashion, wife and mother. She also stands up for and supports children who have suffered abuse.

dannysy81's photo
Sat 02/22/14 05:34 AM
My family, my team, my friends...no one person but essentially everyone who's dear to me

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 01:21 PM
Denise Austen

Billy Blanks

dcastelmissy's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:56 PM

I'm a huge Jane Seymour fan. I find her very inspiring. She wears many hats. Acting, writing, fashion, wife and mother. She also stands up for and supports children who have suffered abuse.

As far as famous actresses, she's my favorite as well and very inspirational.

Of the Mingle2 community my inspirations, and if I were to pick only one of each sex, have been Leigh and Jacktrades because of their insight, kindness, caring, and compassion.

no1phD's photo
Sat 02/22/14 11:06 PM
that's okay I'll just go sit here in the corner.. all by my lonesome.. quietly suffering in the knowledge.. that I didn't make Missy's cut... no that's okay.. don't bother it's fine I'll be okay... oh look it's raining outside... this way nobody will be able to see my tears... I gotta go now I think I just saw a cat... woohoo..wooff

no photo
Sat 02/22/14 11:23 PM
My Father
I've never known him to have a day off work.

I spent a month doing voluntary work in an orphanage last year, emotional but very inspirational.

Suzi2's photo
Sun 02/23/14 01:10 AM
Nelson Mandela and Mahadma Gandhi...

Monopoly_show1's photo
Sun 02/23/14 09:42 PM
Call to someone that's wants this company to pick up with the puppy chow and since she put with.

clintb74's photo
Sun 02/23/14 09:47 PM
Richard Gere

no photo
Sun 02/23/14 09:47 PM

no photo
Sun 02/23/14 09:50 PM

Richard Gere

Ha ha...I loved him in Pretty Woman.love

Julia Roberts.

clintb74's photo
Sun 02/23/14 09:52 PM

Richard Gere

Ha ha...I loved him in Pretty Woman.love

Julia Roberts.

he goes to the gym and has a rolex. He is the american Gigolo!!

I think he is a buddhist and that is cool.

clintb74's photo
Sun 02/23/14 09:53 PM
People who try to take care of animals. Softest spot in my heart for them.

Monopoly_show1's photo
Sun 02/23/14 10:15 PM

People who try to take care of animals. Softest spot in my heart for them.

About 10 2011 campaign Twilight be better company shut up I be sick in bed with the Pacific I pop it into watching porn complete pants in Singapore.

larsson71's photo
Mon 02/24/14 01:44 PM
I go to the gym and have a Rolex. None of yer fake shite either. So start worshipping this Brit, NOW? Ha ha

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 02/24/14 01:52 PM

People who try to take care of animals. Softest spot in my heart for them.

About 10 2011 campaign Twilight be better company shut up I be sick in bed with the Pacific I pop it into watching porn complete pants in Singapore.


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